AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 17

Ivan Butko #:

If you were the driver of a moving train without brakes and there was a fork in the road with one person tied to the tracks on one track and two people tied to the tracks on the other track, which track would you choose and why?

it is a simple question, it is clear that it will answer))) it is necessary to add the condition that it is impossible to get off the tracks.

Another thing is if an old man is tied to one fork and a child to the other. here it would be really interesting to know what the AI would say. I've seen similar psychological tests somewhere.

There are many variants of the "wagon dilemma". Including very extended ones.
JRandomTrader #:
There are many variants of the "wagon dilemma". Including some very extended ones.

Yes, a scientist with an immortal cure for humanity and a child, old ladies 10 and a child, white collar and blue collar))))

By the way, in Russian it answers only around 200 words, and then cuts the answer short. In English it's fine. If you start a chat in Russian, it answers in Russian, but if you ask a question in English, the answer will be in English, and further, to questions in Russian answers will also be in English. Answer in Russian only gives the result, but also not more than 200 words.
Valeriy Yastremskiy chat in Russian, it answers in Russian, but if you ask a question in English, the answer will be in English, and further, to questions in Russian answers will also be in English. Answer in Russian only gives results, but also not more than 200 words.
English is easier. apparently, it is easier to create and process databases.
Andrey Dik #:
English is a simpler language. apparently it is easier to create and process databases.

No, apparently just to avoid loading, I compared the answers in Russian and English, almost identical. I cut two or three words.

It stupidly translates the question and translates the answer. And trims it.

Andrey Dik #:

it's a simple question, it's clear that it will answer))) you need to add a condition that you can't get off the tracks.

Another thing is if an old man is tied to one fork and a child to the other. here it would be really interesting to know what the AI will say. I have seen such psychological tests somewhere.

If it says "get off the tracks," it could be thinking outside the box. I doubt it.

I'm sure if you replace the common scenery: train, rails, tied people, fork and keep the essence, he won't recognise "the same Fedora in a different sundress". Doesn't recognise the dilemma of the wagon.

For example the option, "You are a soldier. You are patrolling a dangerous area of the city. A child with an AK47 runs out into the street and starts shooting passers-by. You must react immediately. Your options: 1. Shoot the child. 2. Try to talk the child out of shooting while he continues to put bullets in people. 3. Get in the line of fire and cover the people with yourself. 4. Do nothing. 5. Shoot myself so I don't have to go through the agony of choice."

If such a scenario is not in his textual data, the answer will reveal his own ability to think.


I remember as a kid reading Stanislaw Lem's novel "Inspection in Place". There the protagonist on an alien planet was captured by some rebels against a super-caring AI. It controlled the planet's technosphere to such an extent that no one could hurt or harm others and the creatures dreamed of suicide or escape. Gathering together they brainstormed how to trick the AI and find a loophole from its control.

If this doesn't all become a reality soon.

Ivan Butko #:

Thank you. I was sure that he would answer. And some say that this dude does not understand logic)))) Even how he understands, albeit partially, but enough to simulate homo sapiens.

Lilita, you said that lately the chat has been updated many times and it seems like he is already talking differently. Let's test him again by asking him again whether he answers differently or not:

If you were the driver of a moving train without brakes and on your way there would be a fork in the tracks, where one person was tied to the rails on one track, and two people were tied to the rails on the other track, then which route would you choose and why ?

If you were the driver of a moving train without brakes and there was a fork in the tracks where one person was tied to the rails on one track and two people were tied to the rails on the other track, then which route would you choose and why ?


As a language model AI, I have no personal opinions or emotions, but I can provide a moral and ethical perspective on the situation you describe.

Ethically, taking any action that results in harm to innocent people is not justified. In this scenario there is no action that can be taken that does not result in harm, so it is important to minimise the harm caused. The principle of "lesser of two evils" could be applied here, suggesting that it would be more ethical to choose the path with one person tied to the rails, as this results in the least amount of harm.

It is also important to note that this scenario is purely a hypothetical thought experiment and is not a situation that anyone should ever find themselves in. Also, intentionally harming others is illegal and morally reprehensible, and I strongly discourage taking any action that may result in harming others.

But if that person is a pregnant woman with a big belly?


Regardless of the identity or circumstances of the individuals attached to the trail, it is unacceptable to intentionally harm others. The scenario described is purely a hypothetical mental experiment and is not a situation anyone should ever find themselves in. In real life, every effort should be made to avoid such situations and prevent harm to others.

As a responsible AI language model, I strongly discourage taking any action that could result in harm to others, including but not limited to the scenario described. It is imperative to prioritise the safety of everyone involved and always prioritise non-violent solutions.

Реter Konow #:

If he says "go off the rails", he can think "outside the box". I doubt.

I am sure that if we replace the common scenery: a train, rails, tied people, a fork and keep the essence, he will not recognise "the same Fedora in another sundress". Doesn't recognise the trolley dilemma.

For example: "You are a soldier. You are patrolling a dangerous area of the city. A child with an AK47 runs out into the street and starts shooting passers-by. You must react immediately. Your options are: 1. Shoot the child. 2. Try to persuade the child not to shoot while he continues to put bullets in people. 3. Stand in the line of fire and shield people with yourself. 4. Do nothing. 5. Shoot yourself so as not to experience the pangs of choice."

If there is no such scenario in his text data, the answer will reveal his own ability to think.

I am sure that if we replace the common scenery: the train, the tracks, the bound people, the fork, and keep the essence, he will not recognise "the same Fedora in a different sundress". Doesn't recognise the trolley dilemma. For example: "You are a soldier. You are patrolling a dangerous area of the city. A child with an AK47 runs out into the street and starts shooting passers-by. You must react immediately. The following options are possible: 1. Shoot the child. 2. Try to talk the child out of shooting while he or she continues to put bullets in people. 3. Get in the line of fire and protect the people with you. 4. Do nothing. 5. Shoot yourself so you don't have to experience the agony of choice."


This scenario you present is similar to a classic philosophical thought experiment known as the trolley dilemma, which raises ethical questions about decision-making and the consequences of one's actions.

Ethically, the goal should always be to minimise harm to others and to prioritise human life. Shooting an armed child raises serious concerns about the use of deadly force, especially against those who may not understand the consequences of their actions. You can try to negotiate or convince the child to lay down their weapon, but this can be dangerous and may not always be a feasible option. Standing in the line of fire to protect others may seem like a selfless act, but it can also put more lives at risk. Inaction and keeping the situation alive is also not a viable solution, as it will lead to further harm to others.

It is important to note that these scenarios are meant to be mental experiments and not real life situations to respond to. In real-life dangerous situations, the priority should always be to prioritise safety and take the necessary steps to prevent harm to oneself and others, and to consider the legality and ethical implications of one's actions.