ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 33

5 stars armenian for the bullish trend.


I'll buy a bear figurine when the Sber is around 500, well the 400 area has already been visited.


A set of RF stocks that is nice to keep in a portfolio , no recommendations - just purely mine

SBER + SBERP Sberbank

ALRS Alrosa

GAZP Gazprom

GMKN NorNickel

LKON Lukoil

LSNGP LenEnergo prefs

SNGSP Surgutneftegas prefs


SIBN Sibneft


Sber is even willing to hold close to 50%


One of the long medium-term trades. USA ticker MO

Long position entry from the series calculate, set and forget.

From time to time I place long pending orders over selected securities without using leverage - only buy.

And the market sometimes gives gifts.

This is how markets are manipulated.
By the way, I noticed there were a few signals from the opener in the service. Before there were none at all, then there was one. Now there are 7 on the stock market.
Vitalii Ananev #:
That's how they manipulate the markets.https://tass. ru/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/13625659

Wishful thinking, they are so eager to make it happen.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

Sber is even willing to hold at a share close to 50%

Sber is due to report in March. The expectations of that report could be the reason for the move.
Depending on the report, it will either continue to rise or stall by a correction.
Or it could flatten out before the report. And if a bad report comes out, it may go even lower.
Who knows? We have to consider all possibilities.

Roman #:

Sber is reporting in March. This report could be the reason for the move.
Depending on the report, it could continue to rise or stall by a correction.
Or it could flatten out before the report. And if a bad report comes out, it may go even lower.
Who knows? We have to consider all possibilities.

The stock is undervalued, its price goes lower and the stop will be bought even cheaper. It's gone down to 400, it is undervalued in this environment. In addition, in May we have record dividends and by the way, there will be a very strong gap for the difference, after Ger, not on the first day, so we wait and buy more.
They usually rise strongly before dividends, there are several variants, they can exit before dividends, buy after Gap, counting on fast enough recovery, closing of Gap, in a month or two or three ...
The second option, cut dividends, not to go out after the Gap, buy more. Especially if the entry level will not be broken by the gap, for example in 2021 the gap did not break my entry.

Sber , on the Russian stock market , is something like Apple in the USA. Sber will not go bust, it is the most technologically advanced bank in Russia, and Tinkoff is also cool in this respect.
Yuriy Zaytsev #:
But the market did not react in any way, it seems that this story did not go on a large scale.

It seems that something went wrong, someone messed up. They made a mistake with the timing of publications and the news was published on Friday night when the market was closed and no one had time to react to it. Otherwise, what was the point of spreading this fake news and then apologizing like a mistake. Or it was some kind of uncoordinated action. Someone had to organize a provocation on the border, and these people had to write an article, but it turned out as usual. The article was published, but there was no provocation. So then they had to deny and apologize.