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All Forex Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Statistics and mathematics C++ Strategy modules Text translation
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50+ USD
//--- input parameters input int ma_period=20; // moving average period //--- handle of the indicator used in the EA int indicator_handle; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { //--- check ma_period validity if(ma_period<=0) { PrintFormat("Invalid
30 - 50 USD
Real data to meta trading real money online trading forex market sales al data to meta trading real money online trading forex market sales al data to meta trading real money online trading forex market sales
30 - 500 USD
Best making profit robot is given a chance to convince me to purchase that robot for future purposes and I can surely make it famous so it can be ordered by big companies so consider this as a great opportunity
50+ USD
I want my mt4 converted to the Quantower (C#) platform. The indicator would need to have the same options in quantower that are in MT4 and the charts would have to match exactly
1 Application
MQL5 Converting Text translation
500 - 2000 USD
I need a highly skilled developer to create a copy trading website that mimics the look and functionality of the copy trader on In addition I need it to be compatible with ALL brokers. I live in America and I use EagleFX so I need it to be fully compatible with them. I also need this to function as a fully competent set and forget system so literally the only thing I need to do is subscribe
30 - 100 USD
Hello, I have a strategy I've been working on for a couple of months now and I am in need of a freelance coder who can seamlessly transition my strategy from PineScript to a more useful and efficient MT4 Expert Advisor that can be both used for live trading and backtesting. It uses a number of different inputs as well as many various mathematical moving averages. I am happy to set up a meeting over zoom or something
30+ USD
New investment new inversiones anywhere near you, to be an investor and knowing nothing is wrong, many people think making money is our aim for the future and now yes is right decision, be on your own with free mind and high quality self esteem and am here to help you reach your goals don't hesitate to ask for any help
30 - 10000 USD
I love to trade. I need a vendor who will and build me into a professional trader. I wouldn't want to be mislead by anyone. Someone real should kindly teach me this
150+ USD
Hi Looking to convert the attach script from pine script to tradesation easylanguage. Please let me know if possible, what is the price, and which parts of the code cannot be converted. Thanks in advance
30+ USD
Hi Looking to convert the attach script from pine script to tradesation easylanguage. Please let me know if possible, what is the price, and which parts of the code cannot be converted. Thanks in advance
50+ USD
Hello, I have a Tradingview pinescript of small lines that i will need to be converted to Ninjatrader Kindly bid if you can do this for me perfectly Code will be send in the chat Thanks
30 - 200 USD
يعد مؤشر القوة النسبية (RSI) أحد مؤشرات التذبذب الرئيسية في التحليل الفني. ... من المعتقد أن مؤشر القوة النسبية يمكن أن يحدد مزاج المشاركين في تداول العملات ، ويحدد اتجاه السوق في منطقة ذروة الشراء والبيع ، حيث يجب أن يستدير السعر ويتجه في اتجاه جديد
30 - 50 USD
I want a robot that will trade for me and help me make profits.I want a robot that will automatically trade for me whereas I will just take the profits
30+ USD
Define owner design requirements and project design needs Further to the design related information gathered for the preparation of the business case, the design manager should gather any additional design related information from the owner and other relevant sources. Identify any gaps in the information provided and seek to source this information as appropriate. This is the right to time to sit with the owner and
2000+ USD
To trade and Manage my markets nor orofits that i make everyday while im busy with other things...So i can require it ti be Fast and eligible for everyday trading needs
30 - 200 USD
Ok guys this is it..I need a very skilled developer to create a copy trading EA with extremely high functionality. The look of the EA itself will be the same as this ; while it functions in the same way as this ; It will work like this EXCEPT it will will automatically receive signals and copy winning trades from top earning traders
30 - 100 USD
Hey! I have a very large project I need to get done. We have what is essentially a unlimited amount of MT4 indicators we want all converted onto MT5 and in a stand format. Generally, this is a trivial task to complete, each conversion is pretty short at a couple minutes per indicator, when we were coding them. Each batch we give out has about 100 indicators in them, shouldn't take longer than a couple hours to
30 - 200 USD
Spécifiez ici votre cahier des charges point par point. Essayez de décrire brièvement et clairement vos besoins, afin que votre développeur potentiel soit en mesure d'évaluer correctement sa complexité et son coût, ainsi que le temps d'exécution requis. Une description mauvaise ou trop générique entraînera l'ignorance de votre commande, ou vous passerez beaucoup de temps à négocier les détails avec chaque demandeur
30+ USD
Hello, i have an indicator script i need to convert to tradestation I need this indicator converted to tradestation and a strategy created with it, bid on this if you can do this project