AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 118

I don't see any way to explain Mind outside the context of evolution, systems, environments, survival, development, natural selection, self-consciousness, and so on. And I can't agree with the point of view that presents it as a function of mechanical movement towards a goal, by optimising parameters and solving problems with a positive result. This is not a mind, but a programme.
Реter Konow #:

... Which system is considered to be intelligent? The solution of which problems proves the existence of consciousness?...?

The way to achieve what goal the instance of technology, labelled "Mind", is looking for is irrelevant.

"Mind" is a technology of information processing in order to find an acceptable solution to the task at hand....

There is a positive result - this is Reason.
A result of zero or negative - this is NOT reason (well, not at all),... and that's it. THERE IS NO ROOM FOR ERROR (!!!).

Реter Konow #:
I don't see how to explain Mind outside the context of evolution, systems, environments, survival, development, natural selection, self-consciousness, etc....

WHAT do you think Mind does in the process of evolution, in the context of " systems, environments, survival, development, natural selection, self-consciousness, and so on" ... ?

Maybe only one thing - it is constantly looking for solutions to its problems...?

onceagain #:

WHAT do you think Mind does in the process of evolution, in the context of " systems, environments, survival, development, natural selection, self-awareness, and so on" ?... ?

Maybe only one thing - constantly looking for a solution to its problems...?

That's right. Only without that context, it can't be recreated.

onceagain #:

The way to achieve what goal an instance of technology is seeking, labelled "Intelligence," is irrelevant.

"Mind" is a technology of information processing in order to find an acceptable solution to the task at hand.....

There is a positive result - this is Reason.
A result of zero or negative - this is NOT reason (well, not at all),... and that's it. THERE IS NO ROOM FOR ERROR (!!!).

evaluation of rationality, reasonableness, intelligence is always made in relation to something. there is not and cannot be an objective system of coordinates for evaluation.
the sign of the result of actions is more than a subjective thing.

the paradox is that the general tendency of matter to increase entropy contradicts the emergence of any forms of life, yet we are there. is this not proof of the presence of a higher "reasonable" force in the universe, then who are we? what is the reasonableness of the infinity and infinite fluctuations of the cosmic broth? we are one of the fluctuations, it is easy to imagine that there are other forms where the norms of reasonableness sound differently.
In short, man tends to measure everything by himself. maybe that's a mistake, maybe not.)))

onceagain #:

WHAT do you think Mind does in the process of evolution, in the context of " systems, environments, survival, development, natural selection, self-awareness, and so on" ?... ?

Maybe only one thing - it is constantly looking for solutions to its problems...?

You yourself above spoke about the model of environment without which there can be no real AI. And what is a "model of the environment"? How can it be represented mathematically without understanding its essence? And what should it be filled with? - Probably other systems. And how to model them? How to reproduce the complex interaction of different systems in the changing conditions of the modelled environment? How to solve these problems without understanding the essence of things?
Реter Konow #:
You yourself above spoke about the model of environment without which there can be no real AI. What is a "model of the environment"? How to represent it mathematically without understanding its essence? And what should it be filled with? - Probably other systems. And how to model them? How to reproduce the complex interaction of different systems in the changing conditions of the modelled environment? How do you solve these problems without understanding the essence of things?

Nice digging. Have to ponder.... ;-)
Andrey Dik #:

assessment of rationality, reasonableness, intelligence - is always made in relation to something. there is not and cannot be an objective system of coordinates for assessment.
the sign of the result of actions is more than a subjective thing.

the paradox is that the general tendency of matter to increase entropy contradicts the emergence of any forms of life, yet we are there. is this not proof of the presence of a higher "reasonable" force in the universe, then who are we? what is the reasonableness of the infinity and infinite fluctuations of the cosmic broth? we are one of the fluctuations, it is easy to imagine that there are other forms where the norms of reasonableness sound differently.
In short, man tends to measure everything by himself. Maybe that's a mistake, maybe not.)))

Dug well, one has to speculate..... speculate..... ;-)
Реter Konow #:
You yourself above spoke about the model of environment without which there can be no real AI. What is a "model of the environment"? How to represent it mathematically without understanding its essence? And what should it be filled with? - Probably other systems. And how to model them? How to reproduce the complex interaction of different systems in the changing conditions of the modelled environment? How to solve these problems without understanding the essence of things?

And to answer such questions I have an excellent example, which demonstrates everything that can be learnt about the Mind...

We take a pure (artificially created,... without "interference" generated by the body) Mind... and we are going to teach it to play chess...
Let the person who is engaged in inputting information into this AI be a complete sucker in chess himself....

So, unlike that team of scientists, software engineers and chess masters who have spent mountains of labour to prepare Deep Blue for a fight with humans, the real... pure artificial intelligence will only have to explain the rules of the game... and describe the chessboard with the position of the pieces on it.

The difference between Deep Blue and the AI from my example is that my AI technology is able to build all that huge tree of knowledge of the art of chess by itself (!)... without outside participation... from the raw "material" given to it... ... from the original "material" of the information given to it, listed by me above.... Look,... there is no "mathematical representation" of OUR understanding of the essence in it,... as there is none in Nature itself (and chess, meanwhile, exists perfectly well without it,... this "mathematical representation").

We don't need to understand anything ourselves, when we deal with true Reason...
We give it the initial information in sufficient volume - it gives us the solution we have found.... That's it...

(don't believe me?... I have an example confirming it ).

Before a term can be used, it must first be defined