Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
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5+ years
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We are a closed brotherhood of traders whose ultimate goal is to profit through well-studied, structured, and automated trades. As a result, we publish dozens of MT5 indicators (FREE and paid) to the global MQL5 community. 80% of our published products are high-quality free indicators so beginner traders can study and develop their own knowledge and strategies without the burden of the costs in this initial phase of their lives as traders. We have also intermediate and advanced traders who love our products, that's the reason for our high rates on our profile and on our products.

Our Motto: Disrupt. All Ways. Always.

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Live Long and Prosper.
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Added topic Is it true that compiling via Command Line does not refresh the EA in Terminal?
Maybe I'm missing something, but I tried several times (changing working directories) used all parameters of Metaeditor in Command Line mode (except for /s) and there is no way to make Terminal64 recognize a new compiled code of its EA running. Does
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2015, 208 pages, by Andrew Jay Vaananen. This book is for those of you that build automated trading strategies and never heard of the terms "Dark Pools" and "High-Frequency Trading...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Added topic Alternative way to open the Properties/Inputs Dialog screen of an EA?
For the sake of User Experience, and my EA have a little screen over the Main Chart, I would like to give the user a more visual and easy way  to access again the Properties/Inputs screen of the EA, without counting on him to find and click on
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Published post Book: Expert Advisor Programming for Metatrader 5 - Creating automated trading systems in the MQL5 language
2018, 388 pages, by Andrew R. Young. This book is one of the very few about MQL5, and specifically written about Expert Advisor programming. It is very well written and structured, containing all you need to build a novice-to-intermediate trading robot...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Added topic How many INDICATOR_DATA buffers can I have per Indicator?
I`m struggling with an indicator that needs to plot a variety of individual elements based on Price Data. I tried for almost an hour to find this limit in the Forum/Documentation Search with no success... Many thanks in advance! ;)
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Published code Hikkake Pattern (Inside Day False Breakout)
Hikkake Pattern (Inside Day False Breakout) indicator is a trading strategy based on false breakouts. Translated into MQL5 code from Dan Chesler's article published in April 2004, Active Trader Magazine "Trading False Moves with the Hikkake Pattern".
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