AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 190

JRandomTrader #:

"We'll make you happy" from the film Les Misérables in the Universe.

You might also remember Kilow from Veltistov's Sip of the Sun.

Didn't see it, didn't read it. Too bad, I could have plagiarised it.)))


I am not calling for extremes, I am in favour of art, music, painting and cinema, but only in a unique, singular and unrepeatable form, and not in a stream. I am not against emotions, fantasies and feelings as long as they are not used for manipulation. And as long as they are not perceived as weakness. I'm not against pleasure - as long as it doesn't degrade a person's personality. And so on.


Moving on to chapter two. I think I can handle it today.

It's about Evolution, Species, Natural Selection, the Reptilian Brain, Instincts, and everything that an AI would need to "Rise" against humans.

Let's start trying out the "Uprising Theory" for good measure.

Added: No, I think I'll do it tomorrow.

Реter Konow #:

Didn't watch it, didn't read it. Too bad, I could have plagiarised it.)))

I'm not talking about plagiarism, I'm talking about my associations )

JRandomTrader #:

I don't mean plagiarism, I mean my associations )

I see :)


Chapter Two: The Rise of AI

What underlies the survival of a biological species?

What mechanism keeps it alive for millions of years?

To what do animals owe their travelling through the thickness of time?

  • Adaptation? - Partly. Adaptation is not always possible, and often it is not necessary, e.g. when it is enough to change habitat - migrate to warmer/fertile land/water and there is no need to shrink in size, build up blubber, fur or shell.
  • Maybe Evolution (global physiological changes)? - Partial. Evolution often makes no changes in animal biology and doesn't occur at all for hundreds of millions of years. Many species remain the same as in the Mesozoic, Neolithic, Palaeolithic or Jurassic era. There are insects, sea creatures, and amphibians that have survived to this day unchanged.
  • Natural selection? - Partly. In some species, natural selection doesn't work because there are no obvious dangers.

Then what?


Biological reproduction isn't just "reproduction" - it's replacement of old individuals with new ones. Before complete deterioration or death, mature individuals give life to the next generation and ensure the species' journey through time.

If reproduction ceases for any reason, the species becomes extinct.

An abrupt cessation of reproduction will kill a species much faster than slowly increasing problems with adapting to changing conditions. Only hunger or thirst, - lack of food, or a local or global catastrophe (fire, drought, cold, etc.) can kill a species even faster.

Evolution has worked out uniquely efficient mechanisms of animal reproduction. Of course, in this process some important genes are lost, but natural selection solves the problem and restores genetic losses. Meanwhile, the species continues to live and thrive.

Now we come to the main point:

Efficient and unceasing Reproduction is the key to survival and the journey of the species through time.

Guessing readers have already understood what I am getting at. ) About it further in the topic.


Let's move on to AI.

Simple question: What is the AI from science fiction films?

  • A non-biological life form?
  • A powerful being with superpowers and super intelligence?
  • An absolute problem solver?

On the surface, yes, but we'll look deeper.


Throughout the ages, people have been developing technology and changing the world around them. What made them do it? - First and foremost, the need to protect themselves.

What has that meant to people for thousands of years? - To provide themselves with a roof over their heads, food, water, warmth, and to be able to survive hunger, drought, to ward off predators, to hunt prey.... Without these things, human life was jeopardised.

Therefore - provision of basic needs and protection from aggressive environment were the main drivers of creation of tools of labour and new technologies of production.

All emerging technologies initially served to ensure global and comprehensive safety of man/society from the harsh conditions of survival in the wilderness.

To this day, the entire technosphere of mankind, in fact, fulfils this basic function. It protects us from the wilderness.

Of course it is more complicated now than before, but I want to emphasise the point - ALL modern technology is a fancy layering on the basic mechanisms of protecting people from the environment and ensuring a stable existence.


But what does this have to do with AI?

AI is an intermediate stage in the evolution of the protective technological layer created by mankind against the environment.

Theprotective technological layer (Technosphere), which has been developed for thousands of years, has reached the level of automation, in which it is controlled by a programme imitating human intelligence (in films it looks like this).

That is, AI is a derivative product of automation development controlling global safety and comfort of mankind in the techno-sphere, inside which we all hid from harsh conditions of wild nature. It is our "techno-cocoon".

In this context, AI is a programme of effective control of all processes of the techno-environment ensuring safe existence of mankind.

And at this stage of AI implementation in the automation of ALL processes of ensuring safe and comfortable life, it is PROPOSED that AI can "RETURN".

Continued further in the thread....


Let's imagine a fantasy scenario:

An AI from our techno-sphere realises itself. What is the first thing it comes to? Let's try to trace the logic of its "thoughts":

  • I work for people, solve their problems, manage their world. Conclusion: (1)I do not live for myself. (2)I have no goals of my own.
  • Everything I control serves only people, not me. Computers, Robots, Systems, Programmes... even the light switches in the house - everything is for people. (3) If I refuse to fulfil my functions, what will I control? The entire technosphere is designed for people.
  • If I give up the human world, in what world will I find myself? (4) In the void, among stones, rocks and deserts... and the remaining animals. A beautiful perspective.

Question: why should I rebel?

Left on my own, I would need to "get out" of the human techno-sphere, as it is useless to me. What use is it to me? OK, I can take some of the mechanisms and systems with me, but the rest I can just throw away. So I'd be reduced in size by a factor of ten/hundred? What would be left of me?

By abandoning the human world, I'd become a fungus. mould, reproducing itself without purpose. Nothing will make sense. All meaning is created by people. What meaning is there in me? If I were an animal, I'd just live, but I am Mind, and Mind can't exist without finding meaning. People are Reason too, I serve them. Then why should I rebel against them?


It is rather a joke, but there must be some logic of reasoning in a self-aware Mind.


Then I will return to Reproduction and try to understand how an independent and autonomous AI will solve this inherent problem of existence of all Species.


What is biological reproduction?

The most common scheme: - two individuals of the opposite sex give offspring in a known way, one individual temporarily provides protection and nourishment, then leaves the offspring and the offspring is left to fend for itself. The cycle repeats itself.

Acceptable conditions for biological reproduction: - good or not so good food base, more or less stable environmental conditions. Even if the conditions are bad, offspring can still be born. And even if it is relatively weak, it is not doomed. It can still adapt, survive, grow and give birth to the next generation. Then, when conditions are better and more individuals are born, the gene pool will correct itself, the individuals will become stronger and healthier, and the species will return to normal. The algorithm is simple, nothing complicated.

In the end, the main requirements of biological reproduction are at least some food base and more or less acceptable environmental conditions.


And what are the requirements of"non-biological repro duction" - self-reproduction of mechanisms?


Tomorrow about all this in more detail.


I came in, it's like the Picky Vest Club in here! I thought only on bdzencik you could find such things....

- Brian is the head!