How to pass key value pairs with webrequest()


I would like the req.body to be formatted as key value pairs like so:

req.body: { emailAddress:, accessKey: 123456789, accountNumber: 12345 }

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I'm used to javascript and axios where you can just pass an object as the payload, but I'm not seeing how I can do that with mql4 (in the docs they only pass a string in their example). This is what I'm getting in my server logs:


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body: { 'exampleemail@gmail.com12345678912345\x00': '' }

I'm also wondering what the \x00 is at the end of the string as I did not add that.

This is the code from my EA where I've only been able to get it to work when passing strings:


int res;
char data[];
string payload = emailAddress + accessKey + IntegerToString(accountNumber);
ArrayResize(data, StringToCharArray(payload, data, 0, WHOLE_ARRAY, CP_UTF8), -1);
res = WebRequest("POST", herokuUrl, NULL, 0, data, data, payload);

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nameless nameless #After posting this the format of my code got put all on one line for some reason so sorry for the unreadability.

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