ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 148


Gas Oil USA tickets


Does anyone remember such operating systems?




Yuriy Zaytsev #:

Does anyone remember such operating systems?




The first two, vaguely.

Edgar Akhmadeev #:

The first two, vaguely.

Rafos Fodos, fully copied operating systems from the RT-11 USA operating system

In fact these two operating systems are 100% RT-11 USA based on the PDP-11. And the PDP-11 in the USSR was a full copy of SM-4 and Electronica-60

When I first saw the LSI-11, it was a single board Microcomputer prototype of the PDP-11, I decided to switch from being an electronics engineer to being a software engineer.

Basically it was already unrepairable personal computer. Even the printed circuit board was already multilayer, which meant that it could hardly be repaired.

At the end of 80s I already took part in the development of a specialized real-time operating system :) I took part in the development of a specialized real-time operating system for the LSI-11 , although it was called Electronics 60.

In the 90s and zero the electronics profession became extinct like mammoths.

Inmos is in fact the same as the famous UNIX-6 , from which the UNIX-LINUX line evolved , in general UNIX was born on PDP-7


Can't yet check the news on the 30 countries that have agreed to dump oil on the market.

Would like to see that list and some confirmation.

Consumer countries have printed strategic oil reserves

Страны - потребители распечатали стратегические резервы нефти
Страны - потребители распечатали стратегические резервы нефти
  • 2021.11.23
Москва, 23 ноя - ИА Neftegaz.RU . Соединенные Штаты высвободят 50 млн барр. нефти из Стратегического нефтяного резерва США, чтобы: Нефть начнет поступать на рынок в середине-конце декабря, заявили в Белом доме. Так, согласно данным ведомства: 32 млн барр.нефти в форме обмена, который необходимо будет заменить в ближайшие годы; продажи еще 18...

The strongest spike in the history of oil has never seen such a spike.

And here is the question, if the energy crisis has not yet started, it is quite interesting whether oil will break through some ridiculous childish level of 147.50 in 2008

08 MARCH, 23:32
1 MIN.

Petrol and diesel prices rise on record in the US

Since the beginning of March, the average price of fuel has increased by 15 per cent

Цены на бензин
                     США - Исторические данные (USD/литр)
Автомобильные новости России и мира — Пульс — Motor
Автомобильные новости России и мира — Пульс — Motor
Российские и мировые автомобильные новости. Все самые свежие события из мира автомобилей и последние результаты автоспортивных событий на

And the gas hasn't even started to go adult yet

there's probably still 17,000 to go.

what will happen to steam heating

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

The strongest spike in the history of oil has never seen such a spike.

And here is the question, if the energy crisis has not yet started, it is quite interesting if oil will break through some ridiculous childish level of 147.50 in 2008.

where is this misinformation coming from???????????????

Yandex CEO Elena Bunina is Dismissing her position, according to the company's press service.