Trend following trading robot based on Bollinger Bands with three different standard deviations

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Tarea técnica

I need a trading robot based on bollinger bands.

I want to define three different Bollinger Bands. All three are always in the current time window, have the same length, but different standard deviations.

This results in 7 bands in the chart: midline, upperband-1, upperband-2, upperband-3, lowerband-1, lowerband-2, lowerband-3.


The setting parameters for this are:

- periods

- Deviation BB-1

- Deviation BB-2

- Deviation BB-3


In general, several positions may be open at the same time.

Long and short positions may also be open at the same time.


The trading strategy for a long position is as follows:

The Trading-robot goes on alert at the touch of one of the seven lines. But no position should be open to this time. I would like to define in the settings which of the seven lines will trigger the alert.

A buy order is only triggered when the price has closed ABOVE one of the seven lines after touching the Alert-line. I would also like to define in the settings at which line the long position is opened. 

Accordingly, there are the following parameters.

- Alert line-long

(lowerband-3 / lowerband-2 / lowerband-1 / midline / upperband-1 / upperband-2 / upperband-3) 

- Trading line-long

(lowerband-3 / lowerband-2 / lowerband-1 / midline / upperband-1 / upperband-2 / upperband-3)


for short positions it works the same with the difference that the position is opened when the price closes below the defined trading line.

For short positions there are therefore the following parameters:


- Alert line short

(lowerband-3 / lowerband-2 / lowerband-1 / midline / upperband-1 / upperband-2 / upperband-3)


- Trading line short

(lowerband-3 / lowerband-2 / lowerband-1 / midline / upperband-1 / upperband-2 / upperband-3)


There should be two options for closing the positions:

1st variant for closing positions:

The position is closed upon touching one of the seven bands. The adjustable parameters are therefore:


- Close line long

(lowerband-3 / lowerband-2 / lowerband-1 / midline / upperband-1 / upperband-2 / upperband-3)


- Close line short

(lowerband-3 / lowerband-2 / lowerband-1 / midline / upperband-1 / upperband-2 / upperband-3)


2nd variant for closing positions:

The trading robot measures the distance between upperband-2 and upperband-3 at the moment of position opening.

A take profit and a stop loss are set in points, the size of which is the distance multiplied by an adjustable multiplier.


For this I need the parameters:

Multiplier for Take Profit.

Stoploss multiplier.


It is important that before opening a position, the defined alert-line must always be touched.


If it arises from the price development, several positions may be open at the same time.


The trading robot is in sleep mode, so to speak, until an alarm line is touched. It wakes up when touching it and opens a corresponding position when the price crosses the trading line and then goes back to sleep mode until a alarm line is touched again.

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64% / 7%

Información sobre el proyecto

50 - 100 USD
IVA (20%): 10 - 20 USD
Total: 60 - 120 USD
Para el ejecutor
45 - 90 USD
Plazo límite de ejecución
de 1 a 2 día(s)