Market rules - page 4

Lorentzos Roussos #:

I see 

Tons of potential , perhaps that's what the hiring is about . 

low volume in downloads and the same products stay on the front page for years

Thomas Bradley Butler #:

low volume in downloads and the same products stay on the front page for years

That's because of the ranking algorithm which weighs price above everything .

that's why the 

"10 copies left @199$ next price 9999$" works . Ranking + FOMO 

-sometimes i think it's not even the actual sales price but the current price , may be wrong these are hypothetheseses-
Lorentzos Roussos #:

That's because of the ranking algorithm which weighs price above everything .

that's why the 

"10 copies left @199$ next price 9999$" works . Ranking + FOMO 

okay, so that is part of ranking, I did not know this

Thomas Bradley Butler #:

okay, so that is part of ranking, I did not know this

It's speculation ,they have not officially disclosed how they choose who gets on the front page , but by looking at the market for years that's the sense i'm getting .

Lorentzos Roussos #:

It's speculation ,they have not officially disclosed how they choose who gets on the front page , but by looking at the market for years that's the sense i'm getting .

that is why i ask because it's not really known what is allowed or not

Thomas Bradley Butler #:

that is why i ask because it's not really known what is allowed or not

You can ask the desk they will most likely redirect you to the forum . 

But don't worry , if something happens that is not prohibited by the rules and they do not like it ,they will tell you first (because you could not have known). 

Lorentzos Roussos #:

You can ask the desk they will most likely redirect you to the forum . 

But don't worry , if something happens that is not prohibited by the rules and they do not like it ,they will tell you first (because you could not have known). 


Lorentzos Roussos #:

You can ask the desk they will most likely redirect you to the forum . 

But don't worry , if something happens that is not prohibited by the rules and they do not like it ,they will tell you first (because you could not have known). 

Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from first breaking them and if something is wrong "let me know". The obligation of every seller is to know the rules, so when you open an account as a seller you accept the conditions.

The fact that you do not know that it is forbidden to skateboard on certain roads or streets does not exempt you from being fined by the police. It is the same here. So don't advise to first try and then play the "oh, I didn't know..." card.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Market rules

Lorentzos Roussos, 2023.07.19 14:54

There is no such rule up to this point . 

The mod shared an opinion and it is an opinion that scared you into being penalized.

-moderators have nothing to do with metaquotes they are just users like you and me who can delete stuff and talk to the admins directly-

Are you insinuating that we moderators are here to scare users?
Thomas Bradley Butler #thanks

Please contact the service desk when you have such questions. NO ONE here can give you an official answer, I repeat, NO ONE, not even us.

So please disregard everything that has been said here and ask where you should have asked first (service desk).

Thank you!

Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:

Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from first breaking them and if something is wrong "let me know". The obligation of every seller is to know the rules, so when you open an account as a seller you accept the conditions.

The fact that you do not know that it is forbidden to skateboard on certain roads or streets does not exempt you from being fined by the police. It is the same here. So don't advise to first try and then play the "oh, I didn't know..." card.

Are you insinuating that we moderators are here to scare users?
if something happens that is not prohibited by the rules and they do not like it 

Clearly i was not talking about obvious rules