unsigned right shift - page 2

Fernando Carreiro #:
Huh? ... " If the value to shift is of the unsigned type, the logical right shift is made, "
You need to read my answer in the context of the question...to be clearer I should have written : There is no unsigned right shift FOR SIGNED type in mql5. Which is what Lorenzo is looking for.
Alain Verleyen #: You need to read my answer in the context of the question...to be clearer I should have written : There is no unsigned right shift FOR SIGNED type in mql5. Which is what Lorenzo is looking for.
Ok, understood!
   int x=-32; 
   for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
   uint sh=((uint)x)>>i;
   Print(IntegerToString(x)+" >> "+IntegerToString(i)+" = "+IntegerToString(sh));

this seems to work .

Thank you guys