Suggestion to upgrade the Job section


Please, i want to suggests that the Job section should be upgraded because some developer are willingly delaying their given job. If you give a job to some of the developer they will not deliver the job till the agreement day for work completion will elapse and even more days till you will be thinking of asking for arbitration. So i want the system to be upgraded to do the following:

When a developer applied for a job and he/she refused to delivered the job within the agreed work completion day, the Job should be cancel automatically so that the job can be given to someone else. I believed this will let some of the developer to be more serious and have commitment to their work instead of delaying works unnecessarily.


Please, i want to suggests that the Job section should be upgraded because some developer are willingly delaying their given job. If you give a job to some of the developer they will not deliver the job till the agreement day for work completion will elapse and even more days till you will be thinking of asking for arbitration. So i want the system to be upgraded to do the following:

When a developer applied for a job and he/she refused to delivered the job within the agreed work completion day, the Job should be cancel automatically so that the job can be given to someone else. I believed this will let some of the developer to be more serious and have commitment to their work instead of delaying works unnecessarily.

Good suggestion, you can write to Service Desk about that.

I never have job request and never have apply to one. However, since there are already several complaint about job section, my only advice to user who request for some program development, is to write a very detailed and specific Negotiation of Requirement (read this article How To Order a Trading Robot in MQL5 and MQL4), and so not just a specific requirement for the program, but for other stuff outside that. That hopefully - if we write them correctly - will help to protect my interest, my time and my money. 

Yes, there is Arbitration Order (see job rules section V), but I prefer to avoid that with a very detailed requirement so I won't waste my time and my money to some developer who's not taking me seriously. 

To every user who have experience with job section, please feel free to write in the general section of forum (and please don't promote some developer, or discredit one).