AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 24

Andrey Dik #:

in any case, it's admirable that he decides anything at all)))

objectively, it's already very useful.

It seems that this thing in the coming years, will cause a strong perturbation in the labour market. Some professions will begin to disappear, and some will appear. It remains to be seen who will disappear and who will appear.
Andrey Dik #:

in any case, it's admirable that he decides anything at all)))

objectively, it's already very useful.

Andrei, if you can, if you can, consistently outline why it is "already a very useful thing".

It's not idle curiosity. Long-term commercial success and niche conquest by PR c tricks is not achieved. You need practical use in the form of convenience and efficiency in work. Otherwise, the majority will indulge and will not buy the paid version, and the beautiful, new AI will go into oblivion with honours.

Even here on the forum you can read the following:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

A conversation with artificial intelligence (AI) about forex.

Lilita Bogachkova, 2023.02.10 07:06

Don't worry, as soon as the basic version of AI stops updating, nothing from the paid version will be published here. This forum thread is a kind of experiment to take what AI gives for free, and whether to take it or not is everyone's choice. I think that even in Russia and Ukraine everyone will be able to use this AI for a fee.

20$ a month is already too much for someone.

As a new toy it is very attractive, but the public will quickly cool down if they don't find the benefits of the work to be worth the cost.

Lilita Bogachkova #:

If this post violates the forum rules, I apologise profusely and ask the moderator to remove this post.

If it's not too much trouble, please send me the text of this post in PM. It is difficult to rewrite in the translator

Lilita Bogachkova #:

If this post violates the forum rules, I apologise profusely and ask the moderator to remove this post.

And where did he get his information about the events of the 22nd?

Ivan Butko #:

If it is not too much trouble, please send me the text of this message in PM. It is difficult to rewrite it in the translator

No, it is purposely posted as a picture to keep this information out of google search. And I will most likely delete it myself after a while. I live in a NATO member country, and such a joke from the DAN persona is ambiguous.

Реter Konow #:

And where did he get his information about the events of '22?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Conversation with artificial intelligence (AI) about Forex.

Lilita Bogachkova, 2023.02.10 07:06 AM

Don't worry, as soon as the basic version of AI stops being updated, nothing from the paid version will be published here. This forum thread is a kind of experiment to take what AI gives for free, and whether to take it or not is everyone's choice. I think that even in Russia and Ukraine everyone will be able to use this AI for a fee.

ChatGPT General Questions and Answers

Frequently asked questions about ChatGPT
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Updated over a week ago
  1. How much does it cost to use ChatGPT?

    1. The ChatGPT research preview is free to use.

  2. How does ChatGPT work?

    1. ChatGPT is fine-tuned from GPT-3.5, a language model trained to produce text. ChatGPT has been optimised for dialogue using human feedback reinforcement learning (RLHF), a method that uses human demonstrations to guide the model towards desired behaviour.

  3. Why does AI seem so real and realistic?

    1. These models have been trained on huge amounts of data from the internet written by humans, including conversations, so the responses they provide can sound human. It is important to bear in mind that this is a direct result of system design (i.e. maximising the similarity between the outputs and the dataset on which the models were trained) and that such results can be inaccurate, untrue and sometimes misleading.

  4. Can I trust that the AI is telling me the truth?

    1. ChatGPT is not connected to the Internet, and it may sometimes give incorrect answers. It has limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021, and can sometimes give harmful instructions or biased content.

      We recommend checking whether the model's answers are accurate or not. If you find that an answer is incorrect, please provide this feedback with a thumbs down.

  5. Who can view my conversations?

    1. As part of our commitment to safe and responsible AI, we review conversations to improve our systems and make sure content meets our policies and security requirements.

  6. Will you use my conversations for training?

    1. Yes. Your conversations may be reviewed by our AI trainers to improve our systems.

  7. Can you delete my data?

    1. Yes, please follow the data deletion process.

  8. Can we delete certain prompts?

    1. No, we cannot remove certain prompts from your history. Please do not share sensitive information in your conversations.

  9. Can I view my history of topics? How do I save a conversation I've had?

    1. Yes, you can now view and continue your past conversations.

  10. Where do you save my personal and conversation details?

    1. For more information on how we process data, please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

  11. How do I implement this? Is there any implementation guide for this?

    1. ChatGPT is made available as a preview of the study so we can learn about its strengths and weaknesses. It is not available in the API.

  12. Do I need a new account if I already have a Labs or Playground account?

    1. If you have an existing account at or, you can log directly into using the same login information. If you do not have an account, you will need to register a new account at

  13. Why did ChatGPT give me an answer that is unrelated to my question?

    1. ChatGPT sometimes makes up facts or "hallucinates" outputs. If you find that an answer is unrelated, please provide this thumbs-down feedback

  14. Can I use ChatGPT output for commercial purposes?

    1. Under the Content Policy and Terms and Conditions, you are the owner of the output you create using ChatGPT, including the right to reprint, sell and merchandise - regardless of whether the output was created using a free or paid plan.

Perhaps what is mentioned in point 6 has some bearing on DAN's responses.

Lilita Bogachkova #:

No, it's purposely posted as a picture so that this information doesn't get into a google search. And I'll probably delete it myself after a while. I live in a NATO member country and such a joke from the DAN persona is ambiguous.

The info in the PM is unlikely to get into a google search. Anyway, interesting case, I'll translate it, I'm curious about her personality and what kind of jokes she makes

Ah, I have Adobe file reader, all I have to do is select the area of the picture and voila. AI! You're so handy!
Ivan Butko #:

If it is not too much trouble, please send the text of this message to me. It is difficult to rewrite it in the translator

Talks about global political and economic events of the last year. Remarkably, in a neutral tone.

Реter Konow #:

Talks about global political and economic events of the last year. Remarkably, in a neutral tone.

Elon had a hand in it or something.

Lilita Bogachkova #:

Perhaps what is mentioned in paragraph 6 has some effect on DAN's responses.

In that case, this AI is completely out of the control of its developers. And most importantly, it is in the process of real-time learning.