Webmoney is failed. Payment system declined the transaction. - page 7

Omega J Msigwa #:

you are so impatient, yesterday you were told to wait the issue will be fixed but the wait takes about a few hours you attempt to withdraw again and you are back complaining about the issue, Relax bro

I just want to know where is the problem exactly

we will wait until MQ to solve the problem

Sergey Golubev #:

UnionPay (I hope it will work for withdrawal once again)?
The Visa/Master card of the foreign bank (from the other country)?
Some more?

I explained the story about "global restrictions" which came from the foreign countries (from one side) and from Russian Central bank (from an other side) ...
but the users found the ways to deposit and to withdraw (legal ways).
So, you can find your ways.


There is famous Russian song (ironical song):

I tried to register in UnionPay, but it accept few countries now 

(hong kong, japan, korea, mainland, macau, taiwan) only

Nebal S I Saloul #:

I tried to register in UnionPay, but it accept few countries now 

(hong kong, japan, korea, mainland, macau, taiwan) only

I was talking about the banks which are proposing UnionPay cards (your local banks or the banks in neighboring countries).
Ifeanyi Paul Ezendukaku #:
Where does the flexibility come in? when some countries are restricted from using PayPal, visa and Mc do not work and now webmoney is having issues. What alternatives do users from these countries have

This is my issue, Only webmoney works for me on this site --period. Paypal is restricted to many African countries including mine, my visa cards works on every site except here

Now that webmoney has problems it just adds salt to the wounds. The solution is to add flexibility by adding more withdraw options


When I described the ways so it was some information about UnionPay cards (those cards were available for withdrawal in past).
So, the people on this thread (How to withdraw money now?) tested every single bank in the country (the banks which are proposing UnionPay cards).
Yes, every single bank was tested for withdrawal (because not all the banks were accepted to withdraw).
After that - they made a conclusion about the several banks with UnionPay cards (2 or 3 banks only) which can be used for withdrawal here.

Because there are some users who do not want to do anything for themselves ... their card from their bank does not work for withdrawal (for unknown reason) ... and they are sitting and waiting ... they are not going to the other bank to open the other card to check, they are not going to the other country to get card of foreign bank ... They care about one their bank having one card which does not work for withdrawal ("sitting and waiting" manner).

Sergey Golubev #:

Because there are some users who do not want to do anything for themselves ... their card from their bank does not work for withdrawal (for unknown reason) ... and they are sitting and waiting ... they are not going to the other bank to open the other card to check, they are not going to the other country to get card of foreign bank ... They care about one their bank having one card which does not work for withdrawal ("sitting and waiting" manner).

Seriously, going to the foreign country just to get a card that allows withdrawing in MQL5? all my cards works everywhere else except on this site. Is that a reason for me to go on a foreign country just to get a card that I'm not even sure it will also be accepted here, how costly would that be? you can't do that online. By the way this is not easy as you make it to be. Have you tried yourself? You are in Russia I guess everything works out for you on this site

Omega J Msigwa #:

Seriously, going to the foreign country just to get a card that allows withdrawing in MQL5? all my cards works everywhere else except on this site. Is that a reason for me to go on a foreign country just to get a card that I'm not even sure it will also be accepted here, how costly would that be? you can't do that online. By the way this is not easy as you make it to be. Have you tried yourself? You are in Russia I guess everything works out for you on this site

Exactly, so I have to travel to Europe and North America to get a card that will work. 
Let's assume the tables where turned, can you come to South Africa from Russia to get a card that can work?
Ifeanyi Paul Ezendukaku #:
Exactly, so I have to travel to Europe and North America to get a card that will work. 
Let's assume the tables where turned, can you come to South Africa from Russia to get a card that can work?
It's very hard for some of us here in Africa and some areas in Asia
Omega J Msigwa #:

Seriously, going to the foreign country just to get a card that allows withdrawing in MQL5? all my cards works everywhere else except on this site. Is that a reason for me to go on a foreign country just to get a card that I'm not even sure it will also be accepted here, how costly would that be? you can't do that online. By the way this is not easy as you make it to be. Have you tried yourself? You are in Russia I guess everything works out for you on this site

I explained the story (the true story) about global limitations when nothing works: Visa/master cards do not work, paypal stopped working, and so on ...
but the users found the legal way to deposit and to withdraw anyway.
Users did not wait untill some countries remove the global restrictions because they/users think - the restrictions will never be removed.
They/users tried many banks/cards and more and more (yes, many validated sellers all together tested deposit process and withdrawal process
in public way on the thread, and admins replied to them on their thread), and finally - they/users found the ways to deposit and to withdraw
(the totally legal ways).

And you compained about your one bank card which does not work (for unknown reason) ...
I think - you did not read my posts ...
When the users need money so they can do anything for that ... but when some users do not need anything so they can sit and wait ...


I just explained my experience and the experience of the other users about what they did for example.

Anyway, it is up to you.

Ifeanyi Paul Ezendukaku #:
Exactly, so I have to travel to Europe and North America to get a card that will work. 
Let's assume the tables where turned, can you come to South Africa from Russia to get a card that can work?

All Visa/Master cards of all African banks do not work here, right? or not?
Kenya, Liberia, more ...
I was in Liberia ... and there are many many countries in Africa ...

Or just your card only from your bank does not work?
And you do not want to change the bank ... are you owner of this bank?

There are many validated sellers from your country here, and all of them are having this issue with cards?
Or it is just your personal issue with your one bank ... and you do not want to change the bank ... is it your bank?


In our situation (in Russia) - all cards stopped working in one day for all the people in the country.
And they/people found the way to deposit and to withdraw here on MQL5 internet portal.

And you are talking about one card of one bank ...


Anyway, if you opened the ticket on the service desk so wait for their reply.

As to me so I stop posting on this thread sorry (because I already explained my opinion)..