Error :: the forum rating is no longer affecting the main rating


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Unless i just noticed and it always has been

Lorentzos Roussos: Before a post : after a post Unless i just noticed and it always has been

The main profile forum rating only gets updated once per day. However it is not not on a fixed 24hr cycle.

It is currently doing it at approx. 01h00 UTC, but it advances every day by approx. 1 hour.

Fernando Carreiro #:

The forum rating only gets updated once per day. However it is not not on a fixed 24hr cycle.

It is currently doing it at approx. 01h00 UTC, but it advances every day by approx. 1 hour.

You mean the main rating 

Lorentzos Roussos #: You mean the main rating 

Yes, the main profile rating! Thank you for noticing the typo. I've corrected my previous post.

Fernando Carreiro #:

Yes, the main profile rating! Thank you for noticing the typo. I've corrected my previous post.

You were right  ☕️ How did you find the hourly shift ?

Lorentzos Roussos #: You were right  ☕️ How did you find the hourly shift ?

I have been tracking my rating on an spreadsheet over the few months.

It is not exactly an hour shift, it varies somewhat. It is probably the duration of website's procedure to process all the ratings, and then it sleeps for 24 hours, instead of being programmed to execute each day a set time schedule.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I have been tracking my rating on an spreadsheet over the last two months.

It is not exactly an hour shift, it varies somewhat. It is probably the duration of website's procedure to process all the ratings, and then it sleeps for 24 hours, instead of being programmed to execute each day a set time schedule.

Hmm that is very efficient . The website and your tracking both .

Have you also been tracking the individual "scores" from the achievements section ?

Lorentzos Roussos #: Hmm that is very efficient . The website and your tracking both. Have you also been tracking the individual "scores" from the achievements section ?

I have only been tracking the main rating, not the individual "achievements".

Sometimes, MetaQuotes purges or deletes things and the ratings decrease.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I have only been tracking the main rating, not the individual "achievements".

The drops are deletions or edits ?

You could use a scrapper to get the individual columns  achievemnt stats. I mean , its not like the website will change in the next 10 years

Lorentzos Roussos #: The drops are deletions or edits?

The drop are not deletes on my end. I started tracking precisely because I detected the drops.

During the tracking time, I have been careful not to delete posts, nor publications, nor products or anything that would cause it.

All those drops have been caused by interventions by MetaQuotes, but I am not sure for what reason.

If I take into account my average daily rating increase (approx. 40), then those drops are actually larger.

Lorentzos Roussos:

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Unless i just noticed and it always has been

Why would you track your rating ? I mean, in what is it useful for ? Marketplace ?