Added topic ini file and dll library question
Hi guys  i  create a dll in c++  for visual studio 2019 for read ini file i suppose  is  correct the code  because compile  and  not return error , but unfortunately , when i call it,  by mql4  not
Added topic mql4 ini file and dll
Hi i try to work with inifile but  unfortunately  is very complicated  in mql4 , i saw  a lib  in library but not work , therfore in  first time i try to usae fileread and many more  but not work also this solution
Added topic Minimum size for open trade how to detect?
Hi  how is possible detect a minimum  size for open a trade ?, i know depend of the broker and i suppose  also of wallet balance  margin e much more ?? , i suppose that this problem with this one line code  minLotSize =
Added topic expression is not boolean o_O
hi  guys  i ahve  this  control in middle of script               if (ij% 2 ){               
Added topic Modify indicator overlay chart
Hi guys i have find this indicator https://www.mql5.com/en/code/7933 by @Sameer ,  i want modify i want insert this future , cart overly like line .(choice candle or line , or line with area fill underline) i insert many  part in code 
Added topic why short work and buy not ?
hi guys  in my script i want open  a trade at time  it  works only for short   return me error 130   i suppose is sleepage  but i set also 100 or 1000  and continue to non open  i try also to open
Added topic create rectagnle till end of screen is possible?
hi i have create a line chart and i want  fill under the line like the attach i think for have this effect i should painted rectangle under the line many rectangle , the  question is  how  is possible find a end of screen ?? when
Added topic array in function exchange dubt
"Hi guys, I have two functions. One is named '_ReturnHOCLVofXcandel', and the other is named '_PearsonCorrelation'. The 'PearsonCorrelation' function calculates the Pearson correlation coefficient. The first function ('_ReturnHOCLVofXcandel') is
Added topic how can fill under the line till end of vertical chart ?
hi i try to use this code  for fill but not  work anyone  have sume suggest ?? thanks so much #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 1 #property indicator_color1 LightPink #property indicator_width1 2 double
Added topic why if and not work crrect ? o_O
hi  i have a part of long script  in this script  i have created a edit box  and  i want  change backgroung color  green/red  when some percent appear in the edit box  i write  a function for do that
Added topic Question about cfd in metatradr
Hi i saw in metatrader  4 the CFD  like  brent or index , but  many broker call in diffrents mode , and i want  compare with some string example if (( Symbol ()== "BRENT.CMD" ) this is correct for broker dukas, but  for
Added topic protect the script mql4
Hi exist some metod for protect  a mql4  EA  ?  i saw   this https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/359&nbsp ; but is only for mql5  i suppose  exist the same papre but  for mql4  ?? thanks  at all
Added topic exchange data outside MT4
Hello, I would like to create an application for MT4 that can communicate with an other application I will create on my PC. I've seen that there are many open-source bridges available, one of which is ZeroMQ. However, I couldn't find it for Windows
Added topic normalize double work sometime
hi i have  a big  script for this reason i past only a part , i notice  normilize  double  some time work some time  not  work anyone  have idea  why ? if (ctrlclick == 1 )
Added topic i try to go in back of chart without scroll
hi i look this tutorial  https://www.forex.in.rs/jump-to-date-time-on-mt4 i try to go at  2019.09.03 08:00;  but not  move , exist  some  free indicator for do this ?   or  anyone can explain me  why
Added topic how can give function of button ?
hi , i have a script with one  button i want when i push it  want execute a function , how  is possible do that  ?  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Added topic math operation problem
hi i want doing  a differential variation percentage,  i build  a part of  script  in this mode int shift = iBarShift (Cross_Correlato, 0 , dt);
Added topic how is possible use mouse + shift in mql4 ?
Hi i try to use in my EA  the  combo shift + mouse left  click    i build  a EA in this mode (i write only a part because is so long a script  but if  someone  want  all i can past )
Added topic library for GUI questions
Hi i want  create a libray for call button in simple mode like  _GiuButton( param...)  but i want create a generic _GiuButton , in this mode when i want create buy and sell button i  simply do in this mode   _GiuButton( param
Added topic how create library
hi i want create a library with some function that  create  a button and  other GUI , i have  a main program  call A  and library called  B    in  program A i call with include my libraryB.mqh