Hi, I would like to make an EA to handle opened positions in a specific pair. I can have many opened orders in both directions, each with different lot size and opened at different levels. I would like to calculate which is the breakeven level resulting of the current situation. Anybody who can help...
hi, take as instance the fibonacci object. how it does fix its fibonacci level in the far right of the windows? those levels (23.6,38.2, 50, 61.8) act as labels, but I don't think they are labels. how can I get the time value for that exact coordinate at the far right window for those fibonacci...
i have read that ticksin mysql and i know that , insert record to mysql iseasy , could anyone please give a example to show how to query records from a database,use "select ..." . thank you .
Hi All, I hope someone can help me here. Why when I am about to reset my trade, in another words delete the remainder of the currency below the gray ban, comes up with TRADE IS DISABLE? Many thanks for future help Victor
Hai, Im frm Malaysia, sorry about my English but i have some question about EXPERT ADVISOR, so my question is :- 1) The EA does not running when the Computer close, why? p/s : sorry about my english.
is there any body who can help me make a linear regression idicator in mql4?
I want to populate an array of strings with the names of the all the currencies/indexes/cfd/metalswhich are available at a dealer. Anyone know how to get this in code?
Hi I'm looking to turn a very useful Indicator into a custom one...but I'm not a coder. Is anyone keen to give it a go
Hi, all I have a looping structure, and want to make efficient looping, if I amnow wrong, in the programming langguage there is a macro variable that we can usedirectly the content of the memory as a object name, so I give the original codelook like this : MaxCount =7; for (int i=0; i<MaxCount; i++)...
hello, is there a way to set Max Bars in Chart through MT4 programing?thanks,,,
Hello.. I'm using this formula to calculate expiration time of my buy_limit order expire=Time[0]+(Period()*60)-5; so the buy limit order will expired at approximately 5 seconds before the candleended. It's working fine with 15 minutes timeframe and above, but when I test it on backtester,I...
Hi Does anyone has experience or workable source code that creating INI file handlerfrom VC, C# or VB, then combined it as a DLL with stdcall rountine, I would liketo import such kind of DLL in MQL4 platform. The File function in MQL4 is not thatpowerful. Thanks Beginner
Hi, I would like to create an EA that can scalp 4hour candlesticks. It should work this way. Buy = price is greater than 15pips from open Buy stoploss = candle open price + spread Sell = price is lower than 15pip from open Sell stoploss = candle open price + spread Trailing 15-20-30-50pips, No...
Since available symbols differ from broker to broker, I wonder if there is a way to enumerating the available symbols (ex: " EURUSD ", "GPBJPY", etc) for use in a script
Does anyone know of a source for parameters for the various candlestick patterns? I would like to program indicators, but the text books that I have show great pictures but are not very helpful in determining exact specifications. With all the knowledge here I figure someone knows of some source out
Hi all I have a problem :how to pass the parameter to user difine function : example : CreateObject("Test1",Green); CreateObject("Test2",C'236,130,0') CreateObject("Test3",32768 ) void CreateObject(string Name1,int DefineColor) { ObjectCreate(Name1,OBJ_LABLEL,WindowFind("Indicato r1"),0,0);...
Beta version of the online book on MQL4 programming - by Sergey Kovalev (SK.)
(111 1 2 3 4 5 ... 11 12)
The other day we launched the beta version of Sergei Kovalev's (SK. ) online book on MQL4 programming. https://book.mql4.com/ru For now only Russian version works, but we will try to translate it to English and Chinese If you have any comments about the book, please let us know
I would like to create an EA that will open a sell position every time RSI crosses from over 70 to under 70, and opens a buy position every time it crosses from below 30 to above 30. In addition would need to place Take profit and stop loss. Any Ideas?
I am new here so Hi Everybody !!! I thought MQL4 would be easy form my but not . First indicator and an incomprehensibleissue for my. I want to create an indicator which will show "1" if today close priceis greate then yesterday close and and vice versa "-1" if today closeprice is smaller then...
Hi can one have more than one retrun statement in a routine? the return statmets arenested in conditional "different scope" blocks. thanks
ObjectSetText("text_object","Hello",10,"Arial",Red); Using ObjectGet, I can retrieve the ObjectSetText string name: "text_object" How can I retrieve or return the words or value for the string text "Hello"? Thanks
Hi Everyone, I have installed several EA with same account for purpose of multiple trade simultaneously.But they still trade one by one. Who can tell me why and how to multiple tradeon different EA simultaneously? Thanks.
I'm making a basic indicator that shows the HOURLY and FOUR-HOURLY highs and lows. The highs were easy. I figured out an even easier way of doing it afterwards (becauseby looking at it you'll know I'm an idiot) but I left it this way. As far as the lows go, The Hourly Low will not store into the...
I have opened my account, transfered funds, and completed all paperwork I've beenasked for. No email has been reponded to in the last week, no further instructionhas been given to complete the process, and I have quite a few thousand dollarssitting in La La land doing nothing!!! I email them with no...
Hello, I was asking the same question on other topic, but this time I try to be more specific. Is there any way to catch (record) MT4's activity (such as alert, or other notification)using an external application? or maybe can we use a stand alone MQL4 script to do this? Just attach it to...
hi everyone, my system is heavily dependent on Moving Average Crossovers. I'll need an mql codeto alert me through sound and email,when there is a crossover on my charts, cananybody help out with that or has anyone done anything close before? please i ama newbie, some help will do a great deal....
Hello, I am new to coding in general and I was hoping somebody could explain somethingto me. I'm sure you are familiar with the script below, and I understand it's purpose,but; Can please somebody tell me what the return(-1) in this following statement does:I know that the return|(-1) terminates the...
Please, I need the help of every one. I am currently writting an EA, during whichset of multiple pending orders will be placed. I also needs to delete these multiplepending orders if some other conditions are met before the pending orders are taken.Please, how do I do so. ZECCO - potential...
I wrote the simplest of indicators (see below). It basically overlays the pricecurve I selected (via PRICE_OPEN, PRICE_CLOSE, PRICE_HIGH, PRICE_LOW) over thebar chart on the chart window. To my surprise, PRICE_OPEN maps to the Low end ofthe main bar, OPEN_CLOSE maps to Open bar on the left side of...

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