ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 149


There's an interesting interview on Channel One on Sunday at 22:00, but I don't have a TV antenna :) I don't watch TV at all.

But I think the information will be interesting.

Politicians sometimes give good information, according to Freud the clauses are also quite valuable and it becomes clearer which way to stand on the market.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

The oil market remains in the red, although it calmed somewhat after Thursday's collapse triggered by US President Joe Biden's announcement that the United States will release 1 million barrels of oil daily from strategic reserves over the course of six months. The news sent Brent down 5% on Thursday and WTI down 7%. The US announcement eased fears of crude shortages in the market.


Everyone knows how to count very well, 1ml for half a year is clearly not enough


Countries oil consumption

US consumes about 851.6 ML per year +1 -1 ml - a ridiculous figure on this scale.

MARKET cannot be fooled, you can play a joke on an old lady near the metro selling a bunch of dill for 100 rubles by scaring her with a million barrels, any figure over 1000 is scary big for her.



But there is a subtlety here - if the US has set out to lower the cost of oil - they are likely to succeed, simply for one reason it is the strongest economy in the world.

That is why the main direction in oil futures now is SELL

BR-6.22 - now at 101.09.

waiting for oil at 90 then 80 and maybe lower.

Friday's catch is 95.51.

It is even likely that the US will "have a love affair with Iran".

It would make sense for Biden to lift ALL sanctions on Iran and release its oil to the market.


journalists don't always write headlines competently, so it's misleading.

Biden has announced that the US will release 1m barrels of oil every day from reserves

That's +365m barrels a year - that's a serious number.

although - we need to check THIS information as well...

Renat Akhtyamov #:

where did the misinformation come from???????????????

I'm a freelancer, I work or I don't work :) If I work, I work where I like.

This is similar to the term freelance artist.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:


journalists don't always write headlines competently, so it was misleading.

Biden announces that the US will release 1m barrels of oil every day from reserves

That's +365 ml per year - that's already a serious figure.

Yura, 365 millilitres a year is kyu.

Алексей Тарабанов #:

Yura, 365 millilitres a year is kyu.

I admit that the statement(the US willallocate 1 million barrels of oilevery dayfrom reserves) is equal to the statement ""200 roubles per dollar"" now even "serious" people are broadcasting fake figures into space.

Maybe the market knows something, oil went DOWN, but apparently something was clarified and immediately flew even higher than it was before the slight collapse, probably the oil players are better informed than the US President.

It seems that the White House administration is ill-informed and there is even an assumption that they do not know that the rouble is already 83.


"More than 30 countries from around the world met this morning for an extraordinary meeting and agreed to release tens of millions more barrels of oil to the market," Joe Biden said in a statement from the White House (quoted by AFP).

Which countries they are, the US president did not say.



It comes to mind

Байден: более 30 стран согласились распечатать стратегические запасы нефти вслед за США
Байден: более 30 стран согласились распечатать стратегические запасы нефти вслед за США
  • 2022.04.01
  • Мария Федотова
Президент США Джо Байден объявил, что более 30 стран присоединились к решению Вашингтона высвободить нефть из стратегических резервов. По словам господина Байдена, это добавит рынку десятки миллионов дополнительных баррелей. «Сегодня утром более 30 стран со всего мира собрались на внеочередное совещание и согласились выпустить на рынок десятки...

As for the rouble, further strengthening is not ruled out.

The Russian Federation, as history shows, imports less than it exports.

A weak ruble is good for exports and bad for imports.

Judging by the economic "W...o...ness" that is brewing, exports will be reduced.


The central bank rules

Experts polled by "DP" say that the ruble appreciation was mainly due to actionsof the Central Bank- namely, the requirement for exporters to sell at least 80% of foreign currency earnings, a sharp increase of interest rates to 20%, restrictions on obtaining cash in banks, 12% commission on purchase of foreign currency.
"The biggest effect was produced by the Central Bank's decision to temporarily close non-residents' access to exchange trading on the foreign exchange market. Apparently, the negative experience of 2014 was taken into account, when the actions of foreign hedge funds led to an uncontrolled weakening of the rouble. This, of course, led to a momentary misalignment of the dollar-ruble exchange rate on the exchange and in the forex market, but over time the situation has leveled off," said Elena Belyayeva, an analyst at Freedom Finance investment company.
Artyom Golubev, associate professor of economicsat the Northwestern State University of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration and candidate of economic sciences, points to the partial suspension of imports, which arose due to the strong surge in foreign currency exchange rates during the first stage of the military special operation.

"This resulted in our importers not needing enough foreign currency to pay for imports for the past few weeks, while the supply of foreign currency was quite large on the domestic foreign exchange market.

In other words, the imbalance between supply and demand is the main fundamental factor that influenced the sharp strengthening of the national currency," the expert explained.


Why the dollar really collapsed and what will happen next


Well described

Reason 1. Rate and commitment

Reason 2. Imports hung up

Reason 3. Population is not allowed to buy currency

Reason 4. No foreign participants

Reason 5. Time to pay taxes


For instance, financial analyst Mikhail Belyaev on the air of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" radio (97.2 FM) believes that the ruble won'tstrengthen beyond the exchange rate which was before February 24.

- Because there are objectively no conditions for that," said the expert. However, it's not so bad: recall, on February 23, the dollar was worth Br80.

Почему на самом деле рухнул курс доллара и что будет дальше
Почему на самом деле рухнул курс доллара и что будет дальше
  • Наталья ВАРСЕГОВА
Эксперты объяснили истинные причины роста рубля и попробовали заглянуть в будущее