sync mql codes between two separate system


Hello I code with mql4 and mql5. Some days I work at home with a laptop and some days I work with a PC in the office. I want the files and codes of the two systems to be automatically synced. I tried to use the storage of mql (shared projects), which unfortunately has many limitations and is not user friendly at all. What other way do you suggest?


Even taking into account power outages, the storage solves the problem of synchronizing files across different devices very well:

Inconvenience may arise if the power goes out at a time when I have not yet made a commit.

If you do not have problems with electricity, then MQL storage will 100% complete the task of synchronizing files between devices.

But I don't use projects. I simply make commits of the files I need.

How to clear commit history in MQL storage?
How to clear commit history in MQL storage?
  • 2024.06.12
  • Vladislav Boyko
I make a lot of commits due to power outages. But I don't need the change history. I only need up-to-date versions of my files...

By the way, you cannot commit PDF files and image files. But this is not a problem, since if necessary, you can upload these files to Google Drive or similar cloud storage.

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Vladislav Boyko, 2024.06.10 23:07

Please add the ability to add PDF files to the storage.

Often technical specifications are in PDF files. It is very inconvenient that you have to store the technical specifications separately from the source code.

If the MQL storage functionality is not enough for you, you can use, for example, Gitlab. But personally, I have not yet had experience using GitLab for MQL-related files, since MQL storage is enough for me. As I already wrote in another topic, I only need synchronization between devices. I don’t need branches, change history, joint development, etc. for MQL development (like most other MQL developers, I think)