• Indicator type
  • Price
  • Reset
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Free Technical Indicators for MetaTrader 5 - 23

icon Signals from technical indicators play a crucial role in opening and closing deals on stock and Forex markets. The essence of indicators is a mathematical transformation of a financial symbol price aimed at forecasting future price changes. Test technical indicators to better predict market behavior and profit from it.
Historical Spread Indicator
Saullo De Oliveira Pacheco
Hello! My name is Saullo and I am an MQL5/4 programmer specializing in custom services for Metatrader. This is a very simple indicator that shows on the chart the history of the spread of each candle of the chart's asset. Follow me on instagram: @saullo_algotrader If you need custom development services for metatrader contact me on instagram. Thank you very much!
Fabiano Luiz Roberto
1 (1)
This simple indicator creates a ZigZag based on market frequency. It can be very useful for those who trade TapeReading. Switch between the various timeframes and note that the ZigZag will be maintained, this is due to the method used to create a timeless indicator. Set the main input parameter: nTicks: Number of ticks for frequency inversion The other parameters are for visual aspects only, try them.
This indicator looks for 3 rather strong patterns: Spinning Top pattern Hammer or Hanging Man Inverted Hammer or Shooting Star These patterns may indicate a trend continuation or its reversal, depending on the location of the patterns. Input parameters Distance - distance between the signal and the formed signal Note: the higher the timeframe, the greater the value should be used in Distance to display the signal correctly Indicator Features Suitable for any currency pair Operating timeframe:
If your strategy requires trading during a certain period of market activity - calm or turbulent, this indicator will help you find such periods of time within a week for each currency pair using statistics. The principle of the indicator is quite simple. The entire trading week, from Monday 00:00 to Friday 23:59, is divided into timeslots, the duration of which corresponds to the current timeframe. For each timeslot, activity is calculated - the average value of the difference between the slow
Tick Speed Free MT5
John Louis Fernando Diamante
Tick Speed Free povides a on-chart label of tick speed to allow you to see the ebb and flow of market activity. Observing rises and falls in tick speed may allow you to better time entries to reduce slippage and re-quotes. Options include: - colores for low-mid-high tick speeds - placement and styling - prefix & suffix to customise the speed label Troubleshooting: - Note, in the tester environment, tick timings are limited to what is supplied by the tester environment and it's speed - If there
This indicator displays the spread with extra options Simple and easy to use and fully customisable: View as Pips or Pipettes Chart symbol can be hidden Text display can be changed Change colour and text styles Add or hide a decimal point Spacing options between inputs Default screen positions Screen position inputs Pro version includes: Drag and drop box on the screen Add an alert when the spread is too high Alert colours for text and text box changeable How to use 1. Simply use the default
Micro MACD
Aleksandr Goryachev
MACD  ******************** MACD для платформы секундных графиков Micro . ********************* Секундный график на порядок увеличит точность ваших входов и выходов. Секундный период , в привычном формате,   позволит увидеть то, что ранее было скрыто. Бесплатные индикаторы, дополнят визуальную картину, что, в совокупности выведет вашу торговлю на новый уровень. Идеально подходит как скальперам, так и трейдерам торгующим внутри дня.  Индикатор  MACD для платформы Micro. Входные параметры:
This indicate will set the global variable GlobalVariableSet(" G_News ",1); when there is news.   You can add this indicator to any char, it is not necessary that the char has your EA Just add this code to your EA ( file mq5) to identify when there is news int news=0; if(GlobalVariableGet("G_News")==1) {news=1;} This is the identification code when there is news, how to handle it is up to you You can customize the pause time, customize the country you want to get news from...
Moving Average Colored
Karin Klayton Schiochet
5 (2)
Moving Average Colored A very simple indicator, but one that cannot be missed when carrying out your operations. Considered one of the oldest and indispensable indicators to have on your chart now with coloring to make your operations even easier. Configuration Parameters: Time course Averaging Method Come and see our mql5 signals too https://www.mql5.com/pt/signals/914535?
The indicator draws a colored histogram from comparisons of the strengths of bulls and bears. It works like this: The values ​​of two indicators Bears and Bulls are taken, who is stronger on the candlestick is compared, the column is filled in. It's all. .
Dsc Candle Agression
Diogo Sawitzki Cansi
3 (1)
Corretora recomendada para usar esse indicador: https://tinyurl.com/5ftaha7c Indicador que pinta o candle de amarelo em pontos de muita agressão no mercado. Sempre que o mercado for se movimentar o candle irá ficar amarelo. Valido para todos ativos e todos timeframes.   SEE OUR RESULTS ON INSTAGRAM:  https://www.instagram.com/diogo.cansi/   TELEGRAM GROUP =  https://t.me/robosdsc More information by email dscinvestimentos@gmail.com or by Whatsapp 55-991372299
Laguerre Filter
Fernando Lahude Ritter
Laguerre Indicator with Gamma Input Overview: The Laguerre Indicator is a sophisticated financial analysis tool designed to provide traders and investors with a dynamic and responsive method to track market trends. Its core functionality is centered around a unique algorithm that adapts to market volatility, offering clearer insights compared to traditional indicators. Key Feature - Gamma Input: Gamma: The sole input for the Laguerre Indicator, 'gamma,' plays a pivotal role in calibrating the i
This indicator show color of trend. And combined with the average line, but be used on the hightest price and the lowest of the 26 period. The target entry at the level and the point of the route between 2 line for entry and exit position This is a first version, many problems is not supported and fine. Expected a contected from your friends To continue to follow the good products
This is a regression tree indicator for MT4/MT5. This indicator classificate nodes on the time period so that the deviation becomes smaller, and displays regression line and channel for each node. It's free! Attached CartDemo.ex4 and CartDemo.ex5 is a Demo version and has the following limitations: Method is RandomForest only Maximum number of bars is 200 Maximum number of trees is 2 Maximum tree depth is 2 Calculated waste lines are shown Not display correlation coefficients Full version is
A free deals history results panel. Its working principle is to calculate the income of each month by consulting the historical trading records, and show it in the form of a table. At the same time, it also statistics all the trading results of the current account, so that traders can adjust their trading strategies according to the historical records. If you have more needs, please contact the author!
To download MT4 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "RSI versus SMA" By "JayRogers". This indicator lets you read the buffers for all Lines on chart.  Note: This is an indicator, Not an expert. Meaning It does not take trades. If you want the EA please contact via message. You can easily use the indicator to understand the logic behind trades that the TradingView strategy takes. The strategy is profitable if this indicator is applied to the right symbol at
The indicator measures and displays the difference in the number of "Bid" and "Ask"  prices changes in the form of digital, analog and graphic indicators. Designed for market research and for determine the moments of position closing during scalping trade with H1 or less timeframe. Use with bigger timeframe is not prohibited, but it is not informative because of a large number of accumulated values. Theory "Bid" and "Ask" prices do not change simultaneously for most symbols. Often you can see ho
RSI talking, use all your senses while trading! The idea When trading your eyes might be very stressed. Therefore I programmed the RSItalking. Trade what you see and what you hear ! Function This indicator says "rsioverbought" when rsi is over a threshold value (default 75%) and "rsioversold" if it is under a lower threshold (default 25%). When you keep a long position be adviced to realize profit when the indicator tells you "rsioverbought" and vice versa. You will find an explanation of the
Advanced Trend Builder is a trend indicator using the original calculation algorithm. ATB can be used on any data and timeframe. My recommendation use for calculation numbers 4 - 16 - 64 - 256 and so on ..., but this is only recommendation. The middle of the trend wave is a special place where market behavior is different, when developed ATB was main idea to find the middle of the wave trend. Input parameters: Bars will be used for calculation - number of bars used for a trend line calculation.
Andre Fonseca Loureiro
Media Band é um indicador que projeta 8 bandas paralelas a uma media movel de referencia. Podendo auxiliar na visualização da volatilidade do mercado financeiro.  Este indicador foi inspirado na necessidade de avaliar melhor uma boa oportunidade de compra e venda dos ativos de acordo com o "seu" operacional. Não pode ser utilizado como recomendação e sim a fins de estudos do Mercado Financeiro.
Large Price MT5
Nino Guevara Ruwano
For traders, monitoring price movements is a constant activity, because each price movement determines the action that must be taken next. This simple indicator will helps traders to display prices more clearly in a larger size. Users can set the font size and choose the color that will be displayed on the chart. There are three color options that can be selected to be displayed on the chart.
Indicador Regressão Linear – Par de Ativos Indicador é um oscilador que faz o plot do Resíduo resultado da regressão linear entre os dois ativos inseridos como input do indicador, representado pela fórmula: Y = aX + b + R Onde Y é o valor do ativo dependente, X é o valor do ativo independente, a é a inclinação da reta entre os dois ativos, b é a intersecção da reta e R é o resíduo. O resíduo representa a quantidade da variabilidade que Y que o modelo ajustado não consegue explicar. E os resíduos
Viktor Lubimov
3 (1)
This is an arbitrage indicator. The indicator displays the chart of an arbitrary combination of trading instruments, described by the entered arithmetic formula. Using the indicator. Add an indicator to any chart. Enter the formula as a string in the indicator's parameters. All symbols used in the formula must exactly match the names in the table "Market Overview" of the terminal. Example of the formula: (SIBN + SNGS) / 'RTS-3.19' + 2.5 * GAZP / LKOH Start the indicator The formula must meet the
TimeFrameLow milliseconds
Israel Goncalves Moraes De Souza
O indicador mostra o preço ou volume em milissegundos, ótimo para identificar padrões de entrada por agressão de preço ou volume e escalpelamento rápido. Características Período de tempo do WPR em milissegundos Oscilador de agressão de preço Tela personalizável O indicador pode indicar movimentos de entrada, como: Cruzamento da linha 0.0 Identificando padrões de onda A velocidade de exibição do gráfico dependerá do seu hardware, quanto menores os milissegundos, mais serão necessários do hardwar
Стрелочный индикатор, выдающий сигнал при пересечении 2 SMA. Сигналы выдаются в виде стрелок и подходят для торговли бинарными опционами.  Это демо версия индикатора, в не нельзя изменять параметры. Полная версия .  Входные параметры First period-  период 1 MA Second period -  период 2 MA Invert signals -  Возможность давать инвертированные сигналы (для работы по тренду) Candles to count  - количество свечей для подсчета статистики Expiration - время экспирации сигнала Length - расстояние для
Utility for show on charts the visual informations about: - a vertical line at start of each bar of selected timeframe - a vertical line at start of each day - a vertical line at start of each week - vertical lines at start / end of trading sessions selected - bid / ask prices, spread, money value for each point (of 1 standard lot) and last tick time recived" You can enable / disable each information and set the color for each line
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. Floating Highest Lowest MT5 provides you an intuitive and user-friendly method to monitor the floating highest (profit) and lowest (loss) that all your trades together ever arrive. For example, I opened 3 orders, which arrived at $4.71 floating profit when trade following trend. Later when the trend is against me, these 3 orders arrive $30 in loss, and a
MT5用 サブウィンドウにスプレッドとBUY SWAP(BS)とSELL SWAP(SS)を表示するインジケーターです。 表示の文字フォントの大きさと色の設定、スプレッドの表示をPIPS表示もしくはPOINTS表示切替が可能ですので、チャートの色設定などに合わせて、お好みでご利用いただけます。 サブウィンドウの表示サイズに合わせて、その中央に表示するようになっています。 (ご協力お願いします!) こちらは無料でご利用いただけます。どうぞご自由にご利用ください。 もしよければ MS High Low indicator も紹介していますので、どうぞご参照の上、DEMO版のダウンロードをお試しください! Happy Trading :)
Dmitiry Ananiev
Индикатор отображает изменение баланса В правом нижнем углу окна. Отображаются следующие периоды Сегодня  Вчера  3 дня  Неделя 10 дней  Месяц 3 месяца Полгода Год  Все время  Есть возможность выставить расчетное время. Удобно пользоваться для расчетов прибыли/убытков с определенного часа. Будет полезен например ночным скальперам. Данные совпадают с расчетами отчета в терминалее.
NS Financas Indicador de Spread
Luiz Guilherme Neves Da Silva
4 (1)
Spread Indicator MT5 - NS Finanças. (http://www.nsfinancas.com.br) Auxiliary tool to give Spread visibility to all types of currency pairs and timeframes. The labels are well positioned in the upper right corner of the chart so as not to disturb the visualization during the trade, however it is also possible to drag the indicator to the best place on your screen. In addition to the current spread, this indicator also monitors the minimum, maximum and average spread of the selected currency pair
Bollinger colorido
Sergio Domingues
5 (1)
Funciona como bandas de bollinger normais. Criado por Joe Ross, é um setup de maior risco por ser contra-tendência. Pode ser usado para Day Trade, Swing Trade e Position. Para identificar, é necessário inserir no gráfico as Bandas de Bollinger, com uma Média Móvel Simples de 20 períodos e largura (desvio) 2. Verifica-se um fechamento de determinado candle abaixo da banda inferior de Bollinger. Se o próximo candle fechar dentro das Bandas, marca-se a máxima dele. O rompimento dessa máxima será o
Indicador Maestro del Trader Características Principales: Spread del Mercado en Tiempo Real : Visualiza el diferencial entre el precio de compra y venta directamente en tu gráfico.  Cuenta Regresiva del Cierre de Vela : No más sorpresas al final de la vela. El indicador muestra un cronómetro que te informa cuánto tiempo queda antes de que se cierre la vela actual. ¡Actúa con precisión en los momentos cruciales! Ganancias o Pérdidas en Tiempo Real : ¿Estás en verde o en rojo? El Indicador Maest
Joerg Hamann
3 (1)
The MWC COX indicator shows the extreme zones of net short/long positions of the Commitments of Traders Report released by the CFTC once a week for four periods of time. Default settings are periods of 12, 26, 52 and 156 weeks. Additional Features Displays the sum of all 4 periods in one line MA, MOM and RSI indicators are integrated ( not in the MQL5 Version 1.0 ) Please make sure that you download the MWC_Demo.zip file and unpack it into   [...]/MQL5/Files   folder.  ->  www.myweeklycot.com/t
//////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////// An improved version of the standard Average True Range indicator. It is now a responsive and smoothed line. The setup is not straightforward - but I hope you can do it. It is very easy to understand the readings of this indicator, the meaning is the same as that of the standard Average True Range. //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// I hope this indicator will
RFOC Symbol Background
Ronaldo Franco De Oliveira Cardoso
The RFOC Symbol Background was created to display the name of the asset and the current timeframe in the background of the chart. Displaying the name of the asset at the bottom of the chart is often used by traders who are designing the screen for spectators, making it easier to identify the asset and the timeframe during a class, for example. It is available for the user to select the font size (small, medium or large) and select the color for better viewing according to the background color
This is a tick indicator which compares the current bid price with the previous bid directly before it, and draws candles based on a comparison of the current ticks. It does not use historical ticks. Everything happens in real time, data moves from right to left, and the newest data arrives at the right. A trend line can be added which points in the direction of the price shifts.
Kiyoshi Mizu Miyabi Nori
Are you having trouble with too many events in the economic calendar? This reduces to the minimum number you need. You can filter by country code importance any key words and you can receive alerts before the set time of the event. ++++++++++++++ If country code is blank, display available code on the expert tab. You need to turn off the automatic calendar update setting in MT5. Any sound file of .wav format in Sounds directory. The length of keyword characters is limited by MT5.
Introducing the VXN Indicator Discount code for 25% off at Darwinex Zero: DWZ2328770MGM Your ultimate ally in navigating the volatile seas of the Nasdaq-100 Index. Designed for traders who demand precision and reliability, the VXN Indicator provides real-time insights into market sentiment and potential price swings. With the VXN Indicator, you can: Predict Volatility : Gain a competitive edge by anticipating market movements with accuracy. Optimize Strategies : Fine-tune your trading strategi
An improved version of the standard Standard Deviation indicator. It is now a responsive and smoothed line. The setup is not straightforward - but I hope you can do it. It is very easy to understand the readings of this indicator, the meaning is the same as that of the usual Standard Deviation. //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// I hope this indicator will be very useful to you in successful trading. Good luck.
Available Range Bands
Ricardo Alexandre Laurentino
The Available Range Bands Technical Indicator draws two lines on the chart indicating the maximum limits (bands) expected for buying and selling for the current period (candle). These limits can be accessed by buffers 0 and 1 respectively. In addition, it displays in the lower right corner the current average values of the real volatility, the last price, the predicted range of movement available for buying (% and points) and the predicted range of movement available for selling (% and points)
Dsc Oscillator
Diogo Sawitzki Cansi
Recomended broker: https://tinyurl.com/5ftaha7c Indicator used to monitor price fluctuations in the market and discover possible reversals through reversal points or divergences in the indicator. All assets and all timeframes.   SEE OUR RESULTS ON INSTAGRAM:  https://www.instagram.com/diogo.cansi/   TELEGRAM GROUP =  https://t.me/robosdsc More information by email dscinvestimentos@gmail.com or by Whatsapp 55-991372299
Eur X
Mitchell Dean Ede
The euro index (Euro Currency Index, EURX) is an average indicator of changes in the exchange rates of five currencies (US dollar, British pound, Japanese yen, Swiss franc and Swedish krona) against the euro. Displays a Eur X chart in a seperate window below the main chart. YOUR BROKER MUST HAVE THESE SYMBOLS FOR THE INDICATOR TO WORK Based on EUR/USD, EUR/JPY, EUR/GBP, EUR/CHF and EUR/SEK All these pairs must be added to Market Watch for the indicator to work correctly As this is calculated usi
The custom Bollinger Bands Height indicator measures and displays the current state of the Bollinger Bands indicator, showing whether the bands are widening (moving away from each other) or narrowing (starting to converge). Contraction, indicated by the narrowing of the bands, suggests that the current market movement is losing momentum and hints at the potential start of a new strong movement. This can be a signal to look for an opportune moment to enter a position, as a sharp price change may
CandleCloseCountdown 5
Adriaan Abraham Slingerland
CandleCloseCountdown is technically an indicator. Its purpose is to show the time a candle has left on a given timeframe before it closes. All possible time frames of MetaTrader 4 are supported. The way the remaining time is displayed depends on the selected timeframe. For M1 only the seconds   are displayed. Above that at all timeframes up to H1 the remaining minutes and seconds are displayed and so on for timeframes above D1.
Main purpose: This indicator calculates the average of previous candles (a half of candle points). This value represent the strength of market (buy/sell) in each candle. Parameters: . Period: indicating previous candles to calculate average . Shift: draw line at a shift on chart. Tip: We can use this value to consider TP and SL of a position before opening.
Indicators are professional data statistics, position orders, historical order analysis->>>>>> <This version is in Chinese -> English version please move> Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEM
Hai Dong Zhang
JCStatistics 简繁数据统计 1.显示账户信息:内容显示 交易员、账号、本金、杠杆、保证金、保证金比例、余额、净值; 日周月开盘余额、持仓收益、日收益、周收益、月收益; 收益为正时显示红色字体,收益为负时显示绿色字体; 日收益低于-5%时显示CircuitBreak; 总收益低于-10%时显示MarginCall; 2.显示统计数据: 收益(收益率)(交易量)(胜率) 5日数据;4周数据;12月数据; 3.当前标的统计:Symbol()收益(交易量)(胜率) 4.主流标的统计:收益(交易量)(胜率) 可以选择性显示账户信息、数据信息,调整显示颜色,调整字体,调整字体大小。 指标删除后自动删除桌面文字及背景。 备注:如遇使用问题,请联系邮箱:16692618587@qq.com.
Indicator for fast navigation through financial instruments. When you click on the button, you go to the chart of the financial instrument, the name of which was written on the button. In other words, the indicator opens or unfolds an existing chart window. For each chart, you can customize the name of the financial instrument, text color and background color; in total, you can customize symbols buttons that you trade often. The indicator can be installed on any charts for which you need to swit
Dynamic Theoretical Stop Histogram indicator that dynamically analyzes the theoretical Stop levels in real time. Operation : The DTS - Dynamic Theoretical Stop does a mapping of fractals in previous candles and suggests two levels of Stop: For purchase and for sale. Suggested reading : It is necessary to make the definition of Maximum Stop in points in the Trading Plan. In this way, the trader can decide the best entry point by analyzing the theoretical stop levels: Stop for sales: Shown a
The indicator displays the chart of an arbitrary combination of trading instruments, described by the entered arithmetic formula. Using the indicator. Add an indicator to any chart. Enter the formula as a string in the indicator's parameters. All symbols used in the formula must exactly match the names in the table "Market Overview" of the terminal. Example of the formula: (SIBN + SNGS) / 'RTS-3.19' + 2.5 * GAZP / LKOH Start the indicator The formula must meet the following requirements: The nam
Bars expiration for MT5
Eugenio Bravetti
5 (1)
This indicator is an utility for have always under control, how much time is left at the end of the bar setted. The utility show on the lower right of the chart, the countdown to the end. When the remaining seconds is = to the seconds set in the input, the color of remaining seconds on chart, change color and play a warning sound to warn you that the bar is about the end. When the remaining seconds is < to the seconds set in the input, the utility play a beep to warn you that the bar is in co
RXTL indicator
Firdaus Bin Nasharuddin Muhammad
RXTL indicator Indicator is based on ATR to calculate trend and direction bias Works on all timeframes Required for the other EA to work accordingly Download and ensure it is placed in the Indicator folder Do inbox me for any questions installing instructions 1) Download RXTL indicator 2) If indicator does not appear, refresh indicator tab 3) Drag indicator to active chart 4) Use it alongside with other EA
Analyze potential   Covered Call   structures in the Brazilian market. Define where you want the break-even of your structure and see what structure to use. It works for any asset that has authorized series of options on B3 (Brazilian Stock Exchange). Associate the indicator to the asset you want to set up the Covered Call. *** ATENTION *** For the robot to work, the service that consults the authorized series of B3 options must be running on your terminal. Download the utility for free from t
Candle Retracements
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
1 (1)
Do you want to know how much, how frequent and at what level a candlestick retraces over the previous one, just drop Candles Retracement over your chart and see it visually! Just choose your desired timeframe and the indicator will show it graphically. As simple as that... In addition you have the option to calibrate a Moving Average over this sub-window chart monitor. This indicator could be used to study candle retracements levels so you can comfortably expect during a trade what to expect fro
Индикатор, показывающий момент преодоления нулевой отметки индикатора MACD. Индикатор стрелочный и может быть использован для торговли бинарными опционами. Входные параметры Period of SMA1  - Период 1 скользящей средней Period of SMA2 -  Период 2 скользящей средней Period of SMA3 -  Период 3 скользящей средней Inform about finding the signal  - подавать уведомление, при нахождении сигнала
MetaQuotes Ltd.
3 (1)
The indicator ColorCandlesDaily draw candles with different colors depending on the day of the week.
TimePrice Free
Du Zhi Shan Tian
5 (1)
Display the date, time and price according to the movement of the mouse cursor on the chart This is useful for discretionary trading. It is an indispensable tool for verifying and studying past market prices and trades. Characteristic Date,Time and Price are displayed. The value follows the movement of the mouse. You can change the color of the text. Please refer to the video on youtube. For MT5 only.
Vasilii Luchnikov
5 (2)
Good afternoon. Today we offer the maxlottomson indicator to determine the maximum volume that you can put up for purchase or sale, if you look at your deposit level. This indicator is convenient to use for News trading, when you need to determine the entry point on a high-speed movement and calculate the risk level as a percentage of the deposit, the maxlottomson indicator shows the maximum value of the LOT volume for your deposit that you can use for trading.
SAR based on MA
Luis Enrique Ricales
La idea de este indicador es la siguiente: reemplazar los precios High, Low del indicador SAR por los valores del indicador Moving Average. Al final tendremos la siguiente imagen: Es decir, el indicador SAR cambia su dirección después de tocar el indicador Moving Average. Parámetros de entrada SAR: Step   - parámetro "Step" del indicador SAR; SAR: Maximum   - parámetro "Maximum" del indicador SAR; MA: Period   - parámetro "período de promediación" del indicador MA; MA: Shift   - parámetro "des
ProFactor is an indicator generating signals based price on the famous profit factor formula. The calculation  is simply defined as gross  GREEN BARS  divided by gross RED BARS. That's it in a nutshell, but sometimes the simplest things hold the most value. So let's imagine your trading system's gross  profit  for the past year was $40,000 and your gross losses were $20,000. Your  Profit Factor  would be 2. The ProFactor calculation works on the price of the asset instead of the strategy outco
Progress viewer
Sphelele Sphesihle Lubanyana
This indicator helps keep track of the number of trades taken in the day. It shows losses and potential profit then the total profits which is, profits - losses. Then total profit for the week and month. Soon the indicator will be sharing some trading tips based on your trading. It really does put necessary pressure and helps you to  set a goal for yourself for the day. Familiarise yourself to draw your analysis on the same chart with the indicator because it will have to alert you if price brok
Price direct alert
Dorah Zandile Mahesu
The Choppery notifier is an indicator that has been developed and tested for the purpose of alerting you that a candle is about to form, it takes away the trouble of having to play a guessing game as to when next a candle will form after a trend, therefore most of the time it eliminates the thought of having to predict which direction price will begin to move at. This indicator can be used in any timeframe, a notification will be sent out to you via email when price moves. you can start at a min
YKL Maps
Ygor Keller Luccas
5 (1)
Indicador MAPS Indicador é um oscilador que faz o plot da Curva de Retorno de uma regressão de segundo grau para os preços de fechamento do ativo do gráfico. A Curva de Retorno é a linha central do indicador MAPS e representa a região de equilíbrio do preço entre vendedores e compradores. Os plots do indicador são: Linha central - C0 - cor da mesma varia de acordo com a tendência do mercado, sendo verde para tendência de alta e vermelho para baixa; Linhas superiores: S1, S2, S3 e S4, sendo que a
The forex spread is   the difference between a forex broker's sell rate and buy rate when exchanging or trading currencies . Spreads can be narrower or wider, depending on the currency involved, the time of day a trade is initiated, and economic conditions. Forex   Spread WatchDog : This Forex indicator ensures that you are getting the best spreads while trading, and guards against broker   spread   widening.
Mikhail Savenkov
5 (1)
Мультивалютный индикатор в отдельном окне отображает движение валютных пар в пунктах с расхождением от начала дня. Во время работы, динамически возможно включать и отключать различные пары прямо на графике. При первом запуске, возможно, потребуется продолжительное время, пока загрузиться история для основных валютных пар. Расчет всех кроссов происходит на основе мажоров. Для валют CAD, CHF, JPY - график перевернут. При повторном открытии, все настройки индикатора восстанавливаются автоматически.
*Used by MeditionSeed EA.  Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.[1][2][3][4][web 1][web 2] Plant a Meditation Seed to have wonderful future.
This indicator changes the standard MetaTrader 5 candles to candles at the selected BID, ASK or Average price (BID+ASK)/2. Simply attach the indicator to the chart and select the prices to plot the candles or bars. Indicator Parameters ENUM_DRAW_TYPE - plot candles or bars on the chart For the price - the price for plotting the candles or bars The chart returns to its normal visualization mode after removing the indicator.
Georgij Komarov
GeoInfo5 is one of the most informative indicators, it displays basic information about a trading instrument in a compact form. The version for the Meta Trader 4 terminal has gained wide popularity among traders. The indicator is free and will always be free. The launch version is now available for MetaTrader 5 as well. displays information about the main parameters of the tool in a brief form in the line in the upper left corner of the chart: Spread, Swap for Buy order, Swap for Sell order, c
Tick Bars
Henrique Helmuth Kreutz Pfeifer
Indicator that show candlestick bars with an different sampling method than time fixed. Real time data is sourced to the indicator and it may be used as substitute of the default graph. Each bar is formed when a predefined amount of ticks is received, showing in the graph the OHLC of this clusteri of ticks. The input variable is the amount of ticks of each bar. It's a different approach of sampling, the amount of bars is proportional to the amount of negotiations insted of a sample in a fixed am
XP Sessions
Ahmed Soliman
3.5 (2)
The indicator is getting the four most important trading sessions: New York London Sydney Tokyo The indicator auto calculate the GMT time. The indicator has buffers that can be used to get the current session and the GMT. You can use it as stand alone indicator and you can turn the draw off and call it from your EA. INPUTS Max Day: Max days back to get/draw. London Session On: Show/Hide London Session. New York Session On: Show/Hide New York Session.  Sydney Session On: Show/Hide  Sydney Session

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