Tarea técnica
I have got a strategy. I hope it will bring me a good profit.
The main idea of my strategy is opening hedging orders when there is a loosing order.
If current price goes to upward, EA should open a buy order, if it goes to downward, it should open sell orders. There will be 2 line pairs(4 lines) to understand the direction of the current price. The goal of these lines is to open sell orders at the top levels, and open buy orders at the bottom level. Touching to these lines will open normal orders. The intervals of the lines will be set from input menu. All lines will move behind of the current price but if price direction changes, 4 lines will stop and wait to be touched.
If there are 2 orders, there will be 2 order groups including their hedging orders.
Each groups should check their profits as pips. If there is more than min. profit (as pips) and a dropping profit(as pips), EA should close that group.
The lot size of normal orders and hedging orders should be set automatically. From input menu, according to the number of normal orders and number of hedging orders, in every group, EA should calculate the lot size of normal and hedging orders as automatically. Risk margin should be set too.
The hedging orders will be opened if there is a loosing order. The hedging order distances as pips and the rate of the hedging orders from the previous order is set from input menu.(For example, 1.hedging order wil be 0.5 pips loss of normal order and it will be 9 times greater than normal order. 2. hedging order will be opened if there is 5 pips loss of 1.hedging order and it will be 2 times greater lot size than 1.hedging order lot size. This will continue for 6 hedging orders.
There will be stop loss for normal orders, hedging orders and group loss.
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