Utilidades comerciales de pago para MetaTrader 4 - 11

Советник риск-менеджер с огромным арсеналом возможностей защиты вашего депозита. Для инвесторов, которые решили передать капитал в доверительное управление. Когда у трейдера нет доступа к настройкам - нивелирует торговые риски. А также для трейдеров, которые осознали необходимость стороннего контроля за их торговлей для улучшения торговых результатов. Для максимальных результатов - должен стоять на отдельном VPS сервере и у трейдера не должно быть возможности менять настройки в торговый период.

SonicTradeCopier: (Best for scalping)
Easy Fast Reliable trade copier. Copy trades from one terminal to an other (internet copy feature coming soon.)
MT4 to MT4. MT4 to MT5. MT5 to MT5. MT5 to MT4. MT4/MT5 to any other platform copy possibility for custom made solutions. Reverse trading. Advance filters for traders.
(Setting up copying policies) Sender only has to setup signal name and start sending signals [ You must start signal sender first always ]. Receiver sets up signal

The expert advisor is a product for traders that help draw line or ray in prices to determine the position for buy or sell. This product will help the user instantly place horizontal line or ray using a hotkey drawing in each timeframe and by color. Also, the settings of product can be adjusted like the thickness of the line and the color of choice for each timeframe so that the user can recognize the line imediately. Another feature of the product, it can draw a line with added text "BUY" or "

Утилита помогает открыть сделку со стоп-лоссом не больше той суммы, которую вы указали, или же вообще отказаться от сделки. То есть, она определяет количество лотов, на которые нужно совершить сделку, чтобы стоп-лосс был максимально приближен, но не больше суммы, которую вы указали. Например, она будет незаменима при торговле по стратегии Герчика. То есть, при торговле от рисков, когда у вас фиксированный риск и фиксированный тейк-профит по отношению к стоп-лоссу. Например, если вы всегда входит

Утилита помогает открыть сделку со стоп-лоссом не больше той суммы, которую вы указали, или же вообще отказаться от сделки. То есть, она определяет количество лотов, на которые нужно совершить сделку, чтобы стоп-лосс был максимально приближен, но не больше суммы, которую вы указали. Например, она будет незаменима при торговле по стратегии Герчика. То есть, при торговле от рисков, когда у вас фиксированный риск и фиксированный тейк-профит по отношению к стоп-лоссу. Например, если вы всегда входит

Utilidad para comercio semiautomático. Aplica niveles dinámicos para establecer órdenes stop, stop loss, take profit y trailing stop invisibles para el corredor. Adecuado para trabajar con cualquier corredor, incluidos los corredores de EE. UU. Con un requisito de FIFO.
Versión MT5 del enlace del asesor
Las ofertas se pueden abrir usando botones o líneas. Para que el asesor abra una posición a lo largo de la línea: dibuje una línea en el gráfico y cámbiele el nombre. Cuando el precio lo cru

This program is for traders who plot price channels on charts. You just need to specify the width of the channel in the description of the trend line. Enter the "Description" field in the trend line properties and type canal: xxxxx without a space, where xxxxx is the width of the channel in pips. Channel color is set automatically depending on the channel width. The middle line of the channel is also automatically drawn. If the channel width is set to a positive number, the channel is drawn ab

Este EA facilita el enviar múltiples ordenes de forma simultánea. Facilita también una función diseñada para ser ejecutado en una hora específica, ideal para facilitar su funcionamiento durante la noche, permitiendo agendar posiciones mientras no estamos junto al gráfico. El sistema es capaz de enviar órdenes directas a precio de mercado o bien ordenes pendientes, agilizando la ejecución de operaciones con múltiples Take Profit, así como también permite controlar el Slippage de cada orden. Los p

Description: Please tick "Show object descriptions" in chart properties to enable hrays views
That utility converts a trendline into a horizontal ray known as tool for drawing supply and demand zones. Simply create a trendline on a chart and once selected, it will get converted. Ray remains horizontal while dragging.
Quick ray plot: press "R" key to create horizontal ray. It will be snapped to the nearest OHLC value
Further versions will be improved. For feature request please post new comm

The SDS_TradeManager EA is a powerful EA designed to manage your positions once you have been filled. It basically works a break-even stop and also a trailing stop where the trigger levels and trail levels are all specified in "R's", that is to say multiples of the initial trade risk. Many successful professional traders think about all their trades and profit taking in terms of multiples of the initial risk R. So for example, if your initial risk on your trade is 50 pips and you wa

Work with gold and Japanese yen. Now working without pips! While you are trading, Auto StopLoss Defender doing all the routine work. "Must have" for scalping. Best way to save account balance in case of force majeure.(Internet connection loss, power outage, sharp change in price direction) The Utilite automatically adds a stop loss to open and pending orders that have no stoploss set. The anti-requote system is built into the Utilite. That means the stop loss will be registered anyway! In the

While you are trading, Auto StopLoss Premium doing all the routine work. "Must have" for scalping. Best way to save account balance in case of force majeure.(Internet connection loss, power outage, sharp change in price direction) The Utilite automatically adds a stop loss to open and pending orders that have no stoploss set. Also adds a take profit. The anti-requote system is built into the Utilite. That means the stop loss will be registered anyway! In the settings you can set any stop los

This positions risk visualization indicators, indicators allow you to clearly know how much price go back will be generated account Stop Out.
This is a very useful indicator for Controlling Risk when account is open positions, attach this indicator to the chart of the open positions, the indicator will draw a Line Of Stop Out Price on the chart, and output Stop Out Point Value in the upper left corner.
Stop Out Price can give you clearly know what price is Account Stop Out, can give y

С этим драйвером вы можете превратить трендовую линию в линию Ганна, поместив значение угла в виде NxM в ее описании, например 4x1, где N - это количество поинтов, а M - количество таймфреймов на текущем графике. Драйвер автоматически отображает значение угла в виде метки у правого конца линии. По умолчанию, размер поинта равен размеру пипса, но в настройках вы можете сами указать подходящий вам размер поинта. Вы можете комбинировать этот индикатор с индикатором Colored Channels , разделяя проб

What is EmailAlerts?
EmailAlerts is a handy, effective and extremely useful tool designed for the price alerts management.
With the help of this tool you can easily and quickly predefine up to 4 different price alerts on any chart. Once the price reaches your price level you will be immediately informed about it. Program will send you an e-mail message or/and an instant push notification directly to your smartphone or tablet.
How to use it in trading?
Price alerts can be used in an active t

The purpose of this utility is to manage one or more subwindow in the same chart by opening and closing them through a button or the keyboard keys
How it works: If you want to handle more than one subwindow you need to reinstall the indicator . In this case some setups has to be customized onlu in the last subwindow installed and others setups in the installed subwindow during the first time installation. They are denoted in the input rispectively as ' LW ' and ' IW '.
First of all install

Smart Watermark muestra el símbolo y el marco de tiempo mientras escala y se centra automáticamente. También le permite establecer una firma personalizada para compartir sus gráficos con otros.
Parámetro Descripción
El tipo de fuente utilizado para mostrar la marca de agua.
Color de fuente
El color de fuente utilizado para mostrar la marca de agua.
Estilo de fuente
El estilo de la fuente. Elija entre Ninguno, Cursiva, Subrayado o Tachado. El valor predeterminado es Ninguno.

Advisor "Orders Assistant" is designed to control the positions and orders that are opened manually by the trader. The control is performed by automatically placing TakeProfit and StopLoss orders after the position is opened by the trader, or setting a pending order and further tracking the position using the services “Transfer StopLoss to breakeven” and “Trailing Stop”.
The Expert Advisor also provides the ability to install virtual TakeProfit and StopLoss, which allows you to use scalping str

The Sensitive Price Level indicator (SPL) draws fixed horizontal levels on charts that allow seeing sensitive target prices, helping to find more accurate entry points to open or close your trades. It is a needful instrument to take a decision in trading activity and to give a clear orientation on charts. A simple control panel allows calculating operation costs and lots. Features 1.Grid visualization price levels multiple of 10X,100X,1000X, identified by colors: - 10X : DIMGRAY dot lines. -

What is InvisibleStopLoss? InvisibleStopLoss is a tool designed to allow the trader to hide his/her stop loss from other market participants. Unlike the usual stop loss attached to an order pernamently and visible to the broker, InvisibleStopLoss exists only on the MT4 termina l side and is visible only to the trader.
How to use it in trading?
With the help of the InvisibleStopLoss you can hide your stop order from the broker and set it up as a normal stop loss.
Additionally, InvisibleStopLos

This Expert Advisor shows Spread of maximal 26 Items in one Chart.
For Every Item, a File could be writen.
The Timeframe for average Spread could be selected.
The Main Advantage of this EA is the ability to Watch Longterm.
Spread for the Broker with the Files writen by the EA.
The Files are stored in the Directory
\mql\files for live Charts
\tester\files for Backtest
In Backtest only one Currency could be writen
Filename: Spread+Account+Item+Timeframe.CSV
Attention lower Timeframe, faster File g

What is InvisibleTakeProfit?
InvisibleTakeProfit is a tool designed to allow the trader to hide his/her take profit from other market participants. Unlike the usual take profit attached to an order pernamently and visible to the broker, InvisibleTakeProfit exists only on the MT4 terminal side and is visible only to the trader.
How to use it in trading?
With the help of the InvisibleTakeProfit you can hide your take profit order from the broker and set it up as a normal take profit. Additionall

Este indicador lo ayuda a controlar varios pares en un espacio de trabajo pequeño, por lo tanto, no es necesario abrir varios gráficos en la plataforma para hacerlo. El indicador muestra secuencialmente hasta 6 pares diferentes, además de que cada uno de estos pares tiene un botón con el que puede detener el indicador para observar el par seleccionado. Coloque el indicador en un gráfico para monitorear varios pares y el resto de su espacio utilícelo en el gráfico del par que desea observar en d

Easy Trade Manager 1.0
Características básicas que son uno de los factores más importantes para ser un operador exitoso;
1. Libro de ganancias en TP1, TP2 y TP3
2. Gestionar el riesgo según el importe establecido por operación. Por ejemplo, $ 100 (pérdida máxima): puede ser el 2% de su patrimonio total.
3. Establezca la cantidad (%) que desea reservar en TP1, TP2 y TP3. P.ej. 50% de $ 100 en TP1, 25% en TP2 y 25% en TP3
4. Seleccione el TAMAÑO DE LOTE automáticamente según el

"Quick Copier" is designed to copy trading without any complicated settings. It copies master orders faster than "Just Copier". The copy can be done in one PC. Please also check this product at fxina.hostingerapp.com. One EA can be set as master (provider) or slave (receiver). The receiver lot can be set to multiple providers lots. Any type of copy is available. MT4 -> MT5 MT4 -> MT4 MT5 -> MT5 MT5 -> MT4 If you want to copy MT4 -> MT5 or MT5 -> MT4, please purchase "Quick Copier MT4" and "Quic

Grid Hero War Pad is a GRAPHICAL MANUAL TRADER version of the original Grid Hero EA, designed and created for ADVANCED TRADERS who are experienced in plotting their own market entries. It is coded using ADVANCED GRAPHICAL INTERFACE programming, that combines the power of discretionary trading with Grid Hero algorithm in the form of a graphical console with button-click easy execution.
It allows you to execute trades manually using Market Orders and Pending Orders, and then automatically uses th

这是一个MT4自动跟单的EA,发送端下单以后接收端自动秒跟,包括手数,止盈,止损同时设置,下单手数可以根据自己的情况设置加倍也可以固定手数,适合多帐户同时交易的朋友们。 可以多个平台跟单,可以 一个主发送帐户多个跟单帐户,也可以同时跟多个主帐户。 参数说明:
DirectionSelection=Receive;为主发送端。--SendOut为接收端。发送端其它无设置 Receiving Parameters;以下是接收端设置。 SendingEndID = " ";填写发送端交易帐户的ID,全为数字。 AcceptanceMode=Multiplication;接收端下单模式,加倍模式。--Fixed为固定手数下单。 MultiplicationLots = 1; Multiplication模式下的下单倍数 FixedLots = 0.01;Fixed模式下,固定手数。 SymSuffix="";接收端交易品种名称如果有后缀,请正确填写,比如:EURUSDxxx填写xxx就可以。

AutoTargetMoney If the total profit on the account equals or exceeds the target that has been filled in this column, EA will close the order of all transactions AutoTarget % If the total profit on the account equals or exceeds the target in the percentage of the balance that has been filled in this column, EA will close the order of all transactions DeletePendingOrders If TRUE is when the profit transaction is reached from TargetMoney or Target Percennt column, then EA will delete Pe

The advantage of using this EA This EA directly updates takeprofit and stop losses that are still empty in a manual order
Parameters Multiplier: Multiplier value of the previous transaction Distance: Distance hedging from the previous order Takeprofit: take profit taken from the last price + the value of this column
We recommend that you do not add more than one manual transaction in the same pair martingale hedging | manual hedging | hedging manual | hedging lot | best robot | best ea

The utility TradeKeeper Pro allows you to open a trade manually with a magic and a volume of your choice. It does not open its own trades, it can only open a trade by your command.
TradeKeeper Pro can trail any open trades by the iSAR (parabolic) indicator, and a simple trail. It can set the stoploss level at the open price as soon as possible. To trail any open trades for any instruments, it suffices to launch the utility in one chart. TradeKeeper Pro can close any trades or pending orders of a

This is Advanced NotifyMe version with large interface.
The Expert Advisor allows you to receive notifications to the mobile phone (or tablet PC), mailbox or play the sound alert when some events occured: opening or closing position, placing or deleting pending order; changing open price, stop loss or take profit; the account balance, equity, margin level, free margin or drawdown has reached the user specified level. You can specify a notification interval, notification text template an

If you want to share your trading signal, but you do not want to distribute your investor password, this product is fit with you. "Just copier Pro" is designed to copy trading without any complicated settings. The copy can be done in one PC or over the internet. One EA can be set as master (provider) or slave (receiver). The receiver lot can be set to multiple providers lots. In "Globe" mode, the signal provider (master) have to give the password to signal receiver, (the password that is set in

HelloTrader is a completely new product view for the MetaTrader platform. Immediately after launching, the utility displays randomly one of the lines of the phrase, quotes of famous people or an aphorism in the upper left corner of the terminal. Every 5 minutes the recording changes.
The structure includes more than 1000 phrases, quotes and aphorism in Russian and English.
In the input parameters, you can choose the Russian language display of records, the default is English.
The utility star

A script that allows you to quickly save the image of the current chart.
Accelerate the use of the script by assigning a keyboard shortcut to it. The image is saved in the location of your MT4 platform: /MQL4/Files/{current_date}. The script does not contain any parameters. The name of the chart being saved is determined automatically and consists of a symbol, the current date and the timeframe.
Attention! Files with the same names are overwritten!

Данная утилита предоставляет возможность работать с ордерами, переключатся по периодам и менять шаблон графика используя клавиши
клавиатуры. Быстрое открытие и закрытие ордеров, установка и удаление отложенных приказов пригодится как скальперам, так и
трейдерам торгующих на новостях. Смена периода или шаблона в одно нажатие клавиши, упростит анализ графиков. Также предусмотрено
закрытие части позиции. Возможность назначения любых клавиш и различные настройки ордеров, поможет собрать торговый пул

Auto tactic trade with two Lines:
They are (Top Line) and (Bottom Line), for tactic trade.
Big Features: Line will be auto created and detect the Top of shape, and Bottom of shape. Display how far the Line from market price. When Market Price *Touch (Top Line), will create a new order : **Sell**. When Market Price *Touch (Bottom Line),will create a new order:**BUY**. Moving the Lines:
Double Clicks on Line,it will be movable by User's Mouse. You can let a Line longer by Double Clicks on

Эта утилита поможет вам рассчитать прибыль в валюте депозита, если цена пройдет от своего текущего значения к значению, указанному горизонтальной линией ProfitMeter. При запуске индикатора эта линия автоматически создается на уровне текущего значения цены. Линию следует выбрать и переместить на нужный вам уровень. Расчетное значение прибыли при входе в рынок минимально возможным лотом отображается в правом нижнем углу окна графика. Входные параметры Style of ProfitMeter Color of ProfitMeter Widt

The new version of MirrorSoftware 2021 has been completely rewriten and optimized.
This version requires to be loaded only on a single chart because it can detect all actions on every symbol and not only the actions of symbol where it is loaded.
Even the graphics and the configuration mode have been completely redesigned. The MirrorSoftware is composed of two components (all components are required to work): MirrorController (free indicator): This component must be loaded into the MASTER

DoubleUp System is created as trade assistance, manager and profit-enhancing Utility. It is NOT to trade for you but helps you maximize your trading.
It has 10 On-Chart Buttons for various trading operations and setting parameters to manage your orders. like its name, it doubles and increases your profit targets with just a few pips distance by opening 4 pending orders or 1 Instant orders with 3 pending orders (depending on the situation of the market at the time)
If your trading system can gu

This simple utility EA designed for managing the open trades. For all open trades when the certain amount of profit is reached it closes a part of the position and moves the Stop Loss to breakeven level.
EA has following entry parameters: - Scale-out lots: defines the size of the position that we want to close when profit is reached - Scale-out profit: defines the profit in points when we want to scale out - Breakeven profit: defines how many points above/below breakeven value we want to put

¿Encontró una buena señal, pero el lote de un proveedor es demasiado pequeño? ¿Necesita un mayor volumen de posición, pero la configuración del terminal es demasiado pobre? Signal Lot Manager incrementará el volumen de posición del proveedor mediante una orden duplicada del volumen necesario. Simplemente establezca un tamaño de lote y un nombre de una señal para copiar órdenes. Signal Lot Manager es una utilidad multiplicadora de lotes para duplicar pedidos en su terminal. La fuente se puede sel

EasyAgent Trade Tool.This is not an automatic trading robot (EA) and it doesn’t take decisions or opens position, but it helps your work when you trading manual work with Strategy Tester and you can control trade via magic number. The following functions are available: Order opening in one click. Order closing/deleting in one click. Modification of Stop Loss and Take Profit using a mouse. Closing all orders based on their type. Order reversal. Breakeven function. Trailing Stop function.

Trailing Stop Forward EA locks trade profit once trade moves in profit by certain points(eg 100 points) by moving the Stop Loss in direction of trade. There are three inputs in EA to be provided by user to EA TrailingStart this input used as activator when trade moved 100 points towards profit, this EA will start shifting your stop loss towards profit. TrailingStop input defines what should be the distance of stop loss from current market price once TrailingStart activated i.e trade moved 1

Always have a quick reference to timely information while trading. -Includes Currency Spread, Currency Trend w/ Time frame, Bar Timer, Server Time, Connection Status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Currency Spread; to know exactly how much you have to pay to get in. -Currency Trend with Time Frame; Understand the major direction of the currency pair for the last 3 months or other Time Frame. -Bar Tim

¡Siempre sepa cuándo están activos los fabricantes de Smart Money / Market! Muestra tu Pasado al presente, el verdadero volumen de pares de divisas en un histograma rápido y hermoso que puedes ajustar para que se ajuste a cualquier gráfico. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -Funciona en todos los marcos de tiempo y todas las monedas. -Muestra volumen desde Ultra bajo a Ultra alto e

Скрипт открывает графики по всем инструментам находящимся в окне "Обзор рынка" и по желанию может задать для всех графиков один шаблон. Так-же можно удалить все графике открытые в терминале Мт4. В скрипте имеются следующие настройки: "Таймфрейм" по умолчанию M30; (Можно поставить свой: M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1, MN.) "Задержка" по умолчанию "0"; (Задержка перед открытием следующего графика в миллисекундах.) "Шаблон" по умолчанию "True"; (True=пр

По факту вы выставляете виртуальные Buy Stop и Sell Stop которые срабатывают после закрытия свечи. Данный помощник позволяет заранее выставить уровень Stop Loss и Take Profit. Так-же имеется демо режим для предварительного расчёта параметра риск/прибыль. Помощник имеет следующие настройки "Лот" по умолчанию "0.01" "Проскальзывание" по умолчанию "60" (Значение в пунктах) "Номер Ордера" по умолчанию "0" (Магический номер ордера) "Цвет Комментариев" по умолчанию "Black" "Шрифт

An excellent and fine deal copyist!
Copies from one or more source terminals to one or more receiver terminals.
Convenient and quick to set up.
1. Type Select the type of Master - source or Slave - receiver.
2. Lot Sets the lot for the Slave type. Orders will open with the specified lot, if the lot = 0 is the same as in the source. 3. MasterLot Allows you to set the lot size transmitted (on the side of the MASTER) by the master. / X - the ma

News Panel is a fully adjustable utility for Forex News. It can show upcoming news in InfoPanel as well as lable for upcoming and past news labels on the chart.
This utility also enables Upcoming news Alerts and Push notification. User can change number of upcoming news displayed, colors and many others.
Instructions Alow WebRequest for Listed URLS in Metatrader Tools -> Options -> Expert Advisors tab (see screen or watch the video) Add " https://ec.forexprostools.com/ " to the list of allo

The Find Levels utility scans the range of prices and bars indicated by you on the chart, finds the levels most often related to High and Low prices and provides a full report. The color of the level line depends on the number of touches and changes in the program settings. The level is drawn in the event that if the shadow of the High or Low candle was at least two touches during the period specified in the parameters. The characteristics of the candle, namely, what should be its parameters for

(8th Feb 2019 Launch Promo: $97/lifetime just for 1 day! Price goes to $180/lifetime in 24 hours!) The TFA Trade Manager helps you easily manage your trades with an intelligent vertical "bars" system. You easily now easily click + drag your entry, stop loss, take profit, breakeven, partial profit and trailing stop with a few simple mouse clicks. You can also easily calculate the risk you wish to allocate to each trade by telling the trade manager your desired risk %, lot size or $dollars to risk

Risk Manager VT
Робот - помощник, от команды VT.
О рискменеджменте в торговле:
Грамотный риск менеджмент в трейдинге – это залог успеха при решении основных Ваших задач, при активной ручной торговле, на биржевом рынке: дисциплина и контроль эмоций!
Данный помощник поможет вам с лёгкостью ограничивать риски на каждую сделку, и правильно выставить уровни прибылей.
Те кто долго торгуют, на валютном рынке, уже знают, что правильное соотношение риск/прибыль, является эффективным инструментом в

This product is a multi-functional MT4 indicator and is an indispensable tool for account information statistics, strategy analysis and risk assessment. Functions:
1. Statistical account basic information of profit and loss . 2. Statistics and display the account profit and loss fund curve. 3. Display the order's track on chart ,so that we can analys the strategy and risk of the account. 4 .List account's trade pairs and order totals ,we also can see the profits of each pair.
If you have any qu

This Dashboard is full of very useful tools for the Trader!
You can set a specific Magic Number and the order comment, manage orders such as Stop Losses, Trailing Stops, partial profits, switching charts, and much more!
Personally I always use this Dashboard for my trading and it helps me a lot!
With the new update you can move the dahsboard wherever you want in the chart, by double-clicking on the blackboard and moving it!
Here the settings:
[Pending] close to the button there is an edit cell

Los expertos hacen análisis técnicos y se puede ver el análisis. Los análisis se actualizan durante el día. El análisis con un solo clic con MetaTrader se muestra en la pantalla. Si hay órdenes pendientes para estos análisis, usted abrirá la transacción con un solo clic. Es muy fácil y fácil de usar. Análisis , período e información relacionados se guardan como plantilla para su ordenador. A continuación, puede descargarlo y verlo desde la carpeta de archivos. Es bastante educativo y un producto

close all profitable orders The set contains scripts for different purposes, facilitating work in the MetaTrader 4 terminal. If necessary, a screen is provided for some scripts. Before working on a real account, check (on a demo account) whether the required script responds to your tasks (for example, there is a script for opening five orders at the same time, by default the lot is set to 10; so that you do not accidentally open five positions with a total volume of 50 lots - be attentive))) Use

Overall Grid Assistant trading panel is a fully-featured tool for building grids of orders and semi-automatic management of them. The panel has flexible settings of lot multiplier and distance between orders and also a lot of functions protecting the deposit from big losses. The panel has separate independent tabs for grids of buy and sell orders.
Grids build for losing trades opened manually or by another EA which can be chosen by magic number, comment or ticket.
There is a possibility to decre

This tool works on MT4. The connection to the IQ option box program is established. With this software, IQ Optiona opens orders in selected time periods. The IQ option box program is required. First, the connection to the IQ option box is established. Then you can trade by sending a trading order by adding MT4.
IQ O BOX Free Connection Software Download Link. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xW6ynCwtdbGL4_GFzXU7penZAvTwYaWP

With this software you can test your Forex strategies live. Compatible with Meta Trader 4. Extra features are available. You can trade through the panel. You can put signs with Fish Hook. In addition, your strategy test is saved to the file folder in csv format. You can review these reports with CSV Quick Viewer. One Lot can do with Scalp. Your account also determines the lot based on the amount of money found. It gives you information about the transaction before you open the transaction. You c

This expert has been designed with manual traders in mind. It allows you to: Place and manage orders faster with keyboard shortcuts and in a visual manner Setup entry and exit points directly in chart Easily control risk and money involved in each operation DEMO warning: If you want to try the demo version do not download it directly as keyboard events do not work in the strategy tester. Please go to the following link instead for a limited trial version : https://www.mql5.com/en/market/pro

Telegram MT4 Order Channel Manager is a tool to manage order and send text message to channel through Telegram chat app . Attention: This EA can only work for One Telegram Bot in One MT4 Account . If you want to attach to another account, you should make new Telegram Bot and use new token for that account . It does not work in backtest. Watch the video to see how it works. There are 9 menu to choose: 1. Account Info - Gives information about Balance, Equity, Profit, Order List. 2. Quotes - Gives

The EA looks for the Fibonacci retracement drawn on a chart by the user and opens limit and/or stop orders (depending on where the current price is) on the 23.6, 38.2, 50.0, 61.8, 82.0, 100.0 Fibo levels with takeprofits also on the 123.0, 150.0, 161.8, 200.0, 261.9, 423.6 set Fibo levels. Additionally 6 orders are opened by market with takeprofits on the same levels. Plus money management and break even.

TrailingAll_8 The utility determines an average value of the same-direction orders and a starting profit profit provided that the directions of orders are different (SELL or BUY outweighs). It can set a general TP estimating it based on the profit pips. It is also capable of tralling the profit. The utility marks the points where the orders are opened, too.
Input paremeters
Find by comment - a space where you can specify the parameter of order choice within the "comment" column of t

ALPC forex Matrix produces signals based on five different strategies . ALPC forex Matrix copies itself to all charts. Quick and easy management is your responsibility. Forex trading is fast control. ALPC MATRIX FOREX SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION !Please open the scalp process according to the hourly trend direction. (does not work with strategy test)
ALPC MATRIX 2015-2019 Supportive EA Tool for all Forex Pairs Producer: Mehmet Ozhan Hastaoglu ALPC MATRIX Forex System is actually a supportive tool wher

This utility automatically draws the trend channel on the price chart. For the time interval from the specified date to the current bar, the drawn channel is almost optimal. Placing the beginning of the channel at a more distant historical price extremum, you get a visualization of a longer-term trend. Channel slope is not a continuous value, but takes one of discrete values (in AxB format, where A is the number of price points (points), and B is the number of timeframes). This program works ONL

If you use Resistance and Support Trendlines in your trading, this tool will be very useful for you! The Trendline Trading EA is a smart and easy tool to helps you in your trading using trendlines on your chart. Just create a trendline for the Resistance and Support, and the EA will create pending orders when the price touch the trendline. The following orders will be created when the price touch the trendline: Pending order in case the price breaks the trendline Pending order in case the price

JRFX Trade Manager This product is a must have tool for every trader even if you trade manually or follow any signal providers via Telegram. You can set maximum 10 Take Profit levels and also you can choose the lot size what you wish to close as partial close at any Take Profit levels. At Take Profit 1 the EA will move SL to BE + X pips which is specified by you. At the next Take Profit levels you can set where you want the EA to move your Stoploss.
Settings Stoploss (Pips)
TakeProfit1 - Tak

Y-tax Telegram Bot sends text messages only to a group of telegrams or a channel of your choice. Messages are configured to display information about any trading activity on the account. A daily, weekly and monthly report is also displayed.
Below are the features of sending messages by a Y-tax Telegram Bot expert to a group / channel in a telegram:
Trading activities: opening, changing, closing deals and pending orders. This adviser does not need an active Auto Trading button. This Expert Advi

EasySet Panel Description - Simple to use discrete trade Panel to help with trade set up and Risk Management. Simply set you preferences and drag and drop the Entry, Stop and Limit lines to where you would like them, all Lotsize calculations are worked out for you automatically then all you have to do is press the trade button. Also Market Entry Option is available so just Set your Stop and Limit lines to enter your Market at price.
Trading styles Covered :-
Percent of Account ( Example Risk

Order Management EA (OME). The software will manage your trades based on 2 options: Magic Number or Order Comment. Both the Trades from the other EA or from Manual Trading. Drawing Stop Loss/Take Profit, Close All the positions, manages Multiple Orders, determining grid range and entry signals automatically. Sending Martingale Orders, if necessary, that can be turn off/on. Including 2 options lot calculation: Multiplication or Addition. You install OME in your account, you place order, and it
MetaTrader Market ofrece a todos los desarrollador de programas de trading una sencilla y cómoda plataforma para ponerlos a la venta.
Le ayudaremos con la presentación y explicaremos cómo preparar la descripción de su producto para el Market. Todos los programas que se venden a través del Market están protegidos por una codificación adicional y pueden ser iniciados sólo en el ordenador del comprador. La copia ilegal es imposible.

Está perdiendo oportunidades comerciales:
- Aplicaciones de trading gratuitas
- 8 000+ señales para copiar
- Noticias económicas para analizar los mercados financieros
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