Error script


Hello guys, plz can someone help with this two  errors and one wornings 

 error 1:  '{' - unbalanced parentheses

  void OnTick() {

Error 2: 

'}' - unexpected end of program

// Close all open trades



Warnings :

truncation of constant value

Best regards ):

Faycal Zaidi:

Hello guys, plz can someone help with this two  errors and one wornings 

 error 1:  '{' - unbalanced parentheses

  void OnTick() {

Error 2: 

'}' - unexpected end of program

// Close all open trades



Warnings :

truncation of constant value

Best regards ):

Please use the « code » button to add code to your posts.

It would appear you are just missing a bracket or a parenthesis somewhere. We cannot help you without the full code. Have a longer look at your original code and I’m sure you’ll find what character is missing. 

Do you really expect an answer? There are no mind readers here and our crystal balls are cracked.
     How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
          Be precise and informative about your problem

Always post all relevant code (using Code button) or attach the source file.
Zaky Hamdoun #:
Please use the « code » button to add code to your posts.

It would appear you are just missing a bracket or a parenthesis somewhere. We cannot help you without the full code. Have a longer look at your original code and I’m sure you’ll find what character is missing. 

Thank you My friend, Plz do you have any idea to fix this error?

Faycal Zaidi #: Thank you My friend, Plz do you have any idea to fix this error?

Yes, fix the unbalance parenthesis. This is a basic coding rule.

For every opening brace "{", there must be a corresponding closing brace "}". The same for brackets "()" and square brackets "[]".

Did you code this yourself?

For every opening brace "{", there must be a corresponding closing brace "}". The same for brackets "()" and square brackets "[]".

Be aware of the different uses of the words brackets/braces #13.2. (2014)

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