Achievable average monthly return?

What would be an achievable monthly return in % for you personally, using proper risk management, and not using any EAs?

Of course I understand it’s a marathon and every month’s different but what in average? 

Just curious

Do not ask questions/polls without at least giving your opinion, otherwise it is considered spam, self-promotion or a topic out of context.

Show us that you are interested in the subject and not just "out of curiosity".

My opinion: 6% per month which equals 100% per year thanks to the exponential factor.

I think 20% is very reasonable.

In my opinion depends on how much Max DD % can you bear, higher that threshold, higher the potential returns.
Pablo Jaguanharo Carvalho Pinheiro #I think 20% is very reasonable.

And for how long can you earn 20% per month....3 months, 6 months?

Personally, earning 20% per month is a fantasy. In a while you will be out of the market.

Profits are symmetrical with risk, to earn 20% monthly you must risk the same or twice as much.

What would be an achievable monthly return in % for you personally, using proper risk management, and not using any EAs?

Of course I understand it’s a marathon and every month’s different but what in average? 

Just curious

profit(per month) equal to draw-down(per month) is possible for me! Although it is difficult.

Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:

Do not ask questions/polls without at least giving your opinion, otherwise it is considered spam, self-promotion or a topic out of context.

Show us that you are interested in the subject and not just "out of curiosity".

My opinion: 6% per month which equals 100% per year thanks to the exponential factor.

Apologies - still getting the hang of forum etiquette.

I have researched in a number of different websites and forums and they generally state 1-10% for a professional trader. However, I have also been given impression that a very small number can achieve significantly higher, such as 30-40%, which makes me question if it is sustainable.

Bo_Master #:

Apologies - still getting the hang of forum etiquette.

I have researched in a number of different websites and forums and they generally state 1-10% for a professional trader. However, I have also been given impression that a very small number can achieve significantly higher, such as 30-40%, which makes me question if it is sustainable.

Sustainable profit turns more difficult as you expect higher profits.
Yashar Seyyedin #:
Sustainable profit turns more difficult as you expect higher profits.
As in psychologically difficult? So best to not use profit/% gain as target
Bo_Master #:
As in psychologically difficult? So best to not use profit/% gain as target
I don't think anyone can know in advance how much will make in month.