How to disable the backspace key event. - page 3


Hey all!

My apologies for reviving this thread in 2023.

I'm working on some graphical interfaces now, and I've found this exact same "issue", which seems to be a feature. The thing is, the interface I'm working on has input fields, making the use of the backspace key a relatively common possibility. The "hack" shown to create a dummy object so it can be deleted by the terminal's shortcut seems to be the only alternative I could find. However, it caught my attention that when using the CDialog library (I'm using the EasyAndFastGUI one), this backspace issue doesn't seem to happen.

I tried using the debugger to see if the provided library was using some method to bypass the backspace event but after several runs of analyzing the execution of the CDialog event handling process, I wasn't able to spot anything that accounts for this. Any idea if there's a better way to bypass the deletion of the last created object other than creating the dummy object?