Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
4.6 (494)
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6+ years
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We are a closed brotherhood of traders whose ultimate goal is to profit through well-studied, structured, and automated trades. As a result, we publish dozens of MT5 indicators (FREE and paid) to the global MQL5 community. 80% of our published products are high-quality free indicators so beginner traders can study and develop their own knowledge and strategies without the burden of the costs in this initial phase of their lives as traders. We have also intermediate and advanced traders who love our products, that's the reason for our high rates on our profile and on our products.

Our Motto: Disrupt. All Ways. Always.

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Live Long and Prosper.
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Published code Better Volume
Easy and visual way to check abnormal changes in Volume.
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Engineers design stuff. Why do Quants prefer to fit? In this talk, Robert Carver will explain what designing a trading system actually involves, explore why designing might be better than fitting, and introduce some of the tools you could use...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck

What is a quant trader?

30 November 2018, 23:21
Shaun Overton interviews Michael Halls-Moore, a quantitative developer. Mike jumped from postgraduate school straight into algorithmic trading, bringing all the academic expertise but having to figure out the real world of trading with other people's money...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck

The Wall Street Code

21 November 2018, 10:32
A thriller about a genius algorithm builder who dared to stand up against Wall Street. Haim Bodek, aka The Algo Arms Dealer...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
A very interesting view of how Quants work, and the effects of their work on the world of Stock markets. A must-see... Cheers...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Found this interesting video of countries selling US debt...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2014, 225 pages, by Kevin J. Davey – If you ever wanted to start developing your own trading systems/methodologies, this is a great book...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2013, 336 pages, by Rishi K. Narang -It is a very interesting and deep book about the current market practices and all about Quants and High-Frequency trading...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Chat With Traders How quantitative trading strategies are created, scrutinized and introduced to the market w/ Ernie Chan...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Weis Volume Waves for MT5!
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Published code Weis Waves
Volume Wave indicator originally idealized by Richard D. Wyckoff.
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
First of all, I tried unsuccessfully to upload this indicator into the Codebase. Not matter what I tried to re-code/optimize the code I was always getting the error "Tester takes too long time". After a dozen tries I gave up...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Added topic CODEBASE Tester Takes Too Long Time
Since the Metaquotes automated system adoption, some "approval" tasks get stuck as my indicator... I'm receiving the error from submitting the code: but in my environment it is all fine... Who can tell me where I can start to search for the culprit
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Added topic This is the kind of Marketplace request that demeans MQL developers
We are not official MQL developers at the MQL Freelance marketplace, but we help to answer and help anyone who seek help on all the MQL Forums. The time we spend Giving Back as support or other ways is a way to thank you guys for the wonderful
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Published code Didi Needles - with MA Threshold Diff Filtering
Classic version (on Chart) of Didi Needles indicator, now with a filtering threshold based on MA threshold differences.
· 1 7889 2954
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Added topic Indicator almost ready to go to MQL5 Community. Just 1 bug that is driving me nuts!
Just finishing another indicator to share with you on Codebase, but I lost the whole day experimenting, digging, searching, trying to figure out why this behavior is happening. The indicator is a simple one, based on the famous Didi Needles, but I
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
2010, 241 pages, by Michael Durbin – If you have read about Hight Frequency Trading and related sub-themes, this book is not for you, and that is because of its publication date...
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Published code 3 Rules MACD
Traditional MACD made stronger with 3 additional rules/filters.
· 1 21360 7939
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
After reviewing a couple of alternative IDEs/Source Code Editors that could be used to code and compile in MQL5 instead of using the original Metaeditor IDE, I decided to go with Visual Studio Code, from Microsoft...
· 55 52413 90
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Added topic Is it true that compiling via Command Line does not refresh the EA in Terminal?
Maybe I'm missing something, but I tried several times (changing working directories) used all parameters of Metaeditor in Command Line mode (except for /s) and there is no way to make Terminal64 recognize a new compiled code of its EA running. Does