MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 1038

Could someone please help? I want to ordersend only once per bar (no matter 5mins bar or 1hour bar) with max lots. It means only one order should be sent per bar and then another only one order should be sent per bar at least 10 bars later & the lower price than previous order opened with if...
Hello! I want to insert a very simple custom indicator that I use to an EA but I have some problems with the syntax! iCustom(NULL, 0,"BBStop v3", 5500, 0, 14, 0, 1 ) is which line? the yellow one? and if yes how can I express the green line? Here is the custom indicator I use Thank you for your...
  ASAR  (37   1 2 3 4)
I am finished paying people to build my EAs. It's finally time that I do this myself. I would like to create a template that I can further build upon called ASAR (ATR Stop And Reverse) but am unsure of how to begin as this will be my first EA. Because the unmodified template would just be an ATR
how can i view the gold, crude oil charts on MT4 client terminal build 432? there shows only Forex in File-new chart option.
Spread = 16 points, StopLevel = 10 points, TP = 1 point, no errors generated. How is this possible?
Hello, Will someone help me, how to change MQL file to ex.4 file. will someone explain me how the connection between them is ? thank you before
Hello guys i have a good grid trading as well as scalping trading system which i want to make it as a EA i need some one who can help me to make it as a mql4 EA. let me know if anyone can help me out in this
Is it a fact, that applying mt4 updates wipes out all the chart history ? If it is shouldnt there be some kind of warning about this before the update installs ? I did not update my terminal since late 2009 so I had 3 years continuous 1 minute chart history most of which was created directly from...
It's May and it's time for a new episode
i recently downloaed the software (mt4) to my laptop. when logging on to the platform there are error messaged displayed on the chart screen. the message indicates that usd/jpy currency is incorrect and also do not see the smiley face in the top right corner which would indicate a connnection. i...
Hi--I'm a new member and am trying to load a bug fix from Miss Pips that was referenced last March 13th (ref #23508)--the one where an extra row of indicator boxes was showing up in new builds of MT4. I've downloaded the indicators shown , but when I drag the "bug fix"--
Hello, when using the Strategy Tester my EA stops placing new orders once the balance has reached about 20 mio. The tester is still running and the progress bar expanding. I don't have any conditions in my EA which would cause it to stop trading so I think the strategy tester stops itself for some...
Hi I suddenly can't connect to M4 today, the usual popup window asking to allow the software to change harddrive in Windows 7 pops up repeatedly without making the change as usual and connecting. At lower right corner where connection status is displayed says old version. Thanks
Hi Is it possible to give access to an MT4 account as read only, or launch it as read only Thanks
Please refer me to a link for an existing EA that will let me enter a buy or sell with a take profit and a stop loss. Nothing more. No method required. I just need to run on the Tester with different history periods, different currency pairs, different lots. Thanks,
  History files  (2)
Hello, Is it important to delete history files from your hard drive? I've been optimizing a lot lately and i have read several times that you need to delete history files but nobody ever explains why or how to do it just the fact you need to. Is this correct or does it really matter? Thanks
If I right click on a symbol I can view a tick chart. it shows the past 100 ticks or so. Is there any way to get programmatic access using MQL4 to this short history of ticks? I'm guessing not as I can't find anything on the forum about it, but I thought someone may have a trick up their sleeve...
Hello, I know you can change the fibo retracement values manually (and those values will be saved next time you plot a fibo ret.) but is there a way to change the actual MT4 defaults? I use an indicator which plots the fibo ret. automatically but it uses the default MT4 values, so everytime it...
New article OpenCL: The Bridge to Parallel Worlds is published at In late January 2012, the software development company that stands behind the development of MetaTrader 5 announced native support for OpenCL in MQL5. Using an illustrative example, the article sets forth the programming...
Is there any way I can generate a report on how many times MACD cross over and the price when MACD crossover in a month
New article MetaTrader 5 - More Than You Can Imagine! is published at The MetaTrader 5 client terminal has been developed from scratch and far surpasses its predecessor, of course. The new trading platform provides unlimited opportunities for trading in any financial markets. Moreover, its...
Hi, I'm trying to write an EA and I want to control multiple indicators like ind 1, ind 2, ind 3, ind 4 if, ind 1 buy and ind 2 buy ind 3 sell ind 4 buy it should be closed. if ind 1 buy and ind 2 buy ind 3 buy ind 4 buy it should open buy order if ind 1 sell and ind 2 sell ind 3 sell ind 4 sell it...
  Super EA  (4)
Strategy Tester Report THE MASTERS MBT-Free EXN Live (Build 427) SymbolEURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)Period1 Minute (M1) 2012.04.01 17:05 - 2012.04.30 23:59 (2012.04.01 - 2012.05.01)ModelEvery tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)ParametersBars in test31134Ticks...
Hi to all, This message is intended mostly to programmers. See/download the attached pivot indicator I got this indicator, I'm not a programmer. It is a strong indicator and I use it intraday. It depicts the 5 degree pivots and the very important pivots. It exhibits a problem: some times when whitch
what problem 2day for the server,how come the connection keep dc,im connecting to HK server?
Hello everyone Im new to this and i have a question. Do i have to use GMT off set in my EA to make it work properly.? Will it do any difference in backtesting? Thanks //Pontus
  DEMA Cross OVer  (3)
Hi, I'm new to MQL community. This world of sharing is wonderful. Thanks to all! I have downloaded and using DEMA indicator . Could some one help me to create a code so that 1. When a fast DEMA line cross a Slow DEMA from below create a buy arrow and viceversa. I'm not a programmer. Thanks in
Hi, I'm facing a problem which when account is being disconnected from MAM it's orders are being closed and a new one are being opened insted. I have a comment on the order, which I'm using on my Expert, which it is being deleted when the order is changed. Is there a way to bypass it? If not, is...
  Very confused help  (13   1 2)
I need someone to explan why the price in my order bar is not the same as the price I set, and the moving indicator or candle on the platform when it stops out are not the same I set my take profit at a given price and when the moving indicator ingages the take profit it dose not close my order at...
  Is this the Grail?  (88   1 2 3 4 5 ... 8 9)
Tested the EA. EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD. It seems to be some kind of a grail. I would like to hear different opinions. The main principles of the Expert Advisor: - Using candlestick patterns it determines the maximum/maximum of the day, and opens positions. - In the case of an error, it limits