Added topic fractal indicator anyone can explain a part of code ?
Hi i have  this  fractal indicator code i want  understund  how it  work //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Added topic caller wich sense have ?
Hi i have  this part  of  script  , is  a part of common_functions.mqh  , i not underestund a sense  of  this variable  caller  anyone  can explain me ?  thanks  /** * Drop-in
Added topic find correct price with x y , left mouse button
Hi guys  i have  this code //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Added topic question about speed and much more
Hi i have this code //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Added topic dll ini read and performance
Hi i  have  a script this , script read a file ini with mql4 code , i notice  is  very slow to load , therefore i try to  create DLL for see a difference of velocity i create a dll this  a code #include "pch.h" #include
Added topic why not higlight correctly ?
Hi guys  i want higlight  a candel that have  >= 6 pips  i create  this  script , but  not mark  all candel that respect this parameter ,  why
Added topic add one day or remove, return 1970 .....
Hi i build  a  function for  remove  one  day or add one day  but  when i use it  return me always  epoch linux  time , whats wrong ? t1 = StrToTime( "2023.09.12 14:00:00" ); nuovaData =
Added topic exist example for dll very easy? like hello world?
Hi exist example or tutorial for create and interact with .Dll , but extremely easy ?  like simple Hello world? thanks
Added topic dll import and use problem
Hi try to create a dll and import it , i store the dll inside a folderlibrary , the dll i have created with visualbasic.net and i call it with this code //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Added topic question about ini file and performance
Hi guys i have create a function for read inifile , it work perfect , but i notice the performance  when load a inifile , is  very slow , i think if the demand of iniread i assign at external dll , increase performance or the problem is
Added topic is possible with indicator call EA ?
Hi i have a indicator that scanner some cross if the param is correct i want push over one button and open a new chart with a template , and insert one EA with option , and  indicator with option , is possible do that ?  i saw the function
Added topic why return many decimal ?? also after normalize double?
Hi, I create  this  simple  script  i notice  in some  cross  return many decimal and  if  i normalize double  not  normalize nothing  how  is possible?? i do some  error ?? return
Added topic normalize price for textbox
Hi , When entering a price in a textbox, when I use DoubleToStr and set it to 5, it correctly truncates the price if it is formatted as a number, followed by a comma, and then 7 digits. However, if a price has 4 digits before the comma and then 8
Added topic general question about start profiling on real data
Hi guys  i see the start profiling on real data after  this  when i stop i have  some  bar green and  blue  , anyone  have  documentation about it  how  can interpret this  ? i saw in
Added topic how is possible set bold at font ??
hi guys ,is  possible  set  bold  a  write  inside  at editbox ? i have create the esditbox with insede a text  , but i not  find  how is possible set a bold EditCreate( 0
Added topic how debug step by step ?
Hi  is possible in the MetaEditor  run a  program  step by step  for  look where  is the problem ??  thanks
Added topic how delete some record in array ?
Hi guy   i have  one array  with 10 record   but  the  first  and   last  is  empty  i want remove this record how  possible to do that ? i have crete this  code 
Added topic why return this worning loss data conversion ?
Hi  when i run a library of Bernd Kreuss base64 //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Encoding data in
Added topic webrequest test script
Hi guy i try to test example script in manual for understund how  work webrequest  the first  script for download  page of  gogoel finance  work  right , but the second script give me error autentication logn and
Added topic array questions
Hi is possible  when declare  array  give  a dimension by variable ??  like  this ? string value = ReadIniValue( "correlazioni.ini" , "correlato" , "symbl6" );    int TotalLine=(CountLinesInFile(