General - page 1633

Hi, I hope you can help, when I wish to load any new EX.4 file from a forum I can get them to load into my Indicators file ok but when I open MT4 the EX.4 is removed from my computer. I can download MQ.4 and EA's without problems, place in file, open MT4 and they will appear in my Navigator, but...
Today's Forex Analysis summary. The Euro was under pressure all day as traders were reluctant to hold on to long positions ahead of this week’s central bank meeting. Much of the selling pressure was related to concerns over the Euro Zone economy and the upcoming actions by the European...
Payment on Sonic debt coming due $105.3 million is scheduled to be paid on Thursday by the auto-dealer chain. --- Sonic Automotive, one of the nation's largest auto dealers, faces a credit deadline and a big debt payment this week as it tries to avoid bankruptcy in a recession that has severely...
Hi All, I have a really annoying problem where the publisher option just won't publish. I set everything up exactly to my ftp server and press test but nothing happens. I have also tried this with and same thing. Machine is on the internet fine and what not but I get no error's or...
Today's Forex Analysis summary. The U.S. Dollar started the day stronger but early U.S. housing and construction spending reports came out better than expected and triggered a reversal in the Dollar. Trading could become choppy as we approach the end of the week because of the U.S. Non-Farm...
I need some older builds of MT4 so that I can run it on my OS X laptop via crossover, does anyone know where I can these from? I know that the early 2007 builds are compatible, not sure when they stopped working, my trading desktop is kept totally clean so no old builds there =/ thanks
Dear Traders and Expert Advisors Developers, Organization and conduction of the Automated Trading Championship isa very complicated project. For the maintenance of this competition ourcompany needs to involve tens of specialists from differentdepartments. Among persons involved in the conduction of...
May 4 (Bloomberg) -- The European Commission cut its forecast for the euro-area economy to show a contraction twice as deep as it projected just three months ago, and said the region’s deficit will swell to more than double the European Union limit. The economy of the 16 countries sharing the euro...
Hi I am experiencing some difficulties with an EA that I have written. I have a ping to the trading server of 8ms running on a VPS however I receive requotes to the same market price, see below journal extract: Message from EA: GBPUSD failed (requote). Updating GBPUSD position from 1.46725000...
Hi Everyone, Does someone know why MetaTrader 4 doesnt have a "ONE CLICK TRADING" ? Is it a way to make it One click trading ? Thank You Haim
I have added the send mail function to send anemail when an alert is triggered. the alert goes off by no email issent. the test emails send fine. any thoughts? if you are able to getthis successfully working for me I will donate you $10 paypal.
  Triad Trading Indicators?  (35   1 2 3 4)
Hey, first of all i want to say, that i love this forum.. it helped me so often past 3 month. but know i've got a problem: did you've heared of the Triad Trading Formula? Its expensive, but these indicators Jason Fielder use are awesome. Did anywone have Indicators like that or allmost the same or...
  Extended_trade at RAS (ID:584)  (36   1 2 3 4)
It's still in pending mode, but I'd like to introduce you our manual trading system. Extended_trade | Rent a Signal Please read the directions carefully before you subscribe. Below is a copy of the description in RAS website. ------------------------------------------------------------- This...
It all started with a phone call in the fall of 1983. I think the monthwas September. Icame back from a trip and among my calls to retum was a caa from one Jim Sloman.Ihad never heard of Jim Sloman so I fielded the more impoartant calls first.Toward mid-aftrnoon I returned the call to Jim Sloman.My...
I've been looking at this and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong! I modified an existing script to handle more pairs and omit the moving average data when sending info to a .csv file. I'll attach both and hope someone can tell me which single parameter I'm missing!! I know it's an easy fix
  Dollar-Yen Update (USDJPY)  (13   1 2)
Hi, I would like to open a topic to discuss about the dollar yen USDJPY pair Which is my favorite pair.
Hi Friends, I found a Moving Average EA but it opens different size lots. So it is risky for me. How do i design it with a small lot size
Today's Futures Analysis summary July Corn closed sharply higher for the week and in a position to turn the main trend to up on the weekly chart on a move through the last swing top at 417 1/2. Wet fields and a forecast for more rain next week is expected to limit farmer fieldwork and delay planting...
Today's Forex Analysis summary. The key story this week affecting the Forex markets turned out to be the global economy rather than the U.S. Treasury auction and the Fed’s preliminary bank stress test report. The Euro rose this week but next week’s European Central Bank interest rate decision...
What is the best way to determine, within an EA, if a broker allows hedging? Before opening an order would be strongly preferred, but even a specific error code would be acceptable. Thank you, SetFreeByTruth
Given that the NFA has prohited hedged positions as of May 15th, (Compliance Rule 2-43), what is the procedure for a client with, for example, 4 individual 1-lot long positions, each one in EURUSD , giving an overall 4-lot long position in EURUSD; the client then wants to reduce his long position
  Request MT4 API  (1)
Dear Sir, I would kindly erquest from you the MT4 Client API in order to develop a .NET project usingyour API. Could you please give me a link for the client API, Its a very emergency, Please. Regards
Hello, Anyone can help with programming a simple code to show anaccount situation every 25st of the month? I wish to compeer actual month to previous one to show the balanceon the journal at the date. The problem is with week-end and day off, I cannot get the journalto skip dose days and wrights...
CADDO PARISH, La. -- A massive natural-gas discovery here in northern Louisiana heralds a big shift in the nation's energy landscape. After an era of declining production, the U.S. is now swimming in natural gas. Even conservative estimates suggest the Louisiana discovery -- known as the Haynesville...
Hi there, Could anyone advise how to delink EA from live trade in MT4? Some of my EA could not open multiple trades but chocked up at the extreme of the market. I need to take my EA out of those trades and would like to monitor manually. Is there a way to delink ROBOTs from those live open trades?...
Trading technology has made exponential advances over the past decade. It is no longer necessary to work at a bank to trade currency, nor is it necessary to have a broker talk your ear off about why Pfizer should be taking off, when all you wanted to do was buy some Intel. These days you can do it...
  Trend lines  (1)
May I suggest something about the platform.. I have used for a while the trader platform and I noticed the fact it's much more user-frindly about creating trend lines because you put both "ends" of the line. In the metatrader it's not so nice because you put only the "start" of...
  litte bug  (1)
int start() { //---- //will got a zero divide ! It should check the first expression then return false. int a=0; if(a>0 && 100/a>10) { Alert("ok"); } //---- return(0); }
Today's Futures Analysis summary July Sugar surged to a new high for the year as demand from India continued to support this bull market. India's production is expected to be considerably lower this year because of a failed crop. This should keep demand steady throughout the year. Traders have...