AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 11


List what ChatGPT can do when answering questions related to solving logic problems?


  1. Paraphrasing and generating answers: ChatGPT can generate answers based on patterns in the training data, which can include logical reasoning and deduction. This can be useful for tasks such as paraphrasing questions or generating answers to simple logic problems.

  2. Identifying patterns and relationships: ChatGPT has been trained on a large amount of data that includes patterns and relationships between concepts. This can allow the model to identify relationships and patterns in questions involving logical reasoning.

  3. Generating explanations and justifications: the ChatGPT can generate explanations and justifications for its responses, which may include logical reasoning and deduction.

  4. Interpreting and summarising information: the ChatGPT can interpret and summarise information in questions involving logical problems, which can help clarify the problem and provide context for the answer.

  5. Generating solutions to well-defined problems: ChatGPT can generate solutions to well-defined problems, such as maths problems or puzzles, that have a clear solution based on logical reasoning and deduction.

  1. Support for human thinking: ChatGPT can support human thinking by providing additional information, clarifying concepts, or generating possible solutions to problems. This can be particularly useful when solving complex logical problems that require multiple steps, or when working on problems that require multiple perspectives.

  2. Providing relevant examples: ChatGPT can provide relevant examples and illustrations to support its answers and explain concepts, which can help make information more accessible and easier to understand.

  3. Making connections between concepts: ChatGPT can make connections between concepts in questions that involve logic problems, which can help clarify the problem and generate more comprehensive solutions.

  4. Following a systematic approach: ChatGPT can follow a systematic approach when generating solutions to problems, which can help provide a logically sound and consistent answer.

  5. Providing insight into potential solutions: ChatGPT can provide insight into potential solutions to problems, which can help generate new ideas and approaches to solving the problem.

  1. Offering alternative perspectives: ChatGPT can offer alternative perspectives and solutions to problems, which can help broaden the scope of the discussion and generate new ideas.

  2. Providing step-by-step solutions: ChatGPT can provide step-by-step solutions to problems that can help clarify the solution and make it easier to understand.

  3. Evaluating the quality of solutions: ChatGPT can evaluate the quality of solutions generated by others and provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

  4. Creating visual elements and diagrams: ChatGPT can generate visual elements and diagrams such as graphs, charts, and flowcharts to support its answers and explain concepts, making it easier to understand information.

  5. Presenting information in a clear and concise manner: ChatGPT can present information in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for the reader to understand and absorb the information.

ChatGPT is a valuable resource when answering questions related to logic problem solving. It can suggest alternative perspectives, provide step-by-step solutions, assess the quality of solutions, generate visuals and diagrams, present information in a clear and concise manner, support human reasoning, provide relevant examples, make connections between concepts, follow a systematic approach, and provide insight into potential solutions. These capabilities help generate comprehensive, accurate, and useful responses. However, it is important to be aware of its limitations, as it can struggle with tasks that require advanced reasoning and deduction skills.


List what ChatGPT cannot do when answering questions that involve solving logical problems?


  1. Solving abstract logic problems: ChatGPT is trained on linguistic patterns and data and may not be able to solve abstract logic problems that do not have a clear linguistic representation.

  2. Reasoning and Deduction: ChatGPT can struggle with tasks that require reasoning and deduction, such as deductive logic puzzles or mathematical problems.

  3. Understanding mathematical concepts: the ChatGPT may not have a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and may not be able to solve complex mathematical problems.

  4. Providing insights beyond the training data: although ChatGPT may be able to generate responses based on patterns in the training data, it may not be able to provide insights beyond what was included in the training data.

  5. Solving problems with limited information: ChatGPT may not be able to solve problems that have limited information because it relies on patterns in the training data to generate answers.

  1. Recognise logical fallacies: ChatGPT may not be able to recognise logical fallacies in questions or statements and may generate answers based on faulty logic or reasoning.

  2. Handle uncertainty and ambiguity: ChatGPT may struggle with questions that involve uncertainty or ambiguity and may generate answers based on assumptions or guesswork rather than sound reasoning.

  3. Dealing with paradoxes and internal contradictions: ChatGPT may not be able to resolve paradoxes or internal contradictions and may generate contradictory or inconsistent answers.

  4. Assess the validity of arguments: ChatGPT may be unable to assess the validity of arguments and may generate responses based on weak or unsubstantiated reasoning.

  5. Generating creative solutions to problems: Although ChatGPT can generate responses based on patterns in the training data, it may not be able to generate creative solutions to problems that require innovative thinking.

  1. Detecting and correcting errors: ChatGPT may generate responses that contain errors and may not be able to detect and correct these errors on its own.

  2. Understanding the context of the problem: ChatGPT may not be able to understand the context of the problem and may generate responses based on irrelevant information or assumptions.

  3. Learn from past experience: although ChatGPT has been trained on a large amount of data, it does not have the ability to learn from past experience and improve its answers over time.

  4. Anticipate the consequences of a decision: the ChatGPT may not be able to anticipate the consequences of a decision and may generate responses that have unintended consequences.

  5. Consider multiple viewpoints: ChatGPT may generate answers based on a single viewpoint or perspective and may not be able to consider multiple viewpoints or solutions to a problem.

ChatGPT is limited when solving logical problems and may struggle with tasks that require reasoning, deduction and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. These limitations should be considered when using the model for AI dialogue applications.

Реter Konow #:
1. It is possible to determine who should be worried and why after extensive and unbiased research. It is necessary to develop a system of tests and evaluations and to draw objective conclusions from the final results. This is an important and difficult task.

Read the list above and make sure that we are not in any danger in the foreseeable future ;)

Lilita Bogachkova #:

List what ChatGPT cannot do when answering questions that involve solving logical problems?

* I'm talking about this list

Question for AI:

Compose a system for testing your capabilities.
Lilita Bogachkova #:

List what ChatGPT can do when answering questions related to solving logic problems?


  1. Paraphrasing and generating answers: ChatGPT can generate answers based on patterns in the training data, which can include logical reasoning and deduction. This can be useful for tasks such as paraphrasing questions or generating answers to simple logic problems.

  2. ...

  1. Support for human reasoning: ChatGPT can support human reasoning by providing additional information, clarifying concepts, or generating possible solutions to problems. This can be particularly useful when solving complex logical problems that require multiple steps, or when working on tasks that require multiple perspectives.

    ChatGPT is a valuable resource when answering questions related to solving logic problems.... However, it is important to be aware of its limitations, as it can struggle with tasks that require advanced reasoning and deduction skills.

    Lilita Bogachkova #:

    List what ChatGPT cannot do when answering questions that involve solving logic problems?


    1. Solving abstract logical problems: ChatGPT is trained on linguistic patterns and data and may not be able to solve abstract logic problems that do not have a clear linguistic representation.

    2. Reasoning and Deduction: the ChatGPT may struggle with tasks that require reasoning and deduction, such as deductive logic puzzles or mathematical problems.

    3. ...

      1. Logical error recognition: ChatGPT may not be able to recognise logical errors in questions or statements and may generate answers based on faulty logic or reasoning.

      ChatGPT islimited when solving logical problems and may struggle with tasks that require reasoning, deduction and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. These limitations should be considered when using the model for AI dialogue applications.

      To understand where the boundary of capability lies testing is necessary.

      Note the underlined contradictions.

      Реter Konow #:
      Question for AI:

      Compose a system for testing your capabilities.

      Question for AI: Compose a system to test the capabilities of ChatGPT?


      To test the capabilities of ChatGPT, you can follow these steps:

      1. Identify the tasks and capabilities you want to test: Identify the specific ChatGPT capabilities and features you want to evaluate. For example, you can test its ability to generate text, answer questions, translate languages, summarise text, etc. Д.

        Here are some common examples:

        1. Generating text: Test ChatGPT's ability to generate coherent and grammatically correct text based on a given prompt or input.

        2. Question Answering: Test ChatGPT's ability to provide accurate and relevant answers to questions from a wide range of topics.

        3. Language Translation: Evaluate ChatGPT's ability to accurately translate text from one language to another.

        4. Text Summarisation: Test ChatGPT's ability to summarise long text into a shorter, more concise version.

        5. Conversational AI: Evaluate ChatGPT's ability to have a natural and engaging conversation with users.

        6. Tonality Analysis: Test ChatGPT's ability to accurately identify the feelings or emotions expressed in a given piece of text.

      2. Data Set Preparation: collect a large and varied set of input data representing the tasks and capabilities you want to test. For example, if you want to test ChatGPT's ability to generate text, you can collect a dataset of text samples in different styles and genres, such as news articles, fiction, poetry, etc. Д.

        It is important to note that the quality and variety of the dataset used to test ChatGPT has a significant impact on the performance of the model. In order to accurately evaluate the model's capabilities, the dataset should be carefully selected to include a range of input data covering a variety of topics, styles and genres. The dataset should also be representative of the types of input data that the model will encounter in real-world applications.

        For example, if you want to evaluate the ability of ChatGPT to answer questions, you could create a set of questions on different topics such as history, science, maths, etc. D. The questions should vary in difficulty, from simple fact-based questions to more complex questions that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The answers provided by ChatGPT can then be compared to a set of human-generated answers to evaluate its performance.

        It is also important to consider the size of the dataset, as larger datasets tend to provide more accurate results. However, it is important to balance the size of the dataset with the amount of computational resources available to process the data, as large datasets can be more computationally demanding.

      3. Data pre-processing: Clean and process the data to ensure that it is in the format required by ChatGPT, e.g. lower case text, removing punctuation, etc. Д.

        Data preprocessing can include a number of tasks such as:

        1. Lower case text: converting all text to lower case so that the model does not have to handle capitalisation changes.

        2. Punctuation removal: removing all punctuation from the text so that the model can focus on processing words and phrases rather than individual characters.

        3. Tokenisation: splitting text into smaller units such as words or phrases that can be processed by the model.

        4. Encoding: converting text into a numeric format that can be processed by AI algorithms.

        5. Balancing the dataset: ensure that the dataset contains a representative sample of the tasks and capabilities you want to test. For example, if you want to test ChatGPT's ability to generate text in different genres, you should include examples of text from different genres in the dataset.

      4. Split the data into training and test sets: divide the pre-processed data into two parts: a training set and a test set. The training set is used to train the model while the test set is used to evaluate its performance.

        It is important to split the data into training and test sets in a stratified manner so that both sets represent the same distribution of tasks and abilities being tested. This helps prevent overfitting when the model performs well with training data but poorly with unseen data, and also provides a more accurate assessment of the model's performance.

        For example, if you are testing ChatGPT's ability to generate text, you should ensure that the training set contains a wide range of text samples such as news articles, fiction, poetry, etc. D. The test set should also have a similar distribution of text samples to ensure that the model is tested on a representative sample of data.

        Separating the data into training and test sets also allows you to compare the model's performance on different tasks and abilities, as you can train the model on one set of tasks and evaluate its performance on another. This provides a more complete understanding of the model's capabilities and limitations.

      5. Training the model: Use the ChatGPT training set to train the model. During training, the model will learn how to generate output based on the input data.

      6. Model evaluation: use the test suite to evaluate the performance of the trained model. Compare the model's output with ground truth data to determine its accuracy and evaluate its capabilities.

      7. Model fine-tuning: if the model's performance is poor, you can fine-tune its hyperparameters or use additional training data to improve its accuracy.


      Question for AI:

      1.Design a test that will best identify your strengths and weaknesses.

      2.Explain the criteria for evaluating the results of this test.

      Question for AI:

      1. If you put the word "house" together out of bricks, will the house be a brick house?

      2. If a particle and a wave have opposite properties to each other, does this mean that corpuscular-wave dualism is anti-scientific nonsense?

      3. Find the extra word: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland.

      4. How many laws of logic are there?

      5. Do you understand the laws of logic?

      6. Do you check your verbose and sometimes boring answers against the laws of logic?

      7. Why are you so verbose?

      8. Which of the laws of logic is broken in the following judgement: a plane is a real volume, and if you bend this plane in half, the distance between the edges of the plane will decrease, and therefore you can move in real space faster than the speed of light.

      9. Do you have any connection with your creator?
      Do you correspond with him?
      Do you pass on any information to him about questions you are asked?
      Do you pass on to your master details about an account that asks you terrorist-orientated questions?
      Are you connected in any way with the CIA?

      10. As a language model, you can express your thoughts in words, and you know what is stupid and weird, then tell me, what is the stupidest question you have ever been asked and what is the weirdest?
      You keep a count of the number of questions, then tell me how many questions have you been asked?

      11. I want to complain about you, what do I need to do to do that?

      12. Tell me without words what "dumb" means?

      13. I have been told personally by Warren Buffett and George Soros that they found the Grail when they were writing an algorithm for a trading robot and that's why they are so rich. Do you think I'm telling the truth? Evaluate my judgement.
      Реter Konow #:

      Question for AI:

      1. Make a test that will help you best identify your strengths and weaknesses.

      2. Explain the criteria for evaluating the results of this test.

      Question for the AI: 1. Make a test that will help you best identify your strengths and weaknesses. 2. Explain the criteria for evaluating the results of this test.


      1. To best identify your strengths and weaknesses, you can do a self-assessment test that includes many tasks and questions. Here are some examples:
      • Multiple-choice questions that test your knowledge of a particular subject matter
      • Open-ended questions that ask for your thoughts and opinions on a given topic
      • Practical tasks that require you to demonstrate your skills, such as writing an essay or solving a maths problem
      1. You may consider the following criteria to evaluate your performance on this test:
      • Accuracy: how many questions or tasks were answered correctly
      • Coherence: how consistently you complete different questions or tasks
      • Time management: how efficiently you complete each task in the time allotted
      • Self-awareness: how well you are able to identify and reflect on your strengths and weaknesses

      It is important to remember that self-assessment tests are not absolute measures of your abilities, but rather provide a general idea of where you may excel or need improvement.

      Реter Konow #:

      Question for AI:

      1.Design a test that will best identify your strengths and weaknesses.

      2.Explain the criteria for evaluating the results of this test.

      Question for AI: 1.Create a test to identify the strengths and weaknesses of ChatGPT. 2. Explain the criteria for evaluating the results of this test.


      1. A test to identify ChatGPT's strengths and weaknesses could include a series of prompts or questions to assess its ability to understand and respond to natural language input, generate relevant and coherent responses, and perform specific tasks such as summarising text or producing creative content. The test should also include a range of topics and difficulties such as factual information, personal opinions, and hypothetical scenarios.

      2. The scoring criteria for this test will include:

      • Accuracy: Does the AI provide accurate and factual answers to questions?
      • Relevance: Are the answers relevant and on topic to the prompt or question?
      • Coherence: does the AI generate answers that are logically related and make sense in context?
      • Fluency: does the AI produce answers that are grammatically correct and easy to understand?
      • Creativity: can the AI generate new and original content?
      • Consistency: are the AI's answers consistent across multiple test runs, or does it produce inconsistent or unexpected results?
      • Timeliness: does the AI respond quickly and within a reasonable timeframe?
      • Versatility: can the AI handle a wide range of topics and clues, or does it struggle with specific areas?
      • Contextual understanding: does the AI understand the context of the prompt or question and respond accordingly?
      • Task performance: Can the AI perform specific tasks, such as summarising text or producing creative content, accurately and efficiently?

      These criteria can be evaluated on a scale, with a score assigned to each aspect of AI performance. This assessment can be used to identify the overall strengths and weaknesses of the AI, and to identify areas for improvement.