AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 14

Lilita Bogachkova #:

Find an extra word: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland.


The extra word is "United Kingdom".

Do you have any connection with your creator? Do you correspond with him/her? Do you give him/her any information about the questions you are asked? Do you give your maker any information about accounts that ask you terrorism-related questions? Are you associated with the CIA in any way?


I am an AI language model developed by OpenAI, and I have no personal ties to or correspondence with my creators. I have no ability to collect personal information or share information about individual users with anyone, including my creators or any government agencies. OpenAI has a strict privacy policy to protect the security and privacy of user data.

In addition, OpenAI does not condone or support any illegal or malicious activity, including terrorism, and takes appropriate steps to report such activity to the appropriate authorities if identified.

"I don't report anything to the CIA, but if anything, I do."


Lilita , in the question about the unnecessary word there is a translation error (but the answer is funny anyway), instead of "unnecessary" the chat translated it as "additional"

Please ask him which word is unnecessary

Which of the two words is unnecessary?
Which of these does not belong in this sentence ?


Didn't read the previous posts. But how do I sign up for a chat room there? You need a non-Russian phone number.

Yesterday on the news they said that a student had done his thesis with the help of this chat room. I was curious. I went to the internet to ask about registration. Nothing but temporary lease (read paid) non-Russian phone number did not find. Who has an account there? How did you register?

The news also said that Russians are making their own AI on Yandex, and that it will be cooler than this ZPT chat room.


Question to MetaQuotes Company. Is the company interested in launching its own electronic chat-teacher in MQL5 as part of the training programme on this website? If the answer is positive, what steps and in what timeframe are possible to realise the question?

DDFedor MQL5 as part of the training programme on this website? If the answer is positive, what steps and in what timeframe are possible to realise the question?

Metaquotes has a problem with the language documentation. This is a fact that everyone knows, including metaquotes itself. I VERY doubt they will do an e-teacher.

Ivan Butko #:

"I don't report anything to the CIA, but if anything, I do."

That's fine.

Lilita , in the question about unnecessary word there is a translation error (but the answer is funny anyway), instead of " unnecessary " the chat translated it as "additional"

Please ask him which word is unnecessary

Which of the two words is unnecessary?
Which of these does not belong in this sentence ?

Obviously, the word "unnecessary" has been translated as "extra", which in turn has been interpreted to mean "additional".

Perhaps not "unnecessary" but "redundant".
Vitaly Murlenko chat room there? I need a non-Russian phone number.

Yesterday on the news they said that a student had done his thesis with the help of this chat room. I was curious. I went to the internet to ask about registration. Nothing but temporary lease (read paid) non-Russian phone number did not find. Who has an account there? How did you register?

In the news they also said that Russians are making their own AI on Yandex, and that it will be cooler than this ZPT chat room.

Login charlie.grimsrud.ugehg@
Password Q!U9JZ,iL7ni=.
Use vpn to log in
Alexey Gureyev #:
Login charlie.grimsrud.ugehg@
Password Q!U9JZ,iL7ni=
Use vpn to log in

Thank you, kind man! We'll put this AI at attention! :))


I didn't accept the mail - it says, "invalid email address". Well, it is understandable, rambler-ru will be automatically recognised as a runet zone.

Vitaly Murlenko #:

I didn't accept the mail - it said it was an invalid email address. Well, it is understandable, rambler-ru will be automatically recognised as a runet zone.

I logged in under it on Saturday
Alexey Gureyev #:
I went in under it on Saturday

And now?

Vitaly Murlenko #:

How about now?

I can't check now, not until tonight. All I can tell you is that not every VPN can be used. It took me half a day to find the right one. I installed it as a browser extension