Orders for translation - Text translation - outdated

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All Forex Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Statistics and mathematics C++ Strategy modules Text translation
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30 - 50 USD
I am looking for a developer who can convert my Pine script code to MQ5 code. The code is for a trading strategy that I would like to use on the MetaTrader 5 platform. The code needs to be converted accurately and efficiently, with all of the original functionality preserved. The developer should have experience with both Pine script and MQ5, and should be able to provide a high-quality conversion in a timely manner
30 - 50 USD
Hello, I have a trading view script that I would like to be it to translated into ninja script for ninja script . If you can do this work Dm
1 Application
MQL5 Translation Text translation
30 - 200 USD
Translation of texts from analog to dialogue using various software so that other traders can understand the language.no need to waste time and to go on the internet to search for common phrases to relate to any notifications received on the user's notification bar
3 Applications
30+ USD
Trader for All Trade involves the transfer of goods and services from one person or entity to another, often in exchange for money. Economists refer to a system or network that allows trade as a market . An early form of trade, barter , saw the direct exchange of goods and services for other goods and services, [1] i.e. trading things without the use of money. Modern traders generally negotiate through a
3 Applications
15+ USD
I need someone who can translate the text from English to Korean A manual translation is required from a native speaker who is familiar with the terminology of trading. The text length is about 500 words, not complicated
1 Application
10+ USD
Abul Bashar I am from Bangladesh. Like to hard working. You know Bangladeshi any one have very much Energy and technical idea. So give me few work. I complete all of them. I am be serious. Thank you so much
30+ USD
Καθορίστε την Προδιαγραφή Απαιτήσεων εδώ σημείο προς σημείο. Προσπαθήστε να περιγράψετε τις απαιτήσεις σας συνοπτικά και με σαφήνεια, ώστε ο πιθανός προγραμματιστής σας να είναι σε θέση να εκτιμήσει σωστά την πολυπλοκότητα και το κόστος τους, καθώς και τον απαιτούμενο χρόνο εκτέλεσης. Μια κακή ή πολύ γενική περιγραφή θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα να αγνοηθεί η παραγγελία σας ή θα αφιερώσετε πολύ χρόνο στη διαπραγμάτευση των
10 - 20 USD
Basically i need help taking Trading view algorithm turning it into Tradingview.to commands to buy or sell a certain stock so that it will automatically place a order on MT5 which is connected to Oanda broker
2 Applications
10 - 200 USD
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| MACD Sample.mq5 | //| Copyright 2009-2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2009-2013, MetaQuotes Software
8 Applications
10 - 100 USD
مرحبا اسمي وجدان لقد أردت أن أصبح مستقبلا عن طريق الترجمه وإن أسعى لمساعده الآخرين على تعلم اللغة و مع أنتشار أللغات في ألعالم أصبح يمكنني مساعده نفسي والآخرين ومهمتي هي أن أنقل النصوص بتأثير على القارئ وأن تكون مفهومه بشكل صحيح من دون أي اخلال بالمعنى الأصلي او بالتأثير على الصيغة اللغوية الاصلية
1 Application
MQL5 Translation Text translation
30 - 200 USD
Dear Developers, I have 19 strategies on 16 forex-pairs that already exist as fully working separate MQL4 and MQL5 EAs and require no development work. I´ve been trading them live for a long time already. They need to be merged into 1 convenient EA. I need the following from a experienced developer: - All the strategies open and close trades on H1 bar open only via a combination of entry/exit indicators. All trades
30 - 200 USD
يعد مؤشر القوة النسبية (RSI) أحد مؤشرات التذبذب الرئيسية في التحليل الفني. ... من المعتقد أن مؤشر القوة النسبية يمكن أن يحدد مزاج المشاركين في تداول العملات ، ويحدد اتجاه السوق في منطقة ذروة الشراء والبيع ، حيث يجب أن يستدير السعر ويتجه في اتجاه جديد
30 - 200 USD
Spécifiez ici votre cahier des charges point par point. Essayez de décrire brièvement et clairement vos besoins, afin que votre développeur potentiel soit en mesure d'évaluer correctement sa complexité et son coût, ainsi que le temps d'exécution requis. Une description mauvaise ou trop générique entraînera l'ignorance de votre commande, ou vous passerez beaucoup de temps à négocier les détails avec chaque demandeur
Translation of instructions from the Russian language (program description, parameters list, into English. (personal job)
30 - 60 USD
I have a forex EA that I am currently using but all the settings are in another language. I would like the settings translated to English and also I may need to change or add additional settings to the EA as I am not sure what the current parameters are for the EA
1 Application
(3) MQL4 Experts Translation Text translation
25+ USD
we provide writing and transaction language Japanese, Italians, etc.service to around The world. client satisfaction is our main target. we have a pretty small team with great experience. capability to manage multiply task in a pressured environment. task from mundane to complex. we can assist you with various type of service like text translate,text writing etc
0 Applications
MQL5 Translation Text translation
100+ USD
Statistics and mathematics Panels and dialog boxes Custom graphics Futures OpenCL ALGLIB C++ C# Java JavaScript PHP SQL MySQL PostgreSQL R Python HTML Linux RegExp Photoshop Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Strategy modules Collection of data on the internet Uploading data to a website Forex Stocks Options Data mining Product Design Text translation Text writing
199+ USD
Translate from spanish to serbian language statistics data from the one of the biggest data-centeres very quickly good payment, you need to consult us about: as well Custom graphics Text translation Text writing C++
500+ USD
I would like a automated assistant that helps me step by step with my foreign exchange account that will keep me up to date on everything I need to sell or buy
30 - 50 USD
Hi, I'd like an indicator converted from an MT4 indicator into Pine Script for use in Tradingview. I have attached the scripts below, please let me know if any more info is needed. Thanks
5 Applications
100+ USD
I will provide text then u work it. Just trans to vnese language. Example like title, desc, content, number, image, seo tags, hash tags, keywords, hard understand words. Thank you very much
2 Applications
MQL5 Translation Text translation