AI with MQL 5

I don't have any idea about the AI coding style. Is there any EA example for learning the coding logic of AI trading systems?
Thank you ... I need to learn more about the MQL 5 for reading some of them, but there are some good introductory articles explaining neural networks. If you are interested in AI trading robots actively, I have one more question ... are the AI trading systems notably superior than the EAs using the tools of classical technical analysis? Apparently, "Artificial Intelligence" sounds great and very impressive ... and as a result of this impression, I'm planning to invest two or maybe more years for developing an AI EA ... but I'm not sure whether or not I will really get superior results at the end of my study. So ... what do you think? Should I invest my 2-3 years on this subject? 

i have seen simple <10 line robots outperform 3000+ line AI robots if that's what you mean.

It will never be a waste of time, since you will learn a lot from it, but the superior results you are expecting may differ.

I see .. thanks Marco.
Most of the AI books I've found so far use Python or MATLAB codes. Anyone knowing a good AI book explaining the subject with C++?