Newline Indentation in Mql5 Editor

Goodmorning and Sorry for that question:
I would like to autoindent newline, at the Moment if I Press enter when I'm under a function or a loop or somethings like that, new line Is not indented but starts at the beginning of the line.

How to solve that?

Thank you and really sorry about this easy question but I didn't find information about that

MQL5 has a built in styler - use menu path Tools > Styler (or just press Ctrl+,)  

It will indent - not automatic but all you have to do is press  Ctrl+, 

If you right click on the page you will see a context menu and under Advanced > there are some options to indent (which can be accessed by selecting a bunch of lines and press tab)

In the Tools > Options > styler there are some options to try out there - many different styles. I have not explored these but maybe you can find one which does what you want automtically

Aidoru: I would like to autoindent newline, …How to solve that?

You don't have to use their editor.

I only use the Editor for compiling/debugging. I use Notepad2 with code folding.

Others use Notepad++, Eclipse, scite-mql, Emacs, Visual Studio, or other IDEs.


I guess you mean this (Tools > Options)

Manuel Alejandro Cercos Perez #:

I guess you mean this (Tools > Options)

Good point - I was looking in the styler tab. 

Turns out I had auto-indent switched on already in the General Tab :)