MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 909

Hi everyone, Until last weekend my metatrader was running with no problem my EA, but at some point it stopped running any EA, I re-installed the mt4 but no solution.   Does anyone have any Idea why is this happening?   Thank you guys! 
Hi, have anybody the same problem, i have try to make backtest today with expert advisor programms and i see that the order opening price and takeprofit and stoploss and lines are not showing anymore, why is that so?
Hello there! Is there someone who have maby time for droppy by to my gmail account? I'm working on a EA. I'm almost done. But it's just a little mistake, i cant find it. Are you interested and do you think you know enouf to help me, send please a email to  Thankx! 
New article Indicator for Point and Figure Charting is published at There are lots of chart types that provide information on the current market situation. Many of them, such as Point and Figure chart, are the legacy of the remote past. This chart type has been known since the...
The dragable order modification lines introduced in MT4 build 500 are nice, however your implementation leaves a lot to be desired. It is almost as if none of you actually use trading software. 1. In order to prevent accidental moving of order lines and conflicts with current chart object...
when attaching an EA to the chart, the expert properties box appears. However, this box has problems. I can't enlarge the box's borders. Some of my EAs have many parameters and I need to scroll downward to find parameters. This scrolling is so time consuming. Rather than scrolling, I prefer to...
Hi all, Do anyone have an idea how to get a an order to open very time price increase by x pips (10, 15, etc) ? Thanks in advance Luis 
  ivolume color  (5)
Hello everyone. First, I wanted to thank anyone who can help me. Second, I'm trying to collect on a variable color indicator iVolume generated. Associate the following graph where I want to point out that variable contains. Again, thank you very much to all. Greetings. kapy
  control points  (4)
Is if possible to write an EA that trades using control points instead of every tick? If not, what possible good is that option? I've done this: but it does not test out right. I want my ea to execute on control points, so when I use the tester on every tick, I get the same results as when I test...
Hi, i've been using a SVAPO based system on FXCM trading station which has been reasonable in performance however i have not yet found the oscillator coded in MQL. topic in short term volume and price oscillator (SVAPO) Indicator - MQL4 forum suggests that maybe this has already been coded in MQL...
hi, it's only me ?? since MT4 Build500 (2 days), Ask and Bid return 0 (zero) in my EAs. anybody has the same errors ???
Hi Is there a way to determine whether  a current/open position has an S/L set? e.g. true, false, and then extract what value is set? I cant figure out a way to do it. thanks ian 
Which do you prefer and why? For me it really depends on the system. I like to use a fixed risk % where possible as this shows bigger profits because the lots increase as the account grows. However, this is not ideal in some cases where my system opens/closes trades solely on indicators....I may...
Hello All,   A friend of mine, whohas a lot of experience coding in PHP and other languages, and I have beenworking together to a code an EA for a few weeks. This particular system thatwe are trying to code is one that my partner and I have manually backtested and traded for a few years now. we...
Hi all, Anyone know trade copier or any tool can make abridge from FXCM Trading Station to MT4 platform? or how i can use file extension *.ex4 on FXCM TSII ? Please help. Thanks a lot
Dear guys How to specify the volumn of an order base on last trade loss coverage. I mean if last trade was my EURUSD sell with loss 50 dollar. How can I take volume with gain 50 dollar with 10pips. Does anyone have that type of code
Всем приятного дня. Есть скрипт или советник который в определённый период времени сохраняет открытый баланс ? (в txt, xml, exl .. . формате) Пример: 16.05.2013 - 1.152,32 (12:00) | 16.05.2013 - 1.253,56 (13:00) и т.д. Всем заранее спасибо.
  EURUSD Index  (3)
Hi everyone, I've recently created quite powerful indicator using xxxxx website community and want to share it. The idea is to use a portfolio of successful traders to determine a moment when to trade EURUSD . Every time if someone has EURUSD or any EUR cross long position we assign +1 to this
Hi, I have an EA that uses Marketinfo function to get ask, bid, point and digits. I use it in 2 IBFX demo accounts, without any issue, since 07-04-2013. I tried today to use it in my live (mini) account and the EA does not work, because the Marketinfo function gets "0" for all values. I tryed to...
Hi! Since i have the Build 500 i cant backtest with birts patch anymore! After i downloaded a terminal.exe of the Build 445 i can use birts again, but i get this error: executable file is corrupted. Please recompile it. If i understand ir correctly i need to recompile my EA with the Build 445?! The...
Hey does anyone know where i can download the MetaEditor with the Build 445? After my MetaTrader upgraded automatically to Build 550 im not able to backtest with birts patch! Now i was able to downgrade the MetaTrader but i got an error when i tried to backtest... I need to compile my EA with the...
I want to save all journal (log) in tester when I backtest an expert. How method do you proceed for  this ?
Hi,  has anyone got any idea to use Stoch on tick chart?  many thanx just 
Hi all, I have a strange result with _lread in winAPI:  I set a string (char) as 50 x's, then I set another string (char1) as the value of char, then I use char1 with _lread.. somehow _lread sets both strings to the characters read from the file! bool BidAskLineReader (string path, int handle)   {...
OK basically what my strategy has been for the past month is as follows. I have a list of traders that I selected, copied onto my Etoro practice account. When the trader opens a trade I mirror this trade onto my mt4 account. Pretty simple really, except that I have to keep monitoring my practice...
Hi there, I created an EA based on 4 custom indicators: Braind Trend1Sig1, sidus v.2, Support and Resistance(Barry) and FX Snipers T3 CCI. The code (MQL4) is as below, If anyone could point me in the right direction, that'd be lovely. Thank you....
Hello! I' a beginner in programming. I learn it two month ago, and now i don't know what can i do. So please help to me. :) I very respecting u RaptorUK. If u have some free minutes, please help :) I read all topics, what can help to me. Its have some, for Sidus:
Hi, I'm new to Android MT4. Previously I'm using MT4 on Iphone4. For the Android, at the 'trade' section, I can't see "credit" which showing the amount of your bonus. It shows Profits: Balance: Equity: Margin Level (%): Margin: Free Margin: But there's no "Credit". When using Iphone, there's...
Hi! I normally search for answers instead of asking (I've learned so much from this forum! Thanks to everyone!!!) but... I can't figure this one out. Calling FileOpen returns the handle or "-1" if there was an error. So why do I always see error checking done with: if(handle<1); or if(handle<0);...
Hi all  I'm trying to find out how I can make my EA stop trading after being stopped out at SL.  I found some code on MQL4 that looks usable, but I'm a bit confused about one of the statement, and I'd like to ask you to verify that I understand it correctly.  The code can be found in the following...