It would be nice if we have option to mark out either our question was solved or not. so the moderators and people who know the stuff can easily see which was solved and which still not solved.

  • 54% (7)
  • 46% (6)
Total voters: 13
Mostly people get their problem solved. If not it is mostly because their request is not of the type to be responded. Including ambiguous description of the issue or asking for free code.
Hapu Arachchilage Tharindu Lakmal:
  • Agree with this
  • Disagree.

We will assist in every way we can. Some people ask unnecessary questions which are pure common sense, and does not require us to tell them how to solve the issue, questions like these are getting little to no response. Questions about coding or development are welcome, and we will do what we can to assist, only if, the question is worth answering, meaning if we can see the person asking the question has tried solving the problem, showing effort in learning to code or if it is interesting enough.We WILL NOT assist if the person has copied the code from someone else and has no idea how it works, uses Chat GPT to help with their coding, or use generators to code for them. We can see if code was hand written by looking at the syntax, logic, and other functions/statements. An option to show whether a question was answered/solved or not, will not work here. Some people ask questions or comment not even related to topics, or in the wrong section.