How to Start with Metatrader 5 - page 48


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


haoshou, 2014.09.30 13:05

thanks for the interesting and useful advice, Good Work!


p/s: can we subscribe to a forum topic and get push notification from it? 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Filter, 2014.10.01 08:03

You sure can. Click the little star at the top left of the page, next to the topic title. That will save it as a favorite. Then, go into your Settings->Notifications and make sure you have clicked to receive updates in your favorites (last option)


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Can we write review on the market product?

Alexx, 2013.03.28 08:34

You can write a review about a Free product after downloading it, and about a Paid product after purchasing it.

Market condition setup (indicators and template) is here
MetaTrade 5 seems to be really 'effective' for a traders if we can use it properly. But I still it is not suitable or preferable because popular indicators or strategies don't comply with MT5 platform.... And I mostly hate that, we cannot open 2 trade with one currency at a same time.

Why Virtual Hosting On The MetaTrader 4 And MetaTrader 5 Is Better Than Usual VPS

Renting a virtual server right from the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 terminals is the optimal way to ensure uninterrupted work of your trading robots and Signal subscriptions. Essentially, it is an analogue of a VPS though it is better and more suitable for addressing needs and challenges that a trader comes across. The server can be rented straight from your MetaTrader. It takes only a couple mouse clicks for Experts Advisors, indicators, scripts together with Signal subscriptions and settings to be transferred to the virtual server. The Virtual Hosting Cloud network was developed specially for MetaTrader and has all the advantages of a native solution.

Certainly, there are alternatives to virtual hosting but a closer look reveals that they do not compete. The first thing that comes to mind is using a home computer as a budget option. It could work, however a stable internet connection and uninterrupted power supply are not guaranteed. A VPS can be rented from a suitable provider found on the internet. That could be feasible but it implies a manual search for a server having minimum latency with the required Forex-broker's. Such a puzzle does not suit everyone.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Something Interesting in Financial Video March 2014

newdigital, 2014.03.11 12:33

Stock Market Tutorial - The Only Video You'll Ever Need

This is stock market how-to information


A variety of integration gateways to liquidity providers and stock exchanges have recently been developed for MetaTrader 5 trading platform. Using these solutions, brokers now can greatly improve their business and enter new markets. We have decided to summarize the first integration results and make a list of already working MetaTrader 5 gateways.

Liquidity Providers (ECNs)

ECNs (Electronic Communication Networks) provide liquidity when using MetaTrader 5. We have developed gateways to the most well-known providers, and any MetaTrader 5 broker can now make use of their services:

  1. Integral
  2. CitiFX Pro
  3. Hotspot FX
  4. FastMatch
  5. Currenex

Our gateways not only give access to liquidity providers but also provide maximum speed of executing operations. Moreover, these gateways are fairly simple and secure solutions allowing brokers to quickly connect to a provider and use its services.

Stock Exchanges

MetaTrader 5 has been developed as a multi-market platform. Nowadays, it can be used not only for arranging Forex trading but also for working on stock exchanges:

  1. Moscow Exchange (former RTS)
  2. Singapore Mercantile Exchange (SMX)
  3. Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX)
  4. Global Board of Trade (GBOT)
  5. BM&FBOVESPA (Brazilian stock exchange)
  6. Ukrainian Exchange
  7. Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
  8. Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE)
  9. Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
  10. Turkish Derivatives Exchange (TURKDEX)

MetaTrader 5 platform's versatility makes it easy to expand the brokerage business and enter new markets. For example, any Forex broker can start working on a stock exchange, as well as a stock broker can launch the platform on an exchange and then enter Forex market. In any of these cases, all MetaTrader 5 technologies and services (social, mobile and algorithmic trading, as well as the market of trading robots) retain their functionality and remain attractive to traders.

The platform's features go beyond the proposed list, and the works on integration of MetaTrader 5 with other stock exchanges and liquidity providers are currently underway. Besides, Gateway API allows brokers to develop a gateway to any system or exchange on their own. Some brokers have already done that, while the proposed interfaces have greatly simplified their work. Moreover, API allows development of a hybrid ECN engine with multiple providers. That engine will act as trading server's own ECN platform.



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2014.05.11 15:39

Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis is the study of statistical reports and economic indicators of countries to trade currencies more effectively. Changes in interest rates, employment reports, and the latest inflation figures, all fall under the purview of fundamental analysis, which forex traders must pay close attention to, because they can have a direct bearing on the value of a nation’s currency. Data used in forex fundamental analysis can be classified by the degree to which they affect the market:

  • Short term factors – These include unexpected news, to which the markets usually react within a day. Such news and events can be used for fast speculative trades.
  • Long term factors – These include data on the general state of economy, such as inflation, unemployment rate or dramatic changes in the benchmark interest rate. Their impact on the exchange rates can last for weeks, months or even years.

Given the importance of these indicators, it is necessary to closely follow economic calendars, and know beforehand when they are scheduled for release. The most powerful indicators that move forex market include:

  • Interest rate
    Generally, if a country increases its interest rates, its currency will increase in value because investors will shift their assets to that country to gain higher returns.
  • Gross Domestic Product
    GDP is the primary indicator of the strength of economic activity in a country, and is generally reported quarterly. A high GDP figure leads to expectations of higher interest rates, which is mostly positive for the given currency.
  • Employment
    A decreases in payroll employment is considered as a sign of weak economic activity, and could eventually lead to lower interest rates, which has a negative impact on the currency.
  • Trade balance
    A country with a significant trade balance deficit is likely to have a weak currency as there will be continuous commercial sellings of its currency.

Traders, who rely on fundamental analysis to study markets, will typically create models to formulate a trading strategy. These models generally utilize a host of empirical data and try to forecast market behavior and estimate future currency levels. This information is then used to draw out specific trades that best exploit the situation. Forecasting models are as varied and numerous as the traders that create them. Two people can analyze the exact same data and come up with two completely different conclusions about how it will impact the market. Therefore is it important to understand what is more relevant to the current market and economic conditions, and not succumb to ‘paralysis by analysis.’