Added topic MT5 - Locating the desired chart
When we open many charts (more than 30-40) in MT5 at once and running technical indicators with alerts, it is very difficult to locate the chart where the alert was generated. For an example, if the alert comes from AUDUSD, is there any way to open
Added topic Missing alerts
When the indicator was running, it is observed that sometimes some of the alerts were missing. I ran the same indicator in 2 computers at the same time. Both setups were identical to each other. Surprisingly, the results were not the same. Some of
Added topic Stopping the indicator refresh with time frame change
Hi. Could someone please suggest a way to stop an indicator from refreshing when changing the time frame of the chart in MT5. Whenever I change the timeframe of the chart, it refresh the indicator and generate the same alert again and again. Please
Added topic Run indicators without openning charts
Hi. Could someone please explain whether is it possible to run a custom indicator without opening a chart for the particular instrument in MT5? I read that maximum of 100 charts can be opened in MT5 in a given time. If we want to run an indicator in
Added topic Script for opening charts for symbols in the Market watch
Hi I wanted a script to open charts for all the "Unhidden" symbols in the Market watch. With some help, I tried the following code. But it opens all the symbols in the Market watch including the hidden ones. Could someone please help to filter only
Added topic Clarification on "Logical OR"
if both conditions are true in a logical OR statement, what will be the outcome? Eg -  if (A=1) then C=1 if (B=1) then C=1 so, accordingly,  if (A=1) || (B=0) then C should be 1 if (A=0) || (B=1) then C should be 1 if (A=1) || (B=1) then
Added topic Drawing a horizontal line across a given point in the chart
Hi.. I wanted to draw a horizontal line across the 50MA position at candle 1. I tried and now I know how to code for calculating the 50MA value at candle 1. If the 50MA value at candle 1 is "x", I want to draw a horizontal line across "x" in the
Added topic Bollinger band value at nth candle
When I use the following code to read the bollinger band lower value at the past candle 1, it works fine. int handle; double lower_band[]; ArraySetAsSeries (lower_band,true); handle= iBands ( NULL , 0 , 20 , 0 , 2.0 , PRICE_CLOSE ); CopyBuffer
Added topic Compare price value with the current MA value
Hi.. I want to execute a function if only the open value of the current candle is higher than the MA50. I applied the condition as follows. if((iMA(Symbol(),Period(),50,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE))<(iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),0))) When complied, it
Added topic Run once per candle in MQL5
Hi.. I want a function to run only once at the beginning of each candle. One told me that the following code will do it in MQL4.  if(IsNewCandle())  {  //---Here comes the function which needs to run only at the beginning of each
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