Sergey Golubev / Profile

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Comment to topic Something Interesting to Read April 2014
Theory Of Stochastic Processes : With Applications to Financial Mathematics and Risk Theory This book is a collection of exercises covering all the main topics in the modern theory of stochastic

Sergey Golubev

Agostinho Jorge Oliveira
Money Management Simulator
Hi. Just made a tool to help us with money management setup. Hope it will be useful. Edit: now version 2.0 AO

Sergey Golubev
Nomu nara noru na, noru nara nomu na
translation from japaniese:
If you drink don't drive, if you drive don't drink
translation from japaniese:
If you drink don't drive, if you drive don't drink

Sergey Golubev

Comment to topic MetaTrader 5客户端变更列表
MetaTrader 5平台更新Build 930:MetaTrader市场中的书籍 MetaTrader 5平台更新将于2014年4月11日,星期五发布。 它将包括以下更改: 市场:另一种新产品类别已被添加到MetaTrader AppStore的下列交易和金融杂志 - 书籍。现在,您可以根据自动交易和指标购买知名交易员和分析师的作品。书籍的范围每天都在增加。 就像MetaTrader 5

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Comment to topic Press review
Forex: Greenback Bulls On The Run Dollar bulls expecting to score on the back of diverging rates between a hawkish Federal Reserve and dovish European Central Bank (ECB) are now in full retreat. With

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Comment to topic Press review
Trading the News: U. of Michigan Confidence (based on dailyfx article ) A rebound in the U. of Michigan Confidence survey may spur a larger pullback in the EUR/USD as it raises the outlook for the

Sergey Golubev
В этом году Пасха совпадает с днем рождения Гитлера (20 апреля).
Это было и в 41 году
Ох, не нравится мне все это ...
Это было и в 41 году
Ох, не нравится мне все это ...

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Comment to topic 报刊评论
在别人恐惧时贪婪,在别人贪婪时恐惧 你是否曾经历过这样一幕? 在开仓进行一笔交易後,你发现事情的进展比你想象中的更好。你胸有成竹,感觉利润已经是手到擒来,志得意满,剩下的只是等著几时获利了结的问题。但当你走 开一阵,哼著小曲,回来打开交易平台,脑中还在算著这笔单子赢多少钱的时候,你突然发现,汇价走势不知道在什么时候突然转向,甚至已经击穿了你的止损。晴

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Comment to topic 报刊评论
中国 三月 工业品出厂价格指数(年比)低于预期-2.2%:实际值(-2.3%) 中国 三月 居民消费价格指数(年比)低于预期2.5%:实际值(2.4%) 中国 三月 居民消费价格指数(月比)跟预期-0.5%一致

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Comment to topic Press review
China Shares Surge Sharply on Shanghai-Hong Kong Investment Rule China stocks edged up to a near two-month peak after the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced it was going to permit

Sergey Golubev

Comment to topic Список изменений в билдах MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal
Обновление платформы MetaTrader 5 build 930: Книги в MetaTrader Маркете В пятницу 11 апреля 2014 года будет опубликовано обновление платформы MetaTrader 5. Обновление будет содержать следующие

Sergey Golubev

Comment to topic List of changes in MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal builds
MetaTrader 5 Platform Update Build 930: Books in MetaTrader Market MetaTrader 5 platform update is to be released on Friday, April 11, 2014. It will contain the following changes: Market: Another new

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Comment to topic EURUSD Technical Analysis 2014 06.04 - 13.04: Breakdown to Reversal?
Developing/forming patterns for EURUSD for right now. MN1 Bearish Retrecement : W1 Bearish Retrecement : W1 Bearish 3-Drives : H12 Bearish Retracement : H2 Bearish Retracement

Sergey Golubev

Sergey Golubev
Comment to topic Press review
Ignore Momentum Advice -- Buy Real Growth Stocks (based on Forbes article ) “They” are at it again, trying to trip up our investment plans. A deluge of articles warns that “momentum” investing (i.e
