Invalid volume error, On Market product validation ONLY - page 2

Alain Verleyen #:
Where is the "LotValidate" function call in this code ? It's not.

i have called it successfully, I forgot to add that part in the code shown before.

lotsize = LotValidate(lotsize);

if (CheckMoneyForTrade(lotsize, ORDER_TYPE_SELL))
    if (volume_limit ==0 ? true : (lotsize + PositionsVolume()) < volume_limit)
       m_trade.Sell(lotsize, Symbol(),, NormalizeDouble(intern_sl, Digits()), NormalizeDouble(intern_tp, Digits())); //open a sell trade

What makes this issue more strange is that, I have tried the EA in a netting account this afternoon, It works, and I don't get errors related to volume with the same code.

I am working to rewrite the entire program, maybe there is a bug coming from somewhere else or maybe, the validator is having a bad day. We'll find out. 

The "validator" is working fine (I checked). Fix your code.