Gallery of UIs written in MQL - page 40

Edgar Akhmadeev #:

How can you work in this weather?

If it's not a volcanic eruption, you can keep going! :)
Реter Konow #:
If it's not a volcanic eruption, you can keep going! :)

I remember writing once after the promised end of the world: "The end of the world came yesterday and we didn't notice much difference".

Edgar Akhmadeev #:

I remember writing once after the promised end of the world, "The end of the world came yesterday and we didn't notice much difference."

Was that in '12?)) I remember the noise and fuss in the media.

It's good to have energy and inspiration. I wish you all.
Update coming soon. Fixed a lot of bugs. Improved work of some elements. Working.

With the release I will release an updated engine. Instead of the engine file there will be only a line. I found a good solution - selective connection of engine functionality from the constructor functionality. That is, no huge files of 20K lines as before.

The Internal API file does not contain anything unnecessary. I will add prototypes of element functions for user clarity.

Coming soon.
Реter Konow prototypes of element functions for user clarity.

Coming soon.

Will there be new ones?

moskitman #:

Will there be new ones?

There will be, we'll fix it.
Реter Konow prototypes of element functions for clearer understanding of users.

It will be released soon.

Worth celebrating!

hini #:

It will be released in the near future.

Worth celebrating!

Thank you! I'm in the same frame of mind. :)

I'm preparing the release for Sunday.