//| CustomTicksDelete.mq5 |
//| Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//| https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version "1.00"
#define CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME Symbol()+".C" // nombre del símbolo personalizado
#define CUSTOM_SYMBOL_PATH "Forex" // nombre del grupo en el que se creará el símbolo
#define CUSTOM_SYMBOL_ORIGIN Symbol() // nombre del símbolo a partir del cual se creará el símbolo personalizado
#define DATATICKS_TO_COPY UINT_MAX // cantidad de ticks copiados
#define DATATICKS_TO_DELETE 10 // cantidad de ticks a eliminar
#define DATATICKS_TO_PRINT 20 // cantidad de ticks a mostrar en el registro
//| Script program start function |
void OnStart()
//--- obtenemos el código de error al crear un símbolo personalizado
//--- si el código de error no es 0 (el símbolo se ha creado con éxito) y no es 5304 (símbolo ya creado), salimos.
if(create!=0 && create!=5304)
//--- obtenemos en la matriz MqlTick los datos de los ticks del símbolo estándar
MqlTick array[]={};
//--- imprimimos la hora del primer y el último tick obtenidos del símbolo estándar
int total=(int)array.Size();
PrintFormat("First tick time: %s.%03u, Last tick time: %s.%03u",
TimeToString(array[0].time,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[0].time_msc%1000,
TimeToString(array[total-1].time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[total-1].time_msc%1000);
//--- imprimimos en el registro DATATATICKS_TO_PRINT los últimos ticks del símbolo estándar
PrintFormat("\nThe last %d ticks for the standard symbol '%s':", DATATICKS_TO_PRINT, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_ORIGIN);
for(int i=total-DATATICKS_TO_PRINT; i<total; i++)
PrintFormat(" %dth Tick: %s", i, GetTickDescription(array[i]));
//--- añadimos el símbolo personalizado a la ventana MarketWatch (observación de mercado)
if(!SymbolSelect(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, true))
Print("SymbolSelect() failed. Error ", GetLastError());
//--- añadimos a la historia de precios del símbolo personalizado los datos de la matriz de ticks
uint start=GetTickCount();
PrintFormat("Start of adding %u ticks to the history of the custom symbol '%s'", array.Size(), CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
int added=CustomTicksAdd(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, array);
PrintFormat("Added %u ticks to the history of the custom symbol '%s' in %u ms", added, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, GetTickCount()-start);
//--- obtenemos en la matriz MqlTick los datos de los ticks del símbolo personalizado recién obtenidos
if(!GetTicksToArray(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, array.Size(), array))
//--- imprimimos la hora del primer y el último tick obtenidos del símbolo personalizado
PrintFormat("First tick time: %s.%03u, Last tick time: %s.%03u",
TimeToString(array[0].time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[0].time_msc%1000,
TimeToString(array[total-1].time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[total-1].time_msc%1000);
//--- imprimimos en el registro DATATATICKS_TO_PRINT los últimos ticks del símbolo personalizado
PrintFormat("\nThe last %d ticks for the custom symbol '%s':", DATATICKS_TO_PRINT, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
for(int i=total-DATATICKS_TO_PRINT; i<total; i++)
PrintFormat(" %dth Tick: %s", i, GetTickDescription(array[i]));
//--- obtenemos de la historia la hora del tick en milisegundos a partir de la cual borraremos el rango de ticks
long time_from=array[total-DATATICKS_TO_DELETE-1].time_msc;
//--- borramos DATATATICKS_TO_DELETE el rango de los últimos ticks del símbolo personalizado en la matriz
PrintFormat("Start deleting %u ticks in the history of the custom symbol '%s'", DATATICKS_TO_DELETE, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
int deleted=CustomTicksDelete(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, time_from, array[total-2].time_msc);
PrintFormat("Deleted %u ticks in the history of the custom symbol '%s' in %u ms", deleted, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, GetTickCount()-start);
//--- obtenemos en la matriz MqlTick los datos de los ticks del símbolo personalizado recién modificados
if(!GetTicksToArray(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, array.Size(), array))
//--- imprimimos la hora del primer y el último tick del símbolo personalizado con el rango de ticks eliminado
PrintFormat("Time of the first tick from the changed history: %s.%03u, Time of the last tick from the changed history: %s.%03u",
TimeToString(array[0].time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[0].time_msc%1000,
TimeToString(array[total-1].time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS), array[total-1].time_msc%1000);
//--- imprimimos en el registro DATATATICKS_TO_PRINT los últimos ticks del símbolo personalizado
PrintFormat("\nThe last %d ticks of custom symbol '%s' with modified history:", DATATICKS_TO_PRINT, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
for(int i=total-DATATICKS_TO_PRINT; i<total; i++)
PrintFormat(" %dth Tick: %s", i, GetTickDescription(array[i]));
//--- mostramos en el gráfico en el comentario la pista sobre las teclas de finalización del script
Comment(StringFormat("Press 'Esc' to exit or 'Del' to delete the '%s' symbol and exit", CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME));
//--- en un ciclo infinito esperamos que Esc o Del para la salida
while(!IsStopped() && TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_KEYSTATE_ESCAPE)==0)
//--- al presionar Supr, eliminamos el símbolo personalizado creado y sus datos
//--- eliminamos los datos de las barras
int deleted=CustomRatesDelete(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, 0, LONG_MAX);
PrintFormat("%d history bars of the custom symbol '%s' were successfully deleted", deleted, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
//--- eliminamos los datos de ticks
deleted=CustomTicksDelete(CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME, 0, LONG_MAX);
PrintFormat("%d history ticks of the custom symbol '%s' were successfully deleted", deleted, CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
//--- eliminamos el símbolo
PrintFormat("Custom symbol '%s' deleted successfully", CUSTOM_SYMBOL_NAME);
//--- antes de la salida, limpiamos el gráfico
Requested 4294967295 ticks to get tick history for the symbol 'EURUSD'
The tick history for the 'EURUSD' symbol is received in the amount of 351199027 ticks in 55875 ms
First tick time: 2011.12.19 00:00:08.000, Last tick time: 2024.06.21 10:10:40.392
The last 20 ticks for the standard symbol 'EURUSD':
351199007th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:23.045 Bid=1.07032 (Info tick)
351199008th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:24.045 Ask=1.07031 Bid=1.07031 (Info tick)
351199009th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:24.545 Ask=1.07032 (Info tick)
351199010th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:25.146 Bid=1.07032 (Info tick)
351199011th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:25.649 Ask=1.07037 Bid=1.07037 (Info tick)
351199012th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:27.050 Ask=1.07036 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199013th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:28.153 Ask=1.07039 Bid=1.07039 (Info tick)
351199014th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:29.157 Ask=1.07037 Bid=1.07037 (Info tick)
351199015th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:29.658 Ask=1.07036 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199016th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:30.258 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199017th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:30.872 Ask=1.07035 Bid=1.07035 (Info tick)
351199018th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:31.358 Ask=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199019th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:31.859 Ask=1.07037 Bid=1.07037 (Info tick)
351199020th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:32.377 Ask=1.07039 Bid=1.07039 (Info tick)
351199021th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:32.962 Ask=1.0704 Bid=1.0704 (Info tick)
351199022th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:33.961 Ask=1.07039 Bid=1.07039 (Info tick)
351199023th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:34.667 Ask=1.0704 (Info tick)
351199024th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:35.170 Bid=1.0704 (Info tick)
351199025th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:38.266 Ask=1.07041 Bid=1.07041 (Info tick)
351199026th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:40.392 Ask=1.07042 Bid=1.07042 (Info tick)
Start of adding 351199027 ticks to the history of the custom symbol 'EURUSD.C'
Added 351199027 ticks to the history of the custom symbol 'EURUSD.C' in 261594 ms
Requested 351199027 ticks to get tick history for the symbol 'EURUSD.C'
The tick history for the 'EURUSD.C' symbol is received in the amount of 351199027 ticks in 137156 ms
First tick time: 2011.12.19 00:00:08.000, Last tick time: 2024.06.21 10:10:40.392
The last 20 ticks for the custom symbol 'EURUSD.C':
351199007th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:23.045 Ask=1.07032 Bid=1.07032 (Info tick)
351199008th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:24.045 Ask=1.07031 Bid=1.07031 (Info tick)
351199009th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:24.545 Ask=1.07032 Bid=1.07032 (Info tick)
351199010th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:25.146 Ask=1.07032 Bid=1.07032 (Info tick)
351199011th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:25.649 Ask=1.07037 Bid=1.07037 (Info tick)
351199012th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:27.050 Ask=1.07036 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199013th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:28.153 Ask=1.07039 Bid=1.07039 (Info tick)
351199014th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:29.157 Ask=1.07037 Bid=1.07037 (Info tick)
351199015th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:29.658 Ask=1.07036 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199016th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:30.258 Ask=1.07036 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199017th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:30.872 Ask=1.07035 Bid=1.07035 (Info tick)
351199018th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:31.358 Ask=1.07036 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199019th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:31.859 Ask=1.07037 Bid=1.07037 (Info tick)
351199020th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:32.377 Ask=1.07039 Bid=1.07039 (Info tick)
351199021th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:32.962 Ask=1.0704 Bid=1.0704 (Info tick)
351199022th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:33.961 Ask=1.07039 Bid=1.07039 (Info tick)
351199023th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:34.667 Ask=1.0704 Bid=1.0704 (Info tick)
351199024th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:35.170 Ask=1.0704 Bid=1.0704 (Info tick)
351199025th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:38.266 Ask=1.07041 Bid=1.07041 (Info tick)
351199026th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:40.392 Ask=1.07042 Bid=1.07042 (Info tick)
Start deleting 10 ticks in the history of the custom symbol 'EURUSD.C'
Deleted 10 ticks in the history of the custom symbol 'EURUSD.C' in 188 ms
Requested 351199027 ticks to get tick history for the symbol 'EURUSD.C'
The tick history for the 'EURUSD.C' symbol is received in the amount of 351199017 ticks in 138312 ms
Time of the first tick from the changed history: 2011.12.19 00:00:08.000, Time of the last tick from the changed history: 2024.06.21 10:10:40.392
The last 20 ticks of custom symbol 'EURUSD.C' with modified history:
351198997th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:14.935 Ask=1.07036 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351198998th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:15.533 Ask=1.07035 Bid=1.07035 (Info tick)
351198999th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:17.736 Ask=1.07036 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199000th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:18.540 Ask=1.07037 Bid=1.07037 (Info tick)
351199001th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:19.046 Ask=1.07038 Bid=1.07038 (Info tick)
351199002th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:19.542 Ask=1.07036 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199003th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:20.041 Ask=1.07035 Bid=1.07035 (Info tick)
351199004th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:21.041 Ask=1.07035 Bid=1.07035 (Info tick)
351199005th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:21.544 Ask=1.07032 Bid=1.07032 (Info tick)
351199006th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:22.344 Ask=1.07032 Bid=1.07032 (Info tick)
351199007th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:23.045 Ask=1.07032 Bid=1.07032 (Info tick)
351199008th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:24.045 Ask=1.07031 Bid=1.07031 (Info tick)
351199009th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:24.545 Ask=1.07032 Bid=1.07032 (Info tick)
351199010th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:25.146 Ask=1.07032 Bid=1.07032 (Info tick)
351199011th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:25.649 Ask=1.07037 Bid=1.07037 (Info tick)
351199012th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:27.050 Ask=1.07036 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199013th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:28.153 Ask=1.07039 Bid=1.07039 (Info tick)
351199014th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:29.157 Ask=1.07037 Bid=1.07037 (Info tick)
351199015th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:29.658 Ask=1.07036 Bid=1.07036 (Info tick)
351199016th Tick: 2024.06.21 10:10:40.392 Ask=1.07042 Bid=1.07042 (Info tick)
//| Crea un símbolo personalizado, devuelve el código de error |
int CreateCustomSymbol(const string symbol_name, const string symbol_path, const string symbol_origin=NULL)
//--- determinamos el nombre del símbolo a partir del cual se creará uno personalizado
string origin=(symbol_origin==NULL ? Symbol() : symbol_origin);
//--- si no hemos podido crear el símbolo personalizado, y no se trata de un error 5304, informaremos sobre ello en el registro
int error=0;
if(!CustomSymbolCreate(symbol_name, symbol_path, origin))
PrintFormat("CustomSymbolCreate(%s, %s, %s) failed. Error %d", symbol_name, symbol_path, origin, error);
//--- con éxito
//| Elimina el símbolo personalizado |
bool DeleteCustomSymbol(const string symbol_name)
//--- ocultamos el símbolo de la ventana de Observación de mercado
if(!SymbolSelect(symbol_name, false))
PrintFormat("SymbolSelect(%s, false) failed. Error %d", GetLastError());
//--- si no se ha podido eliminar el símbolo personalizado, informaremos de ello en el registro y retornaremos false
PrintFormat("CustomSymbolDelete(%s) failed. Error %d", symbol_name, GetLastError());
//--- con éxito
//| Obtiene el número indicado de ticks en la matriz |
bool GetTicksToArray(const string symbol, const uint count, MqlTick &array[])
//--- notificamos sobre el inicio de la carga de datos históricos
PrintFormat("Requested %u ticks to get tick history for the symbol '%s'", count, symbol);
//--- haceremos tres intentos para obtener los ticks
int attempts=0;
//--- medimos la hora de inicio antes de obtener los ticks
uint start=GetTickCount();
//--- solicitamos la historia de ticks desde el momento 1970.01.01 00:00.001 (parámetro from=1 ms)
int received=CopyTicks(symbol, array, COPY_TICKS_ALL, 1, count);
//--- mostramos la información sobre el número de ticks y el tiempo invertido
PrintFormat("The tick history for the '%s' symbol is received in the amount of %u ticks in %d ms", symbol, received, GetTickCount()-start);
//--- si la historia de ticks está sincronizada, el código de error será igual a cero, retornaremos true
PrintFormat("%s: Ticks are not synchronized yet, %d ticks received for %d ms. Error=%d",
symbol, received, GetTickCount()-start, GetLastError());
//--- calculamos los intentos
//--- pausa de 1 segundo a la espera de que finalice la sincronización de la base de ticks
//--- no ha sido posible copiar los ticks en 3 intentos
//| retorna la descripción de tipo string del tick |
string GetTickDescription(MqlTick &tick)
string desc=StringFormat("%s.%03u ", TimeToString(tick.time, TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS),tick.time_msc%1000);
//--- comprobamos las banderas de tick
bool buy_tick = ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_BUY) == TICK_FLAG_BUY);
bool sell_tick = ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_SELL) == TICK_FLAG_SELL);
bool ask_tick = ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_ASK) == TICK_FLAG_ASK);
bool bid_tick = ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_BID) == TICK_FLAG_BID);
bool last_tick = ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_LAST) == TICK_FLAG_LAST);
bool volume_tick= ((tick.flags &TICK_FLAG_VOLUME)== TICK_FLAG_VOLUME);
//--- comprobamos primero si hay banderas comerciales en el tick (para CustomTicksAdd() no las hay)
if(buy_tick || sell_tick)
//--- formamos la salida para el tick comercial
desc += (buy_tick ? StringFormat("Buy Tick: Last=%G Volume=%d ", tick.last, tick.volume) : "");
desc += (sell_tick? StringFormat("Sell Tick: Last=%G Volume=%d ",tick.last, tick.volume) : "");
desc += (ask_tick ? StringFormat("Ask=%G ", tick.ask) : "");
desc += (bid_tick ? StringFormat("Bid=%G ", tick.ask) : "");
desc += "(Trade tick)";
//--- para la información del tick, formamos la salida un poco diferente
desc += (ask_tick ? StringFormat("Ask=%G ", tick.ask) : "");
desc += (bid_tick ? StringFormat("Bid=%G ", tick.ask) : "");
desc += (last_tick ? StringFormat("Last=%G ", tick.last) : "");
desc += (volume_tick? StringFormat("Volume=%d ",tick.volume): "");
desc += "(Info tick)";
//--- retornamos la descripción del tick