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Added topic delete invalid pointer message when debugging
Hi, I've noticed that when debugging an indicator in MT4, I'm seeing a series of "delete invalid pointer " messages in the terminal's expert tab. In the indicator, every new object that I create is specifically deleted using "delete objName", prior
Added topic Terminate Indicator from inside OnCalculate?
Hi there, I have a password validation class that uses the AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN) to compare with an encrypted input parameter (loosely based on ). This call is made in the OnInit function in the
Added topic Variables being re-initialised after DeInit?
Hi there, Following a similar pattern I've used in an EA, I have the following code at the top of an Indicator .mq4 file: ... //--- #include <gwDeltaCache.mqh> //--- CDeltaCache *DeltaCache; bool isInitialLoad= true ; ... However, when I do
Added topic Buy/Sell Volume Approximation?
Hi there, Is there an accepted "formula" to approximate buy/sell volume on historic bars? I thought that using price action on the bar, you could perhaps apportion part of the bar's volume based on the distance of close from the high as selling, and
Added topic Detect Bar Size/Resolution?
Hi, I've attached a couple of images. One is where I have the bars small and one where the bars are larger. If I drag on the time axis on the chart window, going left makes the bars smaller, going right makes them bigger. In the images, there is an
Added topic Debugging Indicators
Hi, When debugging EA's, you have the handy-dandy Expert tab to send Print() output to. Is there an equivalent way to easily output values when debugging indicators? Cheers and thanks
Added topic Chart "freezes" when debugging
Hi All, I'm trying to debug an indicator and when stepping through the code I want to check the output on the chart. When I select the debug-created chart to adjust it, the cursor starts spinning and the UI freezes. I've done this countless times
Added topic Add drawing objects in Indicator
Hi All, I've created an EA and added drawing objects using the standard library . In a custom indicator, can you still draw on the main window using the standard library or can you only use the index buffers to draw on the chart?  I've created
Added topic My Bad Maths :(
Hi All, I wonder if someone can put me on the right track for something that should and probably is very straightforward. However, my maths is not good so, here it is. I'm trying to take the close of two different bars and see whether the difference
Added topic Problem with iCustom or Indicator restriction?
Hi All, I am trying to run an indicator using iCustom. The indicator has 8 values in the data window. When I iterate around a loop and output the values of buffers 0-7 to variables, from a number of the buffers, I just get back a value
Added topic Trend strength indicator - cumulative buy/sell pressure.
Hi all, I've been working on an EA that determines trend highs/lows according to a set of conditions. What I'd now like to do is confirm the cumulative buying or selling pressure on the current timeframe and be able to detect the same on the higher
Added topic Custom Indicators & Timeframes
Hi there, I'd like to create an indicator that runs on a different timeframe to the chart on which it is applied. This is so I can compare certain results from a slower timeframe against those of the primary chart's timeframe. The indicator I have in
Added topic Best approach to UI in MT4
Hi there, I've been working on my first EA over the last few months and it's now working well :) As is inevitable, I'd like to add some ways of interacting with the EA that is not really covered by the properties dialogue. These would be inputs to
Added topic Persist data/object between timeframe/input changes?
Hi, I have a process that only occurs once and when it does, it dispatches notifications in the usual "standard" ways (email, push etc). However, if I change time-frame/input-vars, as the triggering situation is "recalculated", my EA will re- send
Added topic Creating Arrows Displays Differently On Multiple Timeframes
Hello there, The title pretty much says it all. I have the following code (I use similar code to add other things to the chart):- void CArrow::_createArrow( datetime time1, double price1)   {    if (_arrowUp)
Added topic Compilation Question
Hello there, I've just about completed my first MQ4 OOP application that is triggered by an EA and comprises of various different .mqh files, each containing individual class definitions. So far, I'm just running it locally on a demo
Added topic Invalid Pointer Access - Distilled ...
My earlier similar titled post refers. I've distilled the issue down to the following:- bool CPivotManager::_getPendingHighBefore( datetime priorToTime, datetime &timeFound)   {    int total=_highPivots.Total();   
Added topic Invalid Pointer Access - But Why?
class CPivotManager : public CObject   {    CObjVector<CPivotCandidate>_highPivots;    ... void CPivotManager::Tidy()   {    for ( int i= 0 ;i<_highPivots.Total();i++)
Added topic Overloaded = operator in CList subclass. Not getting Total() result
Hello there, Thanks to @nicholishen , I created the following class:- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Added topic Problem using a copy constructor
Hi there, I have a private class variable _confirmedPivots that I use to contain pivots from a different collection (of the same type) that have "confirmed" (by the rules of my methodology). I create a copy of the source CHiLo object (see below)