MetaTrader 5 Gateways & Connectivity

Depth of Market in MetaTrader 5

A variety of integration gateways to liquidity providers and stock exchanges have recently been developed for MetaTrader 5 trading platform. Using these solutions, brokers now can greatly improve their business and enter new markets. We have decided to summarize the first integration results and make a list of already working MetaTrader 5 gateways.

Liquidity Providers (ECNs)

ECNs (Electronic Communication Networks) provide liquidity when using MetaTrader 5. We have developed gateways to the most well-known providers, and any MetaTrader 5 broker can now make use of their services:

  1. Integral
  2. CitiFX Pro
  3. Hotspot FX
  4. FastMatch
  5. Currenex

Our gateways not only give access to liquidity providers but also provide maximum speed of executing operations. Moreover, these gateways are fairly simple and secure solutions allowing brokers to quickly connect to a provider and use its services.

Stock Exchanges

MetaTrader 5 has been developed as a multi-market platform. Nowadays, it can be used not only for arranging Forex trading but also for working on stock exchanges:

  1. Moscow Exchange (former RTS)
  2. Singapore Mercantile Exchange (SMX)
  3. Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX)
  4. Global Board of Trade (GBOT)
  5. BM&FBOVESPA (Brazilian stock exchange)
  6. Ukrainian Exchange
  7. Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
  8. Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE)
  9. Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
  10. Turkish Derivatives Exchange (TURKDEX)

MetaTrader 5 platform's versatility makes it easy to expand the brokerage business and enter new markets. For example, any Forex broker can start working on a stock exchange, as well as a stock broker can launch the platform on an exchange and then enter Forex market. In any of these cases, all MetaTrader 5 technologies and services (social, mobile and algorithmic trading, as well as the market of trading robots) retain their functionality and remain attractive to traders.

The platform's features go beyond the proposed list, and the works on integration of MetaTrader 5 with other stock exchanges and liquidity providers are currently underway. Besides, Gateway API allows brokers to develop a gateway to any system or exchange on their own. Some brokers have already done that, while the proposed interfaces have greatly simplified their work. Moreover, API allows development of a hybrid ECN engine with multiple providers. That engine will act as trading server's own ECN platform.

MetaTrader 5 can work with 5 ECNs and 10 Exchanges

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A variety of integration gateways to liquidity providers and stock exchanges have recently been developed for MetaTrader 5 trading platform. Using these solutions, brokers now can greatly improve their business and enter new markets. We have decided to summarize the first integration results and make a list of already working MetaTrader 5 gateways.

Liquidity Providers (ECNs)

ECNs (Electronic Communication Networks) provide liquidity when using MetaTrader 5. We have developed gateways to the most well-known providers, and any MetaTrader 5 broker can now make use of their services:

  1. . . . . . .
This is very interesting and i am excited to know all about this and this really update my forex knowledge.
it's nice if i can share this news to sina weibo like google+
Great job, but my suggestion is publish here the server address examples for all this new stock exchanges and liquidity providers.

For instance, there is a CME demo MT5 server? 

Unless Brazilian Bovespa server, I don't know any other server for all this new markets and would like too much to test them and, in my opnion, it's very important publish their address to all developers and investors.



Great job, but my suggestion is publish here the server address examples for all this new stock exchanges and liquidity providers.
For instance, there is a CME demo MT5 server? 
Unless Brazilian Bovespa server, I don't know any other server for all this new markets and would like too much to test them and, in my opnion, it's very important publish their address to all developers and investors.
Figurelli :
Bom Trabalho, mas a Minha Sugestão E PUBLICAR OS Aqui Exemplos de endereços de Servidor para Todos sos Novos Bolsas de Valores e fornecedores de Liquidez.

Por Exemplo, existe hum Servidor CME Demonstração MT5? 

A Localidade: Não Ser Servidor Bovespa brasileira, eu Localidade: Não conheço None Outro Servidor para Todos sos Novos Mercados e gostaria Muito de testa-los e, na Minha opnião, E Muito Importante PUBLICAR Seu Endereço para de Todos os desenvolvedores e Investidores.

I leave here my contribution to address demo server for Brazil Bovespa: 
But to use that demo server, you must open a free account at the brokerage XP, more information on the broker site 

I would test MT5 in other bags for free, but also do not know any, if anyone can post here any more I appreciate it. 

Sorry for the English translator.

We are refereeing MT5 SampleGateway and SampleExchnage C++ application that comes with installation. We are able to build and deploy both of them, they were up and running. We can see market data on the MT5 Terminal sent by SampleExchange. When we try to send order it shows done message on dialog, also we can see order is listed in trade blotter(Please refer attached images). As per documentation we need to attach trading queue using method DealerStart(IMTGatewayAPI::DEALER_FLAG_AUTOLOCK). This call gets successful. So now when any trade happens on MT5-Trader we should get callback CMTGatewayApp::OnDealerLock() which we are not receiving. <:p><:p>

We have followed all the installation steps mentioned in the documentation. What could be the reason that we are not getting callbacks for order sent through MT5 Terminal? <:p><:p>

Journel.PNG  29 kb
SendOrder.PNG  11 kb

We are refereeing MT5 SampleGateway and SampleExchnage C++ application that comes with installation. We are able to build and deploy both of them, they were up and running. We can see market data on the MT5 Terminal sent by SampleExchange. When we try to send order it shows done message on dialog, also we can see order is listed in trade blotter(Please refer attached images). As per documentation we need to attach trading queue using method DealerStart(IMTGatewayAPI::DEALER_FLAG_AUTOLOCK). This call gets successful. So now when any trade happens on MT5-Trader we should get callback CMTGatewayApp::OnDealerLock() which we are not receiving. <:p><:p>

We have followed all the installation steps mentioned in the documentation. What could be the reason that we are not getting callbacks for order sent through MT5 Terminal? <:p><:p>

No idea what you are talking about (I suppose you are working on the server side maybe ?). What is "SampleGateway" ?

I leave here my contribution to address demo server for Brazil Bovespa: 
But to use that demo server, you must open a free account at the brokerage XP, more information on the broker site 

I would test MT5 in other bags for free, but also do not know any, if anyone can post here any more I appreciate it. 

Sorry for the English translator.
I see, Thank You very much