Unknown Purchase - page 2


Strangely there are reviews and comments complaining of a similar problem ...

"Beware guys! This is a big time scam of all times!! You will lose your money! They breached my account, bought a one year plan without my consent and knowledge and left a positive review!There is no bot here, its just a millenial scam! As at now I am escalating the issue with the system administrators. I must recover my money by whatever means."

"scammer!! earn clean money, why hack other people's accounts and password, subscribe to your own services? you sure are an asshole, go to hell!"

"Because you subscribed me to your product after hacking my account, please unsubscribe me. I dont need stupid bots from scammers. And then return my money!"

So, the best action is to contact the Service Desk. We can't do anything for you.

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Stefano Cocconi #:

it is very strange since the product cannot be bought

that indicates -if the OP's claim is true - malicious code inside MQL5 servers . I mean the alternative is the "hacker" scoping out the user , knowing he has the funds to buy the bot , then trying to gain access to their account , and , their mt4 , and  login to mt4 ,and , download an activation.

I will report this to the admins, if this is for real it is a very dangerous situation.
Stefano Cocconi #:

it is very strange since the product cannot be bought

I saw a comment of someone complaining about thesame thing on thesame indicator. 

Fernando Carreiro #:

Strangely there are reviews and comments complaying of a similar problem ...

"Beware guys! This is a big time scam of all times!! You will lose your money! They breached my account, bought a one year plan without my consent and knowledge and left a positive review!There is no bot here, its just a millenial scam! As at now I am escalating the issue with the system administrators. I must recover my money by whatever means."

"scammer!! earn clean money, why hack other people's accounts and password, subscribe to your own services? you sure are an asshole, go to hell!"

"Because you subscribed me to your product after hacking my account, please unsubscribe me. I dont need stupid bots from scammers. And then return my money!"

So, the best action is to contact the Service Desk. We can't do anything for you.

Thank you Sir, I've messaged the support

Lorentzos Roussos #:

that indicates -if the OP's claim is true - malicious code inside MQL5 servers . I mean the alternative is the "hacker" scoping out the user , knowing he has the funds to buy the bot , then trying to gain access to their account , and , their mt4 , and  login to mt4 ,and , download an activation.

Yes, same comment I saw about someone complaining about the same thing

Eleni Anna Branou #:
I will report this to the admins, if this is for real it is a very dangerous situation.

Okay. Thank you so much

Osazee Asikhemhen #:

Yes, same comment I saw about someone complaining about the same thing

I hope they help you . 

Also , mql5 banned the seller because the allegation in the review was probably true . 

How (why) on earth was he still verified and not deleted ?

Lorentzos Roussos #:

I hope they help you . 

Also , mql5 banned the seller because the allegation in the review was probably true . 

How (why) on earth was he still verified and not deleted ?

The money is still locked up.

And I believe the site is secured and things like this shouldn't be happening

They lock the money at least 7 days before giving it to the seller. Hopefully contacting the service desk solves the problem. Just do it before the guy takes the money out.