MT5 - Locating the desired chart

When we open many charts (more than 30-40) in MT5 at once and running technical indicators with alerts, it is very difficult to locate the chart where the alert was generated. For an example, if the alert comes from AUDUSD, is there any way to open the AUDUSD with one click? If I click on "open chart" in the watch list, it opens a new AUDUSD chart other than displaying the already running AUDUSD chart which generated the alert. I want it to display the original chart which generated the alert. If only 2-3 charts are open, locating the chart is easy as I just have to click on the tab of the desired chart. But when too many charts are open I couldn't find another way other than going through all the tabs. I searched for a solution in MT5 user guides, but failed. Could someone please advice an easy way to locate charts in MT5. Thanks in advance.               

Modify the alerting indicator to bring the chart to the front.

William Roeder #:

Modify the alerting indicator to bring the chart to the front.

Thanks for your reply. What if multiple charts running the same indicator send alerts at the same time? Then most likely only the last chart to send the alert (it may be late to others in mili or micro seconds) will be in front. Then seeing the other charts which triggered the alerts merely before the last one will be a problem. Is there any possibility of bringing the relevant chart to the front by clicking on the alert in the alerts window? or searching somewhere like a search box for the symbol of the desired chart and clicking on the search to bring it to the front?