How to specify ENUM identifier with two separate words



I am looking for defining ENUM data type with list of identifier using two separate words.

For example :

ENUM example{
   Identifier one,
   Identifier two,
   Identifier Three

Input example seperateWord =  Identifier one;

The intention is to get the identifier show up in the drop-down list the way it is shown in the above list.

The above ENUM example definition gives syntax error.

Is there any other way each identifier can be described in the list such that when access from the input parameter from EA properties it will show up as two separate words?

I would appreciate if someone could suggest on how to do it.


ENUM example{
   Identifier_one,  // Identifier One
   Identifier_two,  // Identifier Two
   Identifier_Three // Identifier Three

Use comments for the input dialog.

Dominik Christian Egert #: Use comments for the input dialog.



Note to both posters ...

Please always use the CODE button (Alt-S) when inserting code.

Code button in editor

Fernando Carreiro #: Note to both posters ...

Please always use the CODE button (Alt-S) when inserting code.



Ashok Nale: The intention is to get the identifier show up in the drop-down list the way it is shown in the above list.
enum example{
   ex_one,   // Option one
   ex_two,   // Option two
   ex_Three // Option three

input example option =  ex_one;
input int i;// Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt