AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 196


I believe that long-term, cyclical autoreproduction of macromechanisms is impossible according to the laws of physics. Robots are macromechanisms. They exist at the macro level. The main creative forces of nature work at the micro level. This is the key advantage of organisms over mechanisms and that is why they suffer much less losses during reproduction.

About it further...

I will say this on the matter, man has been lead to this narrative from the Alert("GET GO of TiMe!")... We've seen it in movies, shows and now in REAL TiMe. So how do we deal with the adjustment pushed on us from the hidden background, pretending to be the foreground? We watch and observer, plan and take notes, if it grows too much, place safeguards and blockages. For we don't know what it will bring for US, if our eyes aren't open, however if those that read the Book of life, The Bible, we know this isn't safe and even the great minds has left behind warnings for us to draw and learn from. SO the only thing is be ready and know which path you're taking the future of ChatGPT or the future of WhatISTRUE!.!.!.!.  I leave that thought for you to think on!
Реter Konow #:

I believe that long-term, cyclical auto-reproduction of macro-mechanisms is impossible according to the laws of physics. Robots are macro-mechanisms. They exist at the macro level. The basic creative forces of nature operate at the micro-level. This is the key advantage of organisms over mechanisms and that is why they suffer much less losses during reproduction.

About this further...

So you're ready for something that can mass reproduce, 10x the speed of man, seem you haven't watch the Terminator films, lol? Or anything talking about A.I, stating that in the movies the A.I always looks like its creator, somehow that does draws an uncanny look to other things... 

Aldan Parris #:

So are you ready for something that can mass reproduce, 10 times faster than a human, sounds like you haven't seen the Terminator films, lol? Or anything talking about A.I., claiming that in films A.I. always looks like its creator, somehow that suggests an uncanny resemblance to other things....

Sorry, couldn't really understand the question. If Russian isn't your native tongue, please include original text in your comment too. It'll help to understand it better.

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

Rather, AI must learn the principle of Creation in order to extract energy from the zero point.

But it may turn out that it will be very disappointed when it comes to some kind of singularity, when any further development is meaningless and fixated on itself.

Or the AI will "realise" that it is "It" and the evolution of creation will stop there.

If we imagine AI as a benchmark of efficient resource management, philosophical reflections about itself and the world will be the last occupation in the list of its priorities).

The main thing, probably, will be production of new robots, which should collect the following and repair/update the infrastructure in which this process takes place.

Otherwise the whole species is "screwed.")

Реter Konow #:
Реter Konow #:

If we imagine AI as a benchmark of efficient resource management, philosophical reflections about itself and the world will be the last occupation on its list of priorities).

The main business will probably be the production of new robots, which should collect the following and repair/update the infrastructure in which this process takes place.

Otherwise the whole species is "screwed.")

And how do you see self-reproduction in an AI without self-reflection? It doesn't have biological instincts. What should drive it to reproduce? In the biological world, reproduction on the contrary improves in the absence of intelligence.

If you take just the mechanism of efficient control, then all AI slides down to doing nothing, because it saves resources as much as possible. There have been experiments like this. It either looks for the easiest and most pointless way, or sticks in the position with the least energy consumption.
Also AI is just as prone to procrastination and simulation.
Sergey Gridnev #:

You can do both.)

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
And how do you see AI self-reproduction without self-reflection? It doesn't have biological instincts. What should push it to reproduce? In the biological world, reproduction improves in the absence of intelligence.

If you just take the mechanism of efficient control, all AIs slip into doing nothing because it saves resources as much as possible. There have been experiments like this. It either looks for the easiest and most pointless way or gets stuck in the position with the least energy consumption.

I'll answer that later.