Are you ready to give up MT4 for MT5 ? - page 10

Ovo Cz:
Why? The game is not over yet. Unlike trading, this act can be planned and controlled.
so better for us to prepare before the game is over right? :)

MT5 is good

MQL5 is not trading language




MT5 is good

MQL5 is not trading language



Of course MQL5 is a trading language and a very sophisticated language, too.

It is like C++ which is a great advantage. You can use the object oriented feature with all its properties and advantages.

Or you can avoid the OOP paradigma if you want.

If you are an programming beginner please learn and learn and learn... Otherwise you never will be able to write good and robust and stable and profitable experts advisors.

If you have bought an EA from elsewhere - forget it and write it by yourself. Only trust in yourself and your own capabilities.

If you are brainy and prudent you will be able to learn how to program a good ea in MQL5 language (and in MQL4 language as well). If you are not you are not on the right place here.


Having Mt5 is also a good metatrader marketing offers more diversity for backtesting speed, etc etc...regardless of the complications downside. And creates therefore more competition barriers for its they may hopefully raise their game too...maybe its all good for traders...more choice is usually better. I would even welcome the idea of an Mt6 with more advanced features built in.
Achmad Wijaya:
so better for us to prepare before the game is over right? :)
I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
There's commercial mq4 to ex5 converter, just use search engine. I don't know if their software works or not, but I'm sure metaquotes can do better than them.
What about the people who have bought EAs in MQL4?? They can scrap them, throw them into the bin. Also all the Indis and systems!
It's not only the money, it's also about time for testing, i.e. years of testing are now totally useless!!
Eduard Salm:
What about the people who have bought EAs in MQL4?? They can scrap them, throw them into the bin. Also all the Indis and systems!
It's not only the money, it's also about time for testing, i.e. years of testing are now totally useless!!
Everybody can download and install MT4 from the brokers so not a problem with MT4 installation disappearing on mql5 portal for example.. If the brokers are still proposing MT4 (and they will propose it in the future as I understand) so not a problem at all.

this platform gives better possibilities than MT4, simply it is for me the best things that we can have with the fact it's constantly upgrading...

i think, and this one is only my opnion, than everbody under-estimate the power of this platform, OR maybe don't know how to use this new good functionalities.

I decided to switch on MT5 when i seen CME future market was connected on.

Sure at the moment MT5, is not the best, compared at others platforms, but they have the possibilities to become almost the best in same time to be simple to trade.

So each one, can be patient, to see MT5 upgrades step by step 

I am MT5 :) 


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

3 problems -why I dont like MT5

luozongbao, 2016.11.29 02:39

This May be silly... but these are my problems, at least to start using MT5.

1.  Not many brokers are using it.  At least all my broker that I know off doesn't have in MT5, I didn't find any way to add server of my broker.

2.  Not support MT4/EA Code

3.  I'm hating it more coz now it force me to use MT5 even I download MT4SETUP in specific.  I downloaded MT4Setup but after setup I got MT5 instead!!

any one know how to fix those?