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40+ USD
Określ specyfikację wymagań tutaj punkt po punkcie. Postaraj się krótko i jasno opisać swoje wymagania, aby potencjalny deweloper mógł poprawnie ocenić ich złożoność i koszt, a także wymagany czas wykonania. Zły lub zbyt ogólny opis spowoduje zignorowanie zamówienia lub spędzisz dużo czasu na negocjowaniu szczegółów z każdym kandydatem. Pamiętaj: Remember: It is better to spend thirty minutes to prepare a good text
0 Applications
MQL4 Integration Text translation
30 - 50 USD
Especifique sua especificação de requisitos aqui, ponto a ponto. Tente descrever seus requisitos de maneira breve e clara, para que seu desenvolvedor em potencial possa avaliar corretamente sua complexidade e custo, bem como o tempo de execução necessário. Uma descrição incorreta ou muito genérica fará com que seu pedido seja ignorado ou você passará muito tempo negociando os detalhes com cada candidato. Lembre-se: é
100+ USD
Bonjour, J'ai une stratégie créée pour fonctionner sur PRT et je voudrais pouvoir utiliser sur MT5 Je recherche quelqu'un pour traduire les codes fonctionnant sur PRT et les modifiés pour faire fonctionner cette stratégie sur MT5 (env 400 lignes). Est ce possible et pour quel tarif ? après une première modification fonctionnelle, j'aurais d'autres traduction PRT vers MT5 à faire. Merci pour vos réponses
4 Applications
MQL5 Integration Text translation
50 - 90 USD
I want to place and manage trades accordng to a Whatsapp trading group. The EA needs to read messages and identify the key words I want (that can be set in the EA) which will define if it is a buy/sell market order, or buy/sell stop/limit order according to the content of the message. It can also close an order or add a new averaging order as the new chat messages arrive during the day with instructions for it. All
150 - 450 USD
Hello, We are wanting an EA that has a lot of moving parts. We have an indicator that produces signals for our website (https://www.thrivingbull.com). We are gathering signals for a binary options website / broker called (www.nadex.com) We already have an EA that does everything we want to have done but unfortunately our developer has since passed and we need to have this built from another devloper who we can build
30 - 120 USD
Hi, I receive signals when I am sleeping. I want to execute them to MT4. Trade Execution process: I want three positions for one signal Singal is like this Sell USDCAD @ 1.31890 Take profit 1 at 1.31690 Take profit 2 at 1.31390 Take profit 3 at 1.30890 Stop loss at 1.32390 Each position is for each Take Profit at 0.01 lot as of now. Below is trade execution When you open position place take profit to level of target
30+ USD
Chỉ định Đặc tả Yêu cầu của bạn tại đây theo điểm. Hãy cố gắng mô tả các yêu cầu của bạn một thời gian ngắn và rõ ràng để nhà phát triển tiềm năng của bạn có thể đánh giá chính xác tính phức tạp và chi phí của nó cũng như thời gian thực hiện được yêu cầu. Mô tả xấu hoặc quá chung chung sẽ dẫn đến việc đơn đặt hàng của bạn bị bỏ qua hoặc bạn sẽ dành rất nhiều thời gian để thương lượng chi tiết với từng người nộp đơn
30+ USD
Earn crypto currencies all in one spot! No more jumping from site to site or even wallet to wallet. Convienent and easy to use. Make money from the comfort of your own home without the confusing additives. Smooth navigation with real time updates. Promo codes available. Complete tasks and build your future
30+ USD
حدد مواصفات متطلباتك هنا نقطة تلو الأخرى. حاول وصف متطلباتك باختصار وبوضوح ، حتى يتمكن مطور البرامج المحتمل من تقييم مدى تعقيده وتكلفته بشكل صحيح ، بالإضافة إلى وقت التنفيذ المطلوب. سيؤدي الوصف السيئ أو العام جدًا إلى تجاهل طلبك ، وإلا ستقضي وقتًا طويلاً في التفاوض على التفاصيل مع كل مقدم طلب. تذكر: منRemember: It is better to spend thirty minutes to prepare a good text than to lose hours and days to resolve
175+ USD
I have trade signals i get by telegram channel I'm not an admin so I cannot add a bot to the group, I would like to have a robot designed to read those message and for trade signals and open based on the signals. EA must be able to scan my telegram account. Read signals sent User changeable field for (Lot size, and How many orders Read Specific Channel (User Defined and can change.) Have an Instant Order enabled
30+ USD
Hi, I have to intergrate 2 indicators and compact to get new signal as per my strategy(Snap are attached for easy reference.) Rules can be provided upon request. i custom setting requiresfor lines length, period for bars etc.. the indicator 1 have dll and another standard one. the file size and bugs to be removed mql4 files available